Belgium Coins Price List

Welcome to Belgium coin catalog collection gallery and price list, organized by the standard notation of the World Coin Catalog (#KM). Here, you will find detailed information and values for each coin including old coins from Belgium. To make your search even easier, you can filter by coin name in the top field. Discover the rich history and unique characteristics of 's coins and add to your collection today.

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5 euro (Lucky Luke-Color)

5 euro (Lucky Luke-Color) from Belgium
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2024
Coin value

5 euro (Lucky Luke)

5 euro (Lucky Luke) from Belgium
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2024
Coin value

12 1/2 euro (25th wedding anniversary of the royal couple)

12 1/2 euro (25th wedding anniversary of the royal couple) from Belgium
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

2 euro (Belgian National Lottery)

2 euro (Belgian National Lottery) from Belgium
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2025
Coin value

20 euro (600 years KU Leuven - UC Louvain)

20 euro (600 years KU Leuven - UC Louvain) from Belgium
Composition Silver
Years 2025
Coin value

1 centime (Leopold I - des belges)

1 centime (Leopold I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 1.1
Composition Copper
Years 1832, 1833, 1835
Coin value

1 centime (Leopold I - des belges)

1 centime (Leopold I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 1.2
Composition Copper
Years 1845, 1844, 1846, 1863, 1860, 1862, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1841, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1861
Coin value

1 centime (Leopold I - des belges)

1 centime (Leopold I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 1.3
Composition Copper
Years 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860
Coin value

1 centime (Leopold I - des belges)

1 centime (Leopold I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 1.4
Composition Copper
Years 1862
Coin value

5 francs (Leopold I - des belges)

5 francs (Leopold I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 3.1
Composition Silver
Years 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1838, 1840, 1841, 1844
Coin value

5 francs (Leopold I - des belges)

5 francs (Leopold I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 3.2
Composition Silver
Years 1849, 1848, 1847
Coin value

2 centimes (Leopold I - des belges)

2 centimes (Leopold I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 4.2
Composition Copper
Years 1864, 1844, 1835, 1861, 1863, 1833, 1834, 1836, 1841, 1842, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1862, 1865
Coin value 0,70$ - 3,16$

5 centimes (Leopold I - des belges)

5 centimes (Leopold I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 5.1
Composition Copper
Years 1848
Coin value

1/2 franc (Leopold I - des belges)

1/2 franc (Leopold I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 6
Composition Silver
Years 1833, 1834, 1835, 1838, 1840, 1841, 1843, 1844
Coin value

1/4 franc (Leopold I - des belges)

1/4 franc (Leopold I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 8
Composition Silver
Years 1834, 1835, 1841, 1843, 1844
Coin value

2 1/2 franc (Leopold I - des belges)

2 1/2 franc (Leopold I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 12
Composition Silver
Years 1848, 1849, 1850, 1865
Coin value

5 francs (Leopold I - des belges)

5 francs (Leopold I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 17
Composition Silver
Years 1865, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1858
Coin value

20 centimes (Leopold I - des belges)

20 centimes (Leopold I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 19
Composition Silver
Years 1853
Coin value

20 centimes (Leopold I - des belges)

20 centimes (Leopold I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 20
Years 1861, 1860
Coin value

5 centimes (Leopold I - des belges)

5 centimes (Leopold I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 21
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1862, 1861, 1863, 1864
Coin value 0,92$ - 6,68$

10 centimes (Leopold I - des belges)

10 centimes (Leopold I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 22
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1862, 1861, 1863, 1864
Coin value 0,75$ - 2,09$

5 francs (Leopold II - des belges)

5 francs (Leopold II - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 24
Composition Silver
Years 1873, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1874, 1875, 1876
Coin value 0,25$ - 24,00$

50 centimes (Leopold II - des belges)

50 centimes (Leopold II - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 26
Composition Silver
Years 1866, 1867, 1868, 1881, 1886, 1898, 1899
Coin value

1 centime (Leopold II - des belges)

