South Africa Coins Price List

Welcome to South Africa coin catalog collection gallery and price list, organized by the standard notation of the World Coin Catalog (#KM). Here, you will find detailed information and values for each coin including old coins from South Africa. To make your search even easier, you can filter by coin name in the top field. Discover the rich history and unique characteristics of 's coins and add to your collection today.

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10 cents (Aforika Borwa)

10 cents (Aforika Borwa) from South Africa
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2017
Coin value

50 cents (uMzantsi Afrika - Suid-Afrika)

50 cents (uMzantsi Afrika - Suid-Afrika) from South Africa
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2017
Coin value

10 cents (Afrika - Dzonga)

10 cents (Afrika - Dzonga) from South Africa
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2015
Coin value

10 cents (South Africa)

10 cents (South Africa) from South Africa
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2016
Coin value

5 rand (Afurika Tshipembe - iSewula Afrika)

5 rand (Afurika Tshipembe - iSewula Afrika) from South Africa
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2014
Coin value

50 cents (South Africa - Afrika-Dzonga)

50 cents (South Africa - Afrika-Dzonga) from South Africa
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2013
Coin value

10 cents (Afurika Tshipembe)

10 cents (Afurika Tshipembe) from South Africa
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2013
Coin value

2 rand (100th Anniversary of the Union - uMzantsi Afrika - Suid-Africa)

2 rand (100th Anniversary of the Union - uMzantsi Afrika - Suid-Africa) from South Africa
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2013
Coin value

5 rand (iSewula Afrika - iNingizimu Afrika)

5 rand (iSewula Afrika - iNingizimu Afrika) from South Africa
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2013
Coin value

10 cents (Ningizimu Afrika)

10 cents (Ningizimu Afrika) from South Africa
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2014
Coin value 0,01$ - 2,21$

50 cents (Aforika Borwa - South Africa)

50 cents (Aforika Borwa - South Africa) from South Africa
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2014
Coin value

5 rand (Ningizimu Afrika - Afurika Tshipembe)

5 rand (Ningizimu Afrika - Afurika Tshipembe) from South Africa
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2015
Coin value

50 cents (Suid-Afrika - Afrika Borwa)

50 cents (Suid-Afrika - Afrika Borwa) from South Africa
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2016
Coin value

2 rand (100th Anniversary of the Union - iNingizimu Afrika - uMzantsi Afrika)

2 rand (100th Anniversary of the Union - iNingizimu Afrika - uMzantsi Afrika) from South Africa
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2014
Coin value

10 cents (Suid - Afrika)

10 cents (Suid - Afrika) from South Africa
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2019
Coin value

50 cents (Afrika Borwa - Aforika Borwa)

50 cents (Afrika Borwa - Aforika Borwa) from South Africa
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2015
Coin value

10 cents (uMzantsi Afrika)

10 cents (uMzantsi Afrika) from South Africa
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2020
Coin value

10 cents (iNingizimu Afrika)

10 cents (iNingizimu Afrika) from South Africa
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2021
Coin value

2 rand (Isewula Afrika - iNingizimu Afrika)

2 rand (Isewula Afrika - iNingizimu Afrika) from South Africa
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2015
Coin value

10 cents (Afrikaans - Venda)

10 cents (Afrikaans - Venda) from South Africa
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2024
Coin value

10 cents (Afrikaans - Venda)

10 cents (Afrikaans - Venda) from South Africa
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

10 cents (Afrikaans - Venda)

10 cents (Afrikaans - Venda) from South Africa
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value


20 cents (AFRIKA-BORWA / SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2024
Coin value


50 cents (AFORIKABORWA / AFRIKA BORWA) from South Africa
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2024
Coin value


1 rand (AFRIKA- DZONGA) from South Africa
Composition Nickel plated steel
Years 2024
Coin value

2 rand ( Xhosa - Ndebele)

2 rand ( Xhosa - Ndebele) from South Africa
Composition Nickel plated steel
Years 2024
Coin value


Composition Bimetalica
Years 2024
Coin value

5 rand (African Elephant)

5 rand (African Elephant) from South Africa
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

1 pound (Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek)

1 pound (Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek) from South Africa
KM# 1.1
Composition Gold
Years 1874
Coin value

1 penny (Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek)

1 penny (Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek) from South Africa
KM# 2
Composition Bronze
Years 1892, 1893, 1894, 1898
Coin value

3 pence (Z.A.R.)

3 pence (Z.A.R.) from South Africa
KM# 3
Composition Silver
Years 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897
Coin value

6 pence (Z.A.R.)

6 pence (Z.A.R.) from South Africa
KM# 4
Composition Silver
Years 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897
Coin value

1 shilling (Z.A.R.)

1 shilling (Z.A.R.) from South Africa
KM# 5
Composition Silver
Years 1892, 1895
Coin value

2 shillings (Z.A.R.)

2 shillings (Z.A.R.) from South Africa
KM# 6
Composition Silver
Years 1892
Coin value

2 1/2 shillings (Z.A.R.)

2 1/2 shillings (Z.A.R.) from South Africa
KM# 7
Composition Silver
Years 1982
Coin value

5 shillings (Z.A.R.)

5 shillings (Z.A.R.) from South Africa
KM# 8
Composition Silver
Years 1892
Coin value

1/2 pound (Z.A.R.)

1/2 pound (Z.A.R.) from South Africa
KM# 9.1
Composition Gold
Years 1892
Coin value

1/2 pound (Z.A.R.)

1/2 pound (Z.A.R.) from South Africa
KM# 9.2
Composition Gold
Years 1894
Coin value

1 pound (Z.A.R.)

