5 centavos

Photo of 5 centavos
Photo of 5 centavos
#KM 65
Shape Round
Composition Aluminium
Weight 0,98 g
Diameter 16,63 mm
Edge Ribbed
Year 1970 - 1975
Value 0.32$ - 2.32$

How much the coin?

Year Coins Mint UNC XF VF F VG G PR
1970 56.173.596 Buenos Aires 1.02$ 0.8$ 0.71$ 0.63$ 0.59$ 0.58$ 0.57$
1971 3.797.755 Buenos Aires 2.32$ 1.94$ 1.77$ 1.72$ 1.67$
1972 84.284.506 Buenos Aires 0.32$
1973 113.912.265 Buenos Aires 0.5$
1974 18.149.876 Buenos Aires 0.56$
1975 6.940.000 Buenos Aires 0.61$