1 centime (Leopold II - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 33.1
Composition Copper
Years 1869, 1907, 1870, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1882, 1883, 1899, 1901, 1902
Coin value 1,00$ - 2,43$

1 centime (Leopold II - des belges)

1 centime (Leopold II - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 33.3
Composition Copper
Years 1902
Coin value

1 centime (Leopold II - der belgen)

1 centime (Leopold II - der belgen) from Belgium
KM# 34.1
Composition Copper
Years 1894, 1907, 1887, 1892, 1899, 1901, 1902
Coin value 0,99$ - 1,32$

2 centimes (Leopold II - des belges)

2 centimes (Leopold II - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 35.1
Composition Copper
Years 1870, 1869, 1905, 1874, 1875, 1902, 1909, 1871, 1873, 1876
Coin value 0,20$ - 4,87$

2 centimes (Leopold II - der belgen)

2 centimes (Leopold II - der belgen) from Belgium
KM# 36
Composition Copper
Years 1902, 1905, 1909
Coin value 0,85$ - 1,00$

20 francs (Leopold II - des belges)

20 francs (Leopold II - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 37
Composition Gold
Years 1870, 1871, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1882
Coin value

1 franc (50th Anniversary of Independence)

1 franc (50th Anniversary of Independence) from Belgium
KM# 38
Composition Silver
Years 1880
Coin value

2 francs (50 Years of the Belgian Reign 1830-1880)

2 francs (50 Years of the Belgian Reign 1830-1880) from Belgium
KM# 39
Composition Silver
Years 1880
Coin value

5 centimes (Leopold II - des belges)

5 centimes (Leopold II - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 40.1
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1895
Coin value

10 centimes (Leopold II - des belges)

10 centimes (Leopold II - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 42
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1894
Coin value

10 centimes (Leopold II - der belgen)

10 centimes (Leopold II - der belgen) from Belgium
KM# 43
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1894, 1895, 1898, 1901
Coin value

5 centimes (Leopold II - België)

5 centimes (Leopold II - België) from Belgium
KM# 47
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1902, 1903
Coin value

10 centimes (Leopold II - Belgique)

10 centimes (Leopold II - Belgique) from Belgium
KM# 48
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1902, 1901, 1903
Coin value 1,00$ - 1,41$

10 centimes (Leopold II - België)

10 centimes (Leopold II - België) from Belgium
KM# 49
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1903, 1902
Coin value 0,46$ - 0,50$

50 centimes (Leopold II des belges)

50 centimes (Leopold II des belges) from Belgium
KM# 50
Composition Silver
Years 1901
Coin value

10 centimes (Leopold II - Belgique)

10 centimes (Leopold II - Belgique) from Belgium
KM# 52
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1904, 1905, 1903, 1906
Coin value 0,35$ - 0,75$

10 centimes (Leopold II - België)

10 centimes (Leopold II - België) from Belgium
KM# 53
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1905, 1903, 1904, 1906
Coin value 0,32$ - 1,20$

5 centimes (Leopold II - Belgique)

5 centimes (Leopold II - Belgique) from Belgium
KM# 54
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1906, 1904, 1905, 1907
Coin value 0,50$ - 1,88$

5 centimes (Leopold II - België)

5 centimes (Leopold II - België) from Belgium
KM# 55
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1904, 1906, 1905, 1907
Coin value 0,29$ - 1,53$

1 franc (Leopold II - des Belges)

1 franc (Leopold II - des Belges) from Belgium
KM# 56.1
Composition Silver
Years 1909
Coin value

1 frank (Leopold II -der belgen)

1 frank (Leopold II -der belgen) from Belgium
KM# 57.2
Composition Silver
Years 1909
Coin value

2 francs (Leopold II - des belges)

2 francs (Leopold II - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 58.1
Composition Silver
Years 1909
Coin value

2 francs (Leopold II - der belgen)

2 francs (Leopold II - der belgen) from Belgium
KM# 59
Years 1909
Coin value

50 centimes (Leopold II - des belges)

50 centimes (Leopold II - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 60.1
Composition Silver
Years 1909, 1907
Coin value