1 pound (Z.A.R.) from South Africa
KM# 10.1
Composition Gold
Years 1892
Coin value

1 pound (Z.A.R.)

1 pound (Z.A.R.) from South Africa
KM# 10.2
Composition Gold
Years 1892, 1896
Coin value

1 pound (Z.A.R.)

1 pound (Z.A.R.) from South Africa
KM# 11
Composition Gold
Years 1902
Coin value

1/4 penny (George V)

1/4 penny (George V) from South Africa
KM# 12.1
Composition Bronze
Years 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926
Coin value

1/4 penny (George V)

1/4 penny (George V) from South Africa
KM# 12.2
Composition Bronze
Years 1928, 1930, 1931
Coin value

1/4 penny (George V)

1/4 penny (George V) from South Africa
KM# 12.3
Composition Bronze
Years 1931, 1932, 1935
Coin value

1/2 penny (George V)

1/2 penny (George V) from South Africa
KM# 13.1
Composition Bronze
Years 1923, 1926, 1924, 1925
Coin value

1/2 penny (George V)

1/2 penny (George V) from South Africa
KM# 13.2
Composition Bronze
Years 1928, 1931, 1929, 1930
Coin value

1/2 penny (George V)

1/2 penny (George V) from South Africa
KM# 13.3
Composition Bronze
Years 1932, 1936, 1933, 1934, 1935
Coin value

1 penny (George V)

1 penny (George V) from South Africa
KM# 14.1
Composition Bronze
Years 1923, 1924
Coin value

1 penny (George V)

1 penny (George V) from South Africa
KM# 14.2
Composition Bronze
Years 1926, 1929
Coin value

1 penny (George V)

1 penny (George V) from South Africa
KM# 14.3
Composition Bronze
Years 1934, 1935, 1936, 1931, 1932, 1933
Coin value 2,60$ - 3,90$

3 pence (George V)

3 pence (George V) from South Africa
KM# 15A
Composition Silver
Years 1923, 1924
Coin value

3 pence (George V)

3 pence (George V) from South Africa
KM# 15.1
Composition Silver
Years 1925, 1930, 1926, 1927, 1929, 1928
Coin value

3 pence (George V)

3 pence (George V) from South Africa
KM# 15.2
Composition Silver
Years 1932, 1936, 1933, 1934, 1935
Coin value

6 pence (George V)

6 pence (George V) from South Africa
KM# 16A
Composition Silver
Years 1923, 1924
Coin value

6 pence (George V)

6 pence (George V) from South Africa
KM# 16.1
Composition Silver
Years 1925, 1930
Coin value

6 pence (George V)

6 pence (George V) from South Africa
KM# 16.2
Composition Silver
Years 1931
Coin value

1 shilling (George V)

1 shilling (George V) from South Africa
KM# 17.1
Composition Silver
Years 1923, 1924
Coin value

1 shilling (George V)

1 shilling (George V) from South Africa
KM# 17.2
Composition Silver
Years 1926, 1930
Coin value

1 shilling (George V)

1 shilling (George V) from South Africa
KM# 17.3
Composition Silver
Years 1931, 1936
Coin value

1 florin (George V)

1 florin (George V) from South Africa
KM# 18
Composition Silver
Years 1923, 1930
Coin value

2 1/2 shillings (George V)

2 1/2 shillings (George V) from South Africa
KM# 19.1
Composition Silver
Years 1923
Coin value

1/2 sovereign (George V)

1/2 sovereign (George V) from South Africa
KM# 20
Composition Gold
Years 1925, 1926, 1923
Coin value

1 sovereign (George V)

1 sovereign (George V) from South Africa
KM# 21
Composition Gold
Years 1923, 1928
Coin value

2 shillings (George V)

2 shillings (George V) from South Africa
KM# 22
Composition Silver
Years 1931, 1936, 1932, 1933, 1934
Coin value

1 sovereign (George V)

1 sovereign (George V) from South Africa
KM# 22A
Composition Gold
Years 1930
Coin value

1/4 penny (George VI)

1/4 penny (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 23
Composition Bronze
Years 1937, 1938, 1939, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947
Coin value 0,30$ - 1,25$

1/2 penny (George VI)

1/2 penny (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 24
Composition Bronze
Years 1937, 1947, 1943, 1938, 1942, 1944
Coin value 1,13$ - 5,00$

1 penny (George VI)

1 penny (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 25
Composition Bronze
Years 1937, 1947, 1942, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946
Coin value 0,91$ - 2,40$

3 pence (George VI)

3 pence (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 26
Composition Silver
Years 1937, 1940, 1939, 1938, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947
Coin value

6 pence (George VI)

6 pence (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 27
Composition Silver
Years 1937, 1947, 1938, 1940, 1942
Coin value

1 shilling (George VI)

1 shilling (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 28
Composition Silver
Years 1937, 1947, 1944, 1945, 1943, 1942, 1941, 1940
Coin value

2 shillings (George VI)

2 shillings (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 29
Composition Silver
Years 1937
Coin value

2 1/2 shillings (George VI)

2 1/2 shillings (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 30
Composition Silver
Years 1937
Coin value

5 shillings (George VI)

5 shillings (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 31
Composition Silver
Years 1947
Coin value

1/4 penny (George VI)

1/4 penny (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 32.1
Composition Bronze
Years 1948, 1949, 1950
Coin value 1,44$ - 2,00$

1/4 penny (George VI)

1/4 penny (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 32.2
Composition Bronze
Years 1951, 1952
Coin value

1/2 penny (George VI)

1/2 penny (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 33.1
Composition Bronze
Years 1948, 1949, 1950
Coin value

1/2 penny (George VI)

1/2 penny (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 33.2
Composition Bronze
Years 1951, 1952
Coin value

