5 pesetas (Alfonso XIII)

Photo of 5 pesetas (Alfonso XIII)
Photo of 5 pesetas (Alfonso XIII)
#KM 707
Shape Round
Composition Silver
Weight 25,00 g
Diameter 37,00 mm
Year 1896*96 - 1899*99
Value 15.85$ - 163.42$

How much the coin?

Year Coins Mint UNC XF VF F VG G PR
1896*96 4.272.000 Madrid 37.09$ 27.48$ 20.36$ 17.52$ 16.67$ 15.85$
1897*97 6.733.000 Madrid 42.77$ 31.69$ 23.47$ 20.2$ 19.22$ 18.28$
1898*98 39.977.000 Madrid 59.03$ 36.53$ 28.73$ 22.6$ 20.05$ 19.26$ 18.51$
1899*99 13.930.000 Madrid 163.42$ 114.01$ 95.23$ 79.54$ 72.7$ 70.55$ 68.46$