25 centimes (Leopold II - Belgique)

25 centimes (Leopold II - Belgique) from Belgium
KM# 62
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1908, 1909
Coin value

25 centimes (Leopold II - België)

25 centimes (Leopold II - België) from Belgium
KM# 63
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1908, 1909
Coin value 0,50$ - 0,97$

2 centimes (Albert I - des belges)

2 centimes (Albert I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 64
Composition Copper
Years 1912, 1919, 1914, 1911
Coin value 0,50$ - 1,30$

2 centimes (Alberto - der belgen)

2 centimes (Alberto - der belgen) from Belgium
KM# 65
Composition Copper
Years 1912, 1919, 1910, 1911
Coin value 0,54$ - 2,16$

5 centimes (Albert I - Belgium)

5 centimes (Albert I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 66
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1922, 1925, 1926, 1920, 1928, 1913, 1910, 1923, 1932, 1927, 1914
Coin value 0,10$ - 1,09$

5 centimes (Albert I - België)

5 centimes (Albert I - België) from Belgium
KM# 67
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1922, 1931, 1921, 1923, 1910, 1914, 1928, 1920, 1926, 1927, 1925, 1924, 1930
Coin value 0,03$ - 0,97$

25 centimes (Albert I - Belgium)

25 centimes (Albert I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 68.1
Years 1923, 1929, 1927, 1926, 1921, 1922, 1920, 1928, 1913
Coin value 0,30$ - 1,88$

25 centimes (Albert I - Belgium)

25 centimes (Albert I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 69
Years 1921, 1927, 1922, 1928, 1926, 1923, 1929, 1913, 1910
Coin value 0,17$ - 3,00$

50 centimes (Albert I - des belges)

50 centimes (Albert I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 70
Years 1912
Coin value

50 centimes (Albert I - der belgen)

50 centimes (Albert I - der belgen) from Belgium
KM# 71
Composition Silver
Years 1911, 1912
Coin value

1 franc (Albert I - des belges)

1 franc (Albert I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 72.1
Composition Silver
Years 1913
Coin value

1 franc (Albert I - der belgen)

1 franc (Albert I - der belgen) from Belgium
KM# 73.1
Composition Silver
Years 1910, 1911
Coin value

2 francs (Albert I - der belgen)

2 francs (Albert I - der belgen) from Belgium
KM# 75
Composition Silver
Years 1911
Coin value

1 centime (Albert I - des belges)

1 centime (Albert I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 76
Composition Copper
Years 1912, 1914
Coin value

1 centime (Albert I - der belgen)

1 centime (Albert I - der belgen) from Belgium
KM# 77
Composition Copper
Years 1912
Coin value

5 centimes (Albert I - Belgique-België)

5 centimes (Albert I - Belgique-België) from Belgium
KM# 80
Composition Zinc
Years 1916, 1915
Coin value 0,50$ - 0,67$

10 centimes (Albert I - Belgique-België)

10 centimes (Albert I - Belgique-België) from Belgium
KM# 81
Composition Zinc
Years 1916, 1915, 1917
Coin value 0,70$ - 0,74$

25 centimes (Albert I - Belgique-België)

25 centimes (Albert I - Belgique-België) from Belgium
KM# 82
Composition Zinc
Years 1917, 1916, 1915
Coin value 0,53$ - 4,14$

50 centimes (Albert I - Belgique-België)

50 centimes (Albert I - Belgique-België) from Belgium
KM# 83
Composition Zinc
Years 1918
Coin value 3,18$ - 3,89$

10 centimes (Albert I - Belgium)

10 centimes (Albert I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 85.1
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1929, 1923, 1926, 1921, 1920, 1927, 1928
Coin value 0,35$ - 1,05$

10 centimes (Albert I - Belgium)

10 centimes (Albert I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 85.2
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1920
Coin value 0,14$ - 1,54$

10 centimes (Albert I - België)