1 penny (George VI)

1 penny (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 34.1
Years 1948, 1950, 1949, 1940
Coin value

1 penny (George VI)

1 penny (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 34.2
Composition Bronze
Years 1951, 1952
Coin value

3 pence (George VI)

3 pence (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 35.1
Composition Silver
Years 1948, 1949, 1950
Coin value

3 pence (George VI)

3 pence (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 35.2
Composition Silver
Years 1951, 1952
Coin value

6 pence (George VI)

6 pence (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 36.1
Composition Silver
Years 1948, 1949, 1950
Coin value

6 pence (George VI)

6 pence (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 36.2
Composition Silver
Years 1951, 1952
Coin value

2 shillings (George VI)

2 shillings (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 38.1
Composition Silver
Years 1948, 1949, 1950
Coin value

2 shillings (George VI)

2 shillings (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 38.2
Composition Silver
Years 1951, 1952
Coin value

5 shillings (George VI)

5 shillings (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 40.1
Composition Silver
Years 1948, 1949, 1950
Coin value

5 shillings (George VI)

5 shillings (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 40.2
Composition Silver
Years 1951
Coin value

5 shillings (George VI - 300th Anniversary of the Founding of Capetown)

5 shillings (George VI - 300th Anniversary of the Founding of Capetown) from South Africa
KM# 41
Composition Silver
Years 1952
Coin value

1/2 pound (George VI)

1/2 pound (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 42
Composition Gold
Years 1952
Coin value

1 pound (George VI)

1 pound (George VI) from South Africa
KM# 43
Composition Gold
Years 1952
Coin value

¼ penny (Elizabeth II)

¼ penny (Elizabeth II) from South Africa
KM# 44
Composition Bronze
Years 1953, 1960, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959
Coin value 0,93$ - 2,28$

½ penny (Elizabeth II)

½ penny (Elizabeth II) from South Africa
KM# 45
Composition Bronze
Years 1953, 1960, 1959, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958
Coin value 0,88$ - 2,50$

1 penny (Elizabeth II)

1 penny (Elizabeth II) from South Africa
KM# 46
Composition Bronze
Years 1960, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959
Coin value 1,12$ - 1,56$

3 pence (Elizabeth II)

3 pence (Elizabeth II) from South Africa
KM# 47
Composition Silver
Years 1953, 1960, 1956, 1954, 1955, 1957, 1958, 1959
Coin value

6 pence (Elizabeth II)

6 pence (Elizabeth II) from South Africa
KM# 48
Composition Silver
Years 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960
Coin value

1 shilling (Elizabeth II)

1 shilling (Elizabeth II) from South Africa
KM# 49
Composition Silver
Years 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960
Coin value

2 shillings (Elizabeth II)

2 shillings (Elizabeth II) from South Africa
KM# 50
Composition Silver
Years 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960
Coin value

5 shilling (Elizabeth II)

5 shilling (Elizabeth II) from South Africa
KM# 52
Composition Silver
Years 1958
Coin value

½ pound (Elizabeth II)

½ pound (Elizabeth II) from South Africa
KM# 53
Years 1953, 1960
Coin value

1 pound (Elizabeth II)

1 pound (Elizabeth II) from South Africa
KM# 54
Composition Gold
Years 1953
Coin value

5 shillings (Elizabeth II - 50th Anniversary of the Union of South Africa)

5 shillings (Elizabeth II - 50th Anniversary of the Union of South Africa) from South Africa
KM# 55
Composition Silver
Years 1960
Coin value


½ cent (SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 56
Composition Brass
Years 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964
Coin value 0,35$ - 5,36$


1 cent (SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 57
Composition Brass
Years 1961, 1964, 1963, 1962
Coin value 0,51$ - 9,24$


2 1/2 cents (SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 58
Composition Silver
Years 1961, 1964
Coin value


5 cents (SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 59
Composition Silver
Years 1961
Coin value


10 cents (SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 60
Composition Silver
Years 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964
Coin value


20 cents (SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 61
Composition Silver
Years 1961, 1964
Coin value


50 cents (SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 62
Composition Silver
Years 1961
Coin value


1 cent (SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 65.1
Composition Bronze
Years 1969, 1966, 1967, 1965
Coin value 0,16$ - 0,69$

1 cent (SUID-AFRIKA)

1 cent (SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 65.2
Composition Bronze
Years 1966, 1967, 1969
Coin value 0,17$ - 0,91$

2 cents (SOUTH AFRICA)

2 cents (SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 66.1
Composition Bronze
Years 1965, 1966, 1967, 1969
Coin value 0,15$ - 0,98$

2 cents (SUID-AFRIKA)

2 cents (SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 66.2
Composition Bronze
Years 1965, 1966, 1967, 1969
Coin value 0,17$ - 0,84$

5 cents (SOUTH AFRICA)

5 cents (SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 67.1
Composition Nickel
Years 1965, 1966, 1967, 1969
Coin value 0,43$ - 5,00$

5 cents (SUID-AFRIKA)

5 cents (SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 67.2
Composition Nickel
Years 1965, 1966, 1967, 1969
Coin value 0,20$ - 0,26$

10 cents (SOUTH AFRICA)

10 cents (SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 68.1
Composition Nickel
Years 1965, 1966, 1967, 1969
Coin value 0,07$ - 33,15$

10 cents (SUID-AFRIKA)

10 cents (SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 68.2
Composition Nickel
Years 1965, 1966, 1969
Coin value 0,18$ - 0,31$

20 cents (SOUTH AFRICA)

20 cents (SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 69.1
Composition Nickel
Years 1965, 1966
Coin value 0,21$ - 5,20$

20 cents (SUID-AFRIKA)

