20 pesos (Xiuhtecuhtli)

Photo of 20 pesos (Xiuhtecuhtli)
Photo of 20 pesos (Xiuhtecuhtli)
#KM 637
Shape Round
Composition Bimetalica
Weight 16,00 g
Diameter 32,00 mm
Edge Segmented rifling
Year 2000 - 2001
Value 3.29$ - 35.46$

How much the coin?

Year Coins Mint UNC XF VF F VG G PR
2000 14.850.000 S.Luís Potosí 3.29$
2001 2.478.000 S.Luís Potosí 35.46$ 12.04$ 7.02$ 5.86$ 4.9$