10 centimes (Albert I - België) from Belgium
KM# 86
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1927, 1923, 1920, 1922, 1925, 1928, 1924, 1921, 1926, 1929
Coin value 0,09$ - 2,73$

50 centimes (Albert I - Belgium)

50 centimes (Albert I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 87
Composition Nickel
Years 1923, 1933, 1927, 1930, 1922, 1928, 1932
Coin value 0,16$ - 5,42$

50 centimes (Albert I - België)

50 centimes (Albert I - België) from Belgium
KM# 88
Composition Nickel
Years 1923, 1928, 1932, 1933
Coin value 0,60$ - 5,00$

1 franc (Albert I - Belgium)

1 franc (Albert I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 89
Composition Nickel
Years 1933, 1923, 1934, 1928, 1922, 1929, 1930, 1931
Coin value 0,42$ - 5,36$

1 franc (Albert I - België)

1 franc (Albert I - België) from Belgium
KM# 90
Composition Nickel
Years 1929, 1935, 1922, 1923, 1927, 1928
Coin value 0,03$ - 1,23$

2 francs (Albert I - Belgium)

2 francs (Albert I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 91.1
Composition Nickel
Years 1923
Coin value

2 francs (Albert I - België)

2 francs (Albert I - België) from Belgium
KM# 92
Composition Nickel
Years 1923
Coin value

5 centimes (Albert I - Belgium)

5 centimes (Albert I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 93
Years 1932
Coin value

5 centimes (Albert I - België)

5 centimes (Albert I - België) from Belgium
KM# 94
Composition Nickel
Years 1931
Coin value 0,51$ - 0,60$

10 centimes (Albert I - België)

10 centimes (Albert I - België) from Belgium
KM# 96
Years 1930
Coin value

5 francs (Albert I - des belges)

5 francs (Albert I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 97.1
Composition Nickel
Years 1931, 1930, 1932, 1933, 1934
Coin value 2,32$ - 7,95$

5 francs (Albert I - des belges)

5 francs (Albert I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 97.2
Composition Nickel
Years 1930
Coin value

5 francs (Albert I - der belgen)

5 francs (Albert I - der belgen) from Belgium
KM# 98
Composition Nickel
Years 1933, 1930, 1932, 1931
Coin value 1,78$ - 7,65$

20 francs (Albert I - des belges)

20 francs (Albert I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 103.1
Composition Silver
Years 1934
Coin value

20 francs (Albert I - der belgen)

20 francs (Albert I - der belgen) from Belgium
KM# 104.1
Composition Silver
Years 1934
Coin value

20 francs (Leopold III - Belgique-België)

20 francs (Leopold III - Belgique-België) from Belgium
KM# 105
Composition Silver
Years 1935
Coin value

5 centimes (Leopold III - Belgique-België)

5 centimes (Leopold III - Belgique-België) from Belgium
KM# 110.1
Years 1938
Coin value 0,15$ - 1,90$

5 centimes (Leopold III - België-Belgique)

5 centimes (Leopold III - België-Belgique) from Belgium
KM# 111
Composition Nickel-brass
Years 1939, 1940
Coin value

10 centimes (Leopold III - Belgique-België)

10 centimes (Leopold III - Belgique-België) from Belgium
KM# 112
Composition Nickel-brass
Years 1939, 1938
Coin value 0,50$ - 0,60$

10 centimes (Leopold III - België-Belgique)

10 centimes (Leopold III - België-Belgique) from Belgium
KM# 113.1
Composition Nickel-copper
Years 1939
Coin value

25 centimes (Leopold III - Belgique-België)

25 centimes (Leopold III - Belgique-België) from Belgium
KM# 114.1
Composition Nickel plated brass
Years 1939
Coin value

25 centimes (Leopold III - België-Belgique)

25 centimes (Leopold III - België-Belgique) from Belgium
KM# 115.1
Composition Nickel plated brass
Years 1938
Coin value 0,41$ - 0,57$

5 francs (Leopold III - Belgique-België)

5 francs (Leopold III - Belgique-België) from Belgium
KM# 116.1
Composition Nickel
Years 1938
Coin value