20 cents (SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 69.2
Composition Nickel
Years 1965, 1966
Coin value

50 cents (SOUTH AFRICA)

50 cents (SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 70.1
Composition Nickel
Years 1966, 1967, 1969
Coin value 0,61$ - 2,83$

50 cents (SUID-AFRIKA)

50 cents (SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 70.2
Composition Nickel
Years 1966, 1965, 1967, 1969
Coin value 0,40$ - 0,77$


1 rand (SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 71.1
Composition Silver
Years 1965, 1966
Coin value

1 rand (Dr. Verwoerd - SOUTH AFRICA)

1 rand (Dr. Verwoerd - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 72.1
Composition Silver
Years 1967
Coin value


1 krugerrand (SUID-AFRIKA ◇ SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 73
Composition Gold
Years 1975, 1978, 2024
Coin value

1 cent (Charles R. Swart - SOUTH AFRICA)

1 cent (Charles R. Swart - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 74.1
Composition Bronze
Years 1968
Coin value

1 cent (Charles R. Swart - SUID-AFRIKA)

1 cent (Charles R. Swart - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 74.2
Composition Bronze
Years 1968
Coin value

2 cents (Charles R. Swart - SOUTH AFRICA)

2 cents (Charles R. Swart - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 75.1
Composition Bronze
Years 1968
Coin value

2 cents (Charles R. Swart - SUID-AFRIKA)

2 cents (Charles R. Swart - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 75.2
Composition Bronze
Years 1968
Coin value

5 cents (Charles R. Swart - SOUTH AFRICA)

5 cents (Charles R. Swart - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 76.1
Composition Nickel
Years 1968
Coin value 0,46$ - 0,62$

5 cents (Charles R. Swart - SUID-AFRIKA)

5 cents (Charles R. Swart - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 76.2
Composition Nickel
Years 1968
Coin value

10 cents (Charles R. Swart - SOUTH AFRICA)

10 cents (Charles R. Swart - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 77.1
Composition Nickel
Years 1968
Coin value

10 cents (Charles R. Swart - SUID-AFRIKA)

10 cents (Charles R. Swart - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 77.2
Composition Nickel
Years 1968
Coin value

20 cents (Charles R. Swart - SOUTH AFRICA)

20 cents (Charles R. Swart - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 78.1
Composition Nickel
Years 1968
Coin value

20 cents (Charles R. Swart - SUID-AFRIKA)

20 cents (Charles R. Swart - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 78.2
Composition Nickel
Years 1968
Coin value

50 cents (Charles R. Swart - SOUTH AFRICA)

50 cents (Charles R. Swart - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 79.1
Composition Nickel
Years 1968
Coin value

50 cents (Charles R. Swart - SUID-AFRIKA)

50 cents (Charles R. Swart - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 79.2
Composition Nickel
Years 1968
Coin value

1 rand (Dr. T. E. Donges - SOUTH AFRICA)

1 rand (Dr. T. E. Donges - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 80.1
Composition Silver
Years 1969
Coin value


½ cent (SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 81
Composition Bronze
Years 1970
Coin value


1 cent (SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 82
Composition Bronze
Years 1986, 1987, 1984, 1970, 1973, 1978, 1988, 1989, 1975, 1971, 1972, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1981, 1983, 1985, 1976
Coin value 0,10$ - 0,99$


2 cents (SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 83
Composition Bronze
Years 1985, 1984, 1988, 1970, 1974, 1975, 1990, 1978, 1977, 1983, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1980, 1981, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1979, 1976
Coin value 0,14$ - 1,93$


5 cents (SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 84
Composition Nickel
Years 1973, 1975, 1977, 1983, 1988, 1971, 1986, 1970, 1974, 1981, 1972, 1978, 1980, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1989
Coin value 0,20$ - 1,21$


10 cents (SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 85
Composition Nickel
Years 1974, 1970, 1971, 1977, 1981, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1978, 1980, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989
Coin value 0,17$ - 0,53$


20 cents (SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 86
Composition Nickel
Years 1974, 1989, 1975, 1972, 1985, 1977, 1981, 1971, 1970, 1973, 1978, 1980, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1990
Coin value 0,04$ - 2,75$


50 cents (SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 87
Composition Nickel
Years 1975, 1972, 1977, 1970, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1978, 1980, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990
Coin value 0,05$ - 1,79$


1 rand (SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 88a
Composition Nickel
Years 1977, 1978, 1988, 1980, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1989
Coin value 0,44$ - 2,04$


½ cent (SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 90
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1976
Coin value

1 cent (Jacobus Fouché - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA)

1 cent (Jacobus Fouché - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 91
Composition Bronze
Years 1976
Coin value 0,33$ - 0,58$

2 cents (Jacobus Fouché - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA)

2 cents (Jacobus Fouché - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 92
Years 1976, 1976
Coin value 0,67$ - 1,00$

5 cents (Jacobus Fouché - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA)

5 cents (Jacobus Fouché - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 93
Composition Nickel
Years 1976
Coin value 0,51$ - 0,67$

10 cents (Jacobus Fouché - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA)

10 cents (Jacobus Fouché - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 94
Composition Nickel
Years 1976
Coin value 0,22$ - 4,60$

20 cents (Jacobus Fouché - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA)

20 cents (Jacobus Fouché - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 95
Composition Nickel
Years 1976
Coin value 0,69$ - 0,97$

50 cents (Jacobus Fouché - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA)

50 cents (Jacobus Fouché - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 96
Composition Nickel
Years 1976
Coin value 0,71$ - 1,70$

1 cent (Nicolaas Diederichs - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA)

1 cent (Nicolaas Diederichs - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 98
Composition Bronze
Years 1979
Coin value

2 cents (Nicolaas Diederichs - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA)

2 cents (Nicolaas Diederichs - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 99
Years 1979
Coin value 0,63$ - 0,84$

5 cents (Nicolaas Diederichs - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA)

5 cents (Nicolaas Diederichs - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 100
Years 1979
Coin value

10 cents (Nicolaas Diederichs - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA)

10 cents (Nicolaas Diederichs - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 101
Composition Nickel
Years 1979
Coin value

20 cents (Nicolaas Diederichs - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA)

20 cents  (Nicolaas Diederichs - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 102
Composition Nickel
Years 1979
Coin value

50 cents (Nicolaas Diederichs - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA)

50 cents (Nicolaas Diederichs - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 103
Composition Nickel
Years 1979
Coin value

1 rand (Nicolaas Diederichs - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA)

1 rand (Nicolaas Diederichs - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 104
Composition Nickel
Years 1979
Coin value

1/10 ounce krugerrand

1/10 ounce krugerrand from South Africa
KM# 105
Composition Gold
Years 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000
Coin value

1/4 ounce krugerrand

1/4 ounce krugerrand from South Africa
KM# 106
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

1/2 ounce krugerrand

1/2 ounce krugerrand from South Africa
KM# 107
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

1 cent (Balthazar J. Vorster - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA)

1 cent (Balthazar J. Vorster - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 109
Composition Bronze
Years 1982
Coin value

2 cents (Balthazar J. Vorster - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA)

2 cents (Balthazar J. Vorster - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 110
Composition Bronze
Years 1982
Coin value

5 cents (Balthazar J. Vorster - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA)

5 cents (Balthazar J. Vorster - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 111
Composition Nickel
Years 1982
Coin value

10 cents (Balthazar J. Vorster - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA)

10 cents (Balthazar J. Vorster - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 112
Composition Nickel
Years 1982
Coin value

20 cents (Balthazar J. Vorster - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA)

20 cents (Balthazar J. Vorster - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 113
Composition Nickel
Years 1982
Coin value

50 cents (Balthazar J. Vorster - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA)

50 cents (Balthazar J. Vorster - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 114
Composition Nickel
Years 1982
Coin value

1 rand (Balthazar J. Vorster - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA)

1 rand (Balthazar J. Vorster - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 115
Composition Nickel
Years 1982
Coin value


1 cent (SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 132
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995
Coin value 0,08$ - 1,04$

2 cents (SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA)Sudáfrica KM#133

2 cents (SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA)Sudáfrica KM#133 from South Africa
KM# 133
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 1994, 1993, 1995, 1990, 1992, 1991
Coin value 0,15$ - 0,34$


5 cents (SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 134
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 1994, 1990, 1992, 1991, 1993, 1995
Coin value 0,16$ - 0,50$


10 cents (SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 135
Composition Brass plated steel
Years 1990, 1994, 1995, 1993, 1991, 1992
Coin value 0,08$ - 1,03$


20 cents (SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 136
Composition Brass plated steel
Years 1990, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1995, 1991
Coin value 0,13$ - 1,00$


50 cents (SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 137
Composition Brass plated steel
Years 1994, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1992, 1995
Coin value 0,25$ - 4,45$


1 rand (SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 138
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 1993, 1994, 1992, 1991, 1995, 1990
Coin value 0,22$ - 1,45$


2 rand (SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 139
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1990, 1989, 1992, 1991, 1995, 1993, 1994
Coin value 0,22$ - 3,85$


5 rand (SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 140
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 1994, 1995
Coin value 0,78$ - 5,98$

1 rand (Pieter W. Botha - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA)

1 rand (Pieter W. Botha - SUID-AFRIKA - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 141
Composition Nickel
Years 1990
Coin value

5 rand (Nelson Mandela - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA)

5 rand (Nelson Mandela - SOUTH AFRICA - SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 150
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 1994
Coin value


1 cent (ININGIZIMU AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 158
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 1996
Coin value 0,21$ - 0,59$


2 cents (AFURIKA TSHIPEMBE) from South Africa
KM# 159
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2000, 1997, 1998, 1996, 1999
Coin value 0,20$ - 0,50$


5 cents (AFRIKA-DZONGA) from South Africa
KM# 160
Years 2000, 1999, 1996, 1998, 1997
Coin value 0,15$ - 0,85$

10 cents (SOUTH AFRICA)

10 cents (SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 161
Years 1996, 1993, 2000, 1994, 1999, 1997, 1998
Coin value 0,01$ - 2,00$

20 cents (AFERIKA BORWA)

20 cents (AFERIKA BORWA) from South Africa
KM# 162
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 1999, 1997, 1996, 1998, 2000
Coin value 0,20$ - 1,12$

50 cents (AFRIKA BORWA)

50 cents (AFRIKA BORWA) from South Africa
KM# 163
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 1997, 1996
Coin value 1,00$ - 1,50$

1 rand (SUID-AFRIKA)

1 rand (SUID-AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 164
Years 1997, 1999, 1998, 2000
Coin value 0,37$ - 1,75$


2 rand (UMZANTSI AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 165
Years 1999, 1998, 2000
Coin value 0,29$ - 2,78$


5 rand (ININGIZIMU AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 166
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 1996, 2000, 1997, 1998, 1999
Coin value 1,50$ - 4,16$


1 cent (ISEWULA AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 170
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2000, 1998, 1999, 1997
Coin value 0,08$ - 0,99$


1 cent (ISEWULA AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 221
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2001, 2000
Coin value 0,22$ - 1,27$


2 cents (AFURIKA - TSHIPEMBE) from South Africa
KM# 222
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2001, 2000
Coin value