5 francs (Leopold III - België-Belgique)

5 francs (Leopold III - België-Belgique) from Belgium
KM# 117.2
Composition Nickel
Years 1939
Coin value

1 franc (Leopold III - Belgique-België)

1 franc (Leopold III - Belgique-België) from Belgium
KM# 119
Composition Nickel
Years 1939
Coin value

1 franc (Leopold III - België-Belgique)

1 franc (Leopold III - België-Belgique) from Belgium
KM# 120
Composition Nickel
Years 1940, 1939
Coin value 0,62$ - 0,92$

5 centimes (Leopold III - Belgique-België)

5 centimes (Leopold III - Belgique-België) from Belgium
KM# 123
Composition Zinc
Years 1941, 1939, 1943
Coin value 0,12$ - 0,97$

5 centimes (Leopold III - België-Belgique)

5 centimes (Leopold III - België-Belgique) from Belgium
KM# 124
Composition Zinc
Years 1942
Coin value

10 centimes (Leopold III - Belgique-België)

10 centimes (Leopold III - Belgique-België) from Belgium
KM# 125
Composition Zinc
Years 1943, 1942, 1946
Coin value 0,15$ - 0,29$

10 centimes (Leopold III - België-Belgique)

10 centimes (Leopold III - België-Belgique) from Belgium
KM# 126
Composition Zinc
Years 1944, 1946, 1945, 1943, 1941, 1942
Coin value 0,22$ - 0,42$

1 franc (Leopold III - Belgique-België)

1 franc (Leopold III - Belgique-België) from Belgium
KM# 127
Composition Zinc
Years 1943, 1947, 1942, 1941
Coin value 0,27$ - 0,89$

1 franc (Leopold III - België-Belgique)

1 franc (Leopold III - België-Belgique) from Belgium
KM# 128
Years 1945, 1942, 1944, 1946, 1943
Coin value 0,35$ - 0,78$

5 francs (Leopold III - des belges)

5 francs (Leopold III - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 129.1
Years 1945, 1943, 1941, 1944, 1946, 1947
Coin value 0,44$ - 1,80$

5 francs (Leopold III - der belgen)

5 francs (Leopold III - der belgen) from Belgium
KM# 130
Composition Zinc
Years 1941
Coin value 0,07$ - 0,90$

25 centimes (Leopold III - Belgique-België)

25 centimes (Leopold III - Belgique-België) from Belgium
KM# 131
Composition Zinc
Years 1943, 1942, 1946
Coin value 0,20$ - 0,59$

25 centimes (Leopold III - België-Belgique)

25 centimes (Leopold III - België-Belgique) from Belgium
KM# 132
Composition Zinc
Years 1945, 1946, 1943, 1944, 1942
Coin value 0,19$ - 1,06$

2 francs (Leopold III - Belgique-België)

2 francs (Leopold III - Belgique-België) from Belgium
KM# 133
Years 1944
Coin value

5 francs (Baldwin I - Belgium)

5 francs (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 134.1
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1949, 1978, 1975, 1958, 1950, 1974, 1977, 1966, 1972, 1967, 1965, 1963, 1971, 1979, 1948, 1962, 1960, 1964, 1976, 1973, 1969, 1961, 1968, 1970, 1976, 1980, 1981
Coin value 0,04$ - 4,98$

5 francs (Baldwin I - Belgium)

5 francs (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 135.1
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1950, 1977, 1949, 1978, 1963, 1975, 1961, 1967, 1972, 1973, 1964, 1948, 1974, 1971, 1966, 1979, 1965, 1960, 1962, 1969, 1958, 1970, 1968, 1976, 1980, 1981
Coin value 0,05$ - 17,34$

50 francs (Leopold III - Belgium)

50 francs (Leopold III - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 136.1
Composition Silver
Years 1948, 1951, 1949
Coin value 9,40$ - 27,00$

50 francs (Leopold III - België)

50 francs (Leopold III - België) from Belgium
KM# 137
Composition Silver
Years 1948
Coin value