5 cents (AFRIKA-DZONGA) from South Africa
KM# 223
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2000, 2001
Coin value

10 cents (SOUTH AFRICA)

10 cents (SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 224
Composition Brass plated steel
Years 2000, 2001
Coin value

20 cents (AFERIKA BORWA)

20 cents (AFERIKA BORWA) from South Africa
KM# 225
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2001, 2000
Coin value 0,19$ - 0,20$

50 cents (AFRIKA BORWA)

50 cents (AFRIKA BORWA) from South Africa
KM# 226
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2001, 2000
Coin value


2 rand (UMZANTSI AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 228
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2000, 2001
Coin value


5 rand (ININGIZIMU AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 229
Years 2000, 2001
Coin value

5 rand (Nelson Mandela - ININGIZIMU AFRIKA)

5 rand (Nelson Mandela - ININGIZIMU AFRIKA) from South Africa
KM# 230
Composition Nickel plated steel
Years 2000
Coin value

10 cents (Water buffalo - South Africa)

10 cents (Water buffalo - South Africa) from South Africa
KM# 244
Composition Silver
Years 2001
Coin value

20 cents (Water buffalo - South Africa)

20 cents (Water buffalo - South Africa) from South Africa
KM# 245
Composition Silver
Years 2001
Coin value

5 cents (Ningizimu Afrika)

5 cents (Ningizimu Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 268
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2002
Coin value

10 cents (Afrika-Dzonga)

10 cents (Afrika-Dzonga) from South Africa
KM# 269
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2002
Coin value

20 cents (South Africa)

20 cents (South Africa) from South Africa
KM# 270
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2002, 2015
Coin value 0,35$ - 10,00$

50 cents (Aforika Borwa)

50 cents (Aforika Borwa) from South Africa
KM# 271
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2002
Coin value

1 rand (Suid Afrika - Afrika Borwa)

1 rand (Suid Afrika - Afrika Borwa) from South Africa
KM# 272
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2002
Coin value

1 rand (Suid Afrika - Afrika Borwa)

1 rand (Suid Afrika - Afrika Borwa) from South Africa
KM# 272
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2014
Coin value

2 rand (iNingizimu Afrika - uMzantsi Afrika)

2 rand (iNingizimu Afrika - uMzantsi Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 273
Years 2002
Coin value 0,58$ - 0,91$

5 rand (Afurika Tshipembe - iSewula Afrika)

5 rand (Afurika Tshipembe - iSewula Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 274
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2002
Coin value

50 cents (Cricket World Cup 2003 - Afrika Borwa)

50 cents (Cricket World Cup 2003 - Afrika Borwa) from South Africa
KM# 276
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2003
Coin value

5 rand (Afrika Dzonga - Ningizimu Afrika)

5 rand (Afrika Dzonga - Ningizimu Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 281
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2004, 2016
Coin value 1,10$ - 2,18$

50 cents (Soccer Team - Aforika Borwa)

50 cents (Soccer Team - Aforika Borwa) from South Africa
KM# 287
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2002
Coin value

5 cents (Aforika Borwa)

5 cents (Aforika Borwa) from South Africa
KM# 291
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2005, 2006
Coin value

10 cents (Afrika Borwa)

10 cents (Afrika Borwa) from South Africa
KM# 292
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2005
Coin value 0,29$ - 4,03$

20 cents (Suid-Afrika)

20 cents (Suid-Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 293
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2005, 2018
Coin value

50 cents (uMzantsi Afrika)

50 cents (uMzantsi Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 294
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2005
Coin value

1 rand (iSewula Afrika - iNingizimu Afrika)

1 rand (iSewula Afrika - iNingizimu Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 295
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2005
Coin value

2 rand (Ningizimu Afrika - Afurika Tshipembe)

2 rand (Ningizimu Afrika - Afurika Tshipembe) from South Africa
KM# 296
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2005
Coin value

5 rand (Afrika Dzonga - South Africa)

5 rand (Afrika Dzonga - South Africa) from South Africa
KM# 297
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2005
Coin value

5 cents (Afrika-Dzonga)

5 cents (Afrika-Dzonga) from South Africa
KM# 324
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2003
Coin value 0,10$ - 0,48$

5 cents (South Africa)

5 cents (South Africa) from South Africa
KM# 325
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2004
Coin value 0,10$ - 0,68$

10 cents (Aforika Borwa)

10 cents (Aforika Borwa) from South Africa
KM# 326
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2004
Coin value

20 cents (Aforika Borwa)

20 cents (Aforika Borwa) from South Africa
KM# 327
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2016, 2003
Coin value 0,21$ - 0,90$

20 cents (Afrika Borwa)

20 cents (Afrika Borwa) from South Africa
KM# 328
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2004, 2017
Coin value 0,25$ - 2,43$

50 cents (Afrika Borwa)

50 cents (Afrika Borwa) from South Africa
KM# 330
Years 2003
Coin value

50 cents (Suid-Afrika)

50 cents (Suid-Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 331
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2004
Coin value

1 rand (uMzantsi Afrika - Suid-Afrika)

1 rand (uMzantsi Afrika - Suid-Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 332
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2003, 2015
Coin value

1 rand (iNingizimu Afrika - uMzantsi Afrika)

1 rand (iNingizimu Afrika - uMzantsi Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 333
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2004, 2016
Coin value 0,07$ - 0,22$

2 rand (10 Years of Freedom - SOUTH AFRICA)

2 rand (10 Years of Freedom - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 334
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2004
Coin value

2 rand (iNingizimu Afrika - iSewula Afrika)

2 rand (iNingizimu Afrika - iSewula Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 335
Years 2003, 2015
Coin value

2 rand (Afurika Tshipembe - iSewula Afrika)

2 rand (Afurika Tshipembe - iSewula Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 336
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2004, 2016
Coin value

5 cents (Suid-Afrika)

5 cents (Suid-Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 340
Years 2007, 2006
Coin value 0,14$ - 0,33$

10 cents (uMzantsi Afrika)

10 cents (uMzantsi Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 341
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2007
Coin value

20 cents (iNingizimu Afrika)

20 cents (iNingizimu Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 342
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2007
Coin value

50 cents (iSewula Afrika)

50 cents (iSewula Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 343
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2007
Coin value 0,25$ - 1,39$

1 rand (Ningizimu Afrika - Afurika Tshipembe)

1 rand (Ningizimu Afrika - Afurika Tshipembe) from South Africa
KM# 344
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2007, 2019
Coin value 0,41$ - 1,89$

2 rand (South Africa - Afrika Dzonga)

2 rand (South Africa - Afrika Dzonga) from South Africa
KM# 345
Years 2007, 2010, 2011
Coin value 0,27$ - 2,34$

5 rand (Aforika Borwa - Afrika Borwa)

5 rand (Aforika Borwa - Afrika Borwa) from South Africa
KM# 346
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2007
Coin value

10 cents (South Africa)

10 cents (South Africa) from South Africa
KM# 347
Years 2003
Coin value

5 rand (90th Anniversary of Nelson Mandela's birth - Afrika Borwa - Suid-Afrika)

5 rand (90th Anniversary of Nelson Mandela's birth - Afrika Borwa - Suid-Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 439
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2008
Coin value

5 cents (uMzantsi Afrika)

5 cents (uMzantsi Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 440
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2008
Coin value

10 cents (iNingizimu Afrika)

10 cents (iNingizimu Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 441
Composition Brass plated steel
Years 2008
Coin value

20 cents (iSewula Afrika)

20 cents (iSewula Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 442
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2008, 2021
Coin value

50 cents (Afurika Tshipembe)

50 cents (Afurika Tshipembe) from South Africa
KM# 443
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2008
Coin value

1 rand (Afrika Dzonga - Ningizimu Afrika)

1 rand (Afrika Dzonga - Ningizimu Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 444
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2008, 2020
Coin value 0,44$ - 1,21$

2 rand (Aforika Borwa - South Africa)

2 rand (Aforika Borwa - South Africa) from South Africa
KM# 445
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2008, 2020
Coin value

5 rand (Afrika Borwa - Suid-Afrika)

5 rand (Afrika Borwa - Suid-Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 446
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2020, 2008
Coin value

5 cents (INingizimu Afrika)

5 cents (INingizimu Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 464
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2009, 2007
Coin value

10 cents (iSewula Afrika)

10 cents (iSewula Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 465
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2009, 2008, 2012
Coin value 0,15$ - 0,90$

20 cents (Afurika Tshipembe)

20 cents (Afurika Tshipembe) from South Africa
KM# 466
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2009, 2012, 2022
Coin value 0,14$ - 1,04$

50 cents (Ningizimu Afrika)

50 cents (Ningizimu Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 467
Composition Brass plated steel
Years 2009
Coin value

1 rand (South Africa - Afrika Dzonga)

1 rand (South Africa - Afrika Dzonga) from South Africa
KM# 468
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2009
Coin value

2 rand (Africa Borwa - Aforika Borwa)

2 rand (Africa Borwa - Aforika Borwa) from South Africa
KM# 469
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2009
Coin value 0,21$ - 0,49$

5 rand (Suid-Afrika - uMzantsi Afrika)

5 rand (Suid-Afrika - uMzantsi Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 470
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2009
Coin value

5 cents (Afrika Borwa)

5 cents (Afrika Borwa) from South Africa
KM# 486
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2006
Coin value

10 cents (Suid-Afrika)

10 cents (Suid-Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 487
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2006
Coin value 0,12$ - 0,98$

20 cents (uMzantsi Afrika)

20 cents (uMzantsi Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 488
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2006, 2019
Coin value 0,20$ - 0,23$

50 cents (iNingizimu Afrika)

50 cents (iNingizimu Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 489
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2006
Coin value

1 rand (Afurika Tshipembe - iSewula Afrika)

1 rand (Afurika Tshipembe - iSewula Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 490
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2006, 2018
Coin value 0,20$ - 1,37$

2 rand (Afrika-Dzonga - Ningizimu Afrika)

2 rand (Afrika-Dzonga - Ningizimu Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 491
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2006, 2018
Coin value

5 rand (Afrika-Dzonga - Ningizimu Afrika)

5 rand (Afrika-Dzonga - Ningizimu Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 492
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2006
Coin value

5 cents (iSewula Afrika)

5 cents (iSewula Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 493
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2010
Coin value 0,01$ - 0,90$

10 cents (Afurika Tshipembe)

10 cents (Afurika Tshipembe) from South Africa
KM# 494
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2010
Coin value

20 cents (Ningizimu Afrika)

20 cents (Ningizimu Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 495
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2010, 2013
Coin value 0,31$ - 0,48$

50 cents (Afrika Dzonga)

50 cents (Afrika Dzonga) from South Africa
KM# 496
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2010
Coin value

1 rand (Aforika Borwa - South Africa)

1 rand  (Aforika Borwa - South Africa) from South Africa
KM# 497
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2010, 2012
Coin value

2 rand (Suid-Afrika - Afrika Borwa)

2 rand (Suid-Afrika - Afrika Borwa) from South Africa
KM# 498
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2010, 2012
Coin value 0,79$ - 1,84$

5 rand (uMzantsi Afrika - Ingizimu Afrika)

5 rand (uMzantsi Afrika - Ingizimu Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 499
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2010
Coin value

5 cents (Afurika Tshipembe)

5 cents (Afurika Tshipembe) from South Africa
KM# 500
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2011
Coin value

10 cents (Ningizimu Afrika)

10 cents (Ningizimu Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 501
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2011
Coin value

50 cents (South Africa)

50 cents (South Africa) from South Africa
KM# 503
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2011
Coin value

1 rand (Afrika Borwa - Aforika Borwa)

1 rand (Afrika Borwa - Aforika Borwa) from South Africa
KM# 504
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2011, 2013
Coin value 0,17$ - 1,96$

2 rand (uMzantsi Afrika - Suid-Afrika)

2 rand (uMzantsi Afrika - Suid-Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 505
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2011, 2013
Coin value

5 rand (iNgizimu Afrika - iSewula Afrika)

5 rand (iNgizimu Afrika - iSewula Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 506
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2011
Coin value

5 rand (90th Anniversary of the Bank of South Africa - iNingizimu Afrika - iSewula Afrika)

5 rand (90th Anniversary of the Bank of South Africa - iNingizimu Afrika - iSewula Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 507
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2011
Coin value

10 cents (iSewula Afrika)

10 cents (iSewula Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 530
Years 2012, 2022
Coin value 0,16$ - 0,23$

20 cents (SOUTH AFRICA)

20 cents (SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 531
Years 2012
Coin value

50 cents (SOUTH AFRICA)

50 cents (SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 532
Years 2012
Coin value

2 rand (Khoisan Heritage - SOUTH AFRICA)

2 rand (Khoisan Heritage - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 533
Composition Gold
Years 2012
Coin value

50 cents (Afrika-Dzonga - Ningizimu Afrika)

50 cents (Afrika-Dzonga - Ningizimu Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 554
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2012
Coin value

5 rand (iNingizimu Afrika - uMzantsi Afrika)

5 rand (iNingizimu Afrika - uMzantsi Afrika) from South Africa
KM# 555
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2012
Coin value 0,57$ - 66,42$

5 rand (200th Anniversary of the Coinage of the City of Griqua - SOUTH AFRICA)

5 rand (200th Anniversary of the Coinage of the City of Griqua - SOUTH AFRICA) from South Africa
KM# 590
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2015
Coin value

5 rand (100th Anniversary of the Order of the Companions of O.R. Tambo)

5 rand (100th Anniversary of the Order of the Companions of O.R. Tambo) from South Africa
KM# 632
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2017
Coin value

10 cents (Afrika Borwa)

10 cents (Afrika Borwa) from South Africa
KM# 670
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2018
Coin value

5 rand (100th Anniversary of Nelson Mandela's birth - South Africa - Aforika Borwa)

5 rand (100th Anniversary of Nelson Mandela's birth - South Africa - Aforika Borwa) from South Africa
KM# 680
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2018
Coin value

1 krugerrand

1 krugerrand from South Africa
KM# 691
Composition Silver
Years 2021, 2023, 2018, 2019, 2022, 2020, 2024, 2025
Coin value 28,86$ - 32,00$

1/50 ounce krugerrand

1/50 ounce krugerrand from South Africa
KM# 692
Composition Gold
Years 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
Coin value

2 rand (25th Anniversary of Democracy - Children's Rights)

2 rand (25th Anniversary of Democracy - Children's Rights) from South Africa
KM# 694
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2019
Coin value

2 rand (25th Anniversary of Democracy - Environmental Rights)

2 rand (25th Anniversary of Democracy - Environmental Rights) from South Africa
KM# 695
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2019
Coin value

2 rand (25th Anniversary of Democracy - Freedom of Movement and Residence)

2 rand (25th Anniversary of Democracy - Freedom of Movement and Residence) from South Africa
KM# 696
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2019
Coin value

2 rand (25th Anniversary of Democracy - Freedom of Religion, Belief and Opinion)

2 rand (25th Anniversary of Democracy - Freedom of Religion, Belief and Opinion) from South Africa
KM# 697
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2019
Coin value

2 rand (25th Anniversary of Democracy - Education Rights)

2 rand (25th Anniversary of Democracy - Education Rights) from South Africa
KM# 698
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2019
Coin value

5 rand (25th Anniversary of Democracy - Environmental Rights)

5 rand (25th Anniversary of Democracy - Environmental Rights) from South Africa
KM# 700
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2019
Coin value

2 rand (25th Anniversary of Democracy - Freedom and Security of Persons)

2 rand (25th Anniversary of Democracy - Freedom and Security of Persons) from South Africa
KM# 728
Composition Nickel-plated copper
Years 2020
Coin value

2 krugerrand

2 krugerrand from South Africa
KM# 737
Composition Silver
Years 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2025
Coin value


KM# 779
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2023
Coin value


50 cents (AFRIKA-BORWA / AFRIKA BORWA) from South Africa
KM# 781
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 2023
Coin value


1 rand (AFORIKA BORWA) from South Africa
KM# 782
Composition Nickel plated steel
Years 2023
Coin value


2 rand (YISEWULA AFRIKA / AFRIKA-DZONGA) from South Africa
KM# 783
Composition Nickel plated steel
Years 2023
Coin value

Investing in South Africa coins can be a great opportunity for coin collectors and investors alike. The rich cultural and historical heritage of South Africa is reflected in its coins, making them unique and valuable collectibles.

One reason why South Africa coins are attractive to investors is their rarity. Many South Africa coins were produced in limited quantities, making them difficult to find and increasing their value. Additionally, the historical events and political changes that have taken place in South Africa over the years have had a significant impact on its coin production, further adding to their rarity and collectibility.

Finally, the price of South Africa old coins is also influenced by their age and condition. Coins that are in excellent condition and date back to ancient times are often worth more than newer coins or those in poor condition.