100 francs (Leopold III - Belgium)

100 francs (Leopold III - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 138.1
Composition Silver
Years 1948, 1949, 1950, 1954
Coin value

100 francs (Leopold III - België)

100 francs (Leopold III - België) from Belgium
KM# 139.1
Composition Silver
Years 1951
Coin value

20 francs (Leopold III - Belgium)

20 francs (Leopold III - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 140.1
Composition Silver
Years 1949, 1950, 1953, 1954, 1955
Coin value

20 francs (Leopold III - Belgium)

20 francs (Leopold III - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 140.2
Composition Silver
Years 1949, 1950
Coin value

20 francs (Leopold III - België)

20 francs (Leopold III - België) from Belgium
KM# 141.1
Composition Silver
Years 1949, 1950, 1951, 1953, 1954, 1955
Coin value

20 francs (Leopold III - België)

20 francs (Leopold III - België) from Belgium
KM# 141.2
Composition Silver
Years 1949, 1951
Coin value

1 franc (Baldwin I - Belgium)

1 franc (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 142.1
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1970, 1950, 1952, 1978, 1975, 1979, 1951, 1967, 1963, 1980, 1958, 1960, 1966, 1972, 1973, 1976, 1971, 1956, 1954, 1955, 1977, 1965, 1968, 1964, 1959, 1974, 1969, 1961, 1981, 1962, 1988
Coin value 0,05$ - 240,76$

1 franc (Baldwin I - Belgium)

1 franc (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 142.2
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1952, 1959, 1963, 1965, 1970, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1975, 1958
Coin value 0,07$ - 2,81$

1 franc (Baldwin I - Belgium)

1 franc (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 143.1
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1951, 1952, 1955, 1956, 1966, 1972, 1974, 1975, 1965, 1967, 1970, 1980, 1958, 1977, 1962, 1963, 1978, 1973, 1979, 1957, 1964, 1988, 1981, 1971, 1954, 1959, 1960, 1968, 1961, 1953, 1969, 1976, 1950
Coin value 0,01$ - 30,00$

1 franc (Baldwin I - Belgium)

1 franc (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 143.2
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1951, 1952, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1964, 1970, 1971, 1973, 1976, 1977, 1979, 1981
Coin value 0,02$ - 98,00$

50 centimes (Baldwin I - Belgium)

50 centimes (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 144
Years 1953, 1955, 1952
Coin value 0,08$ - 0,59$

50 centimes (Baldwin I - Belgium)

50 centimes (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 145
Years 1953, 1952, 1954
Coin value 0,05$ - 0,82$

20 centimes (Baldwin I - Belgium)

20 centimes (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 146
Years 1957, 1954, 1959, 1958, 1953, 1962, 1963
Coin value 0,15$ - 1,00$

20 centimes (Baldwin I - Belgium)

20 centimes (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 147.1
Composition Bronze
Years 1954, 1960
Coin value 0,10$ - 0,13$

50 centimes (Baldwin I - Belgium)

50 centimes (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 148.1
Years 1980, 1966, 1959, 1967, 1979, 1962, 1970, 1978, 1983, 1996, 1998, 1994, 1991, 1987, 1993, 1975, 1955, 1964, 1965, 1968, 1969, 1974, 1977, 1971, 1992, 1976, 1988, 1981, 1982, 1973, 1972, 1985, 1989, 1990, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 1958
Coin value 0,05$ - 2,00$

50 centimes (Baldwin I - Belgium)

50 centimes (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 148.2
Composition Bronze
Years 1959, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1969, 1974, 1976, 1980, 1999, 2000, 2001, 1979
Coin value 0,15$ - 1,00$

50 centimes (Baldwin I - Belgium)

50 centimes (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 149.1
Years 1998, 1978, 1962, 1987, 1992, 1994, 1969, 1979, 1977, 1970, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1991, 1956, 1983, 1957, 1958, 1966, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1980, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1975, 1976, 1981, 1982, 1985, 1988, 1993, 1996
Coin value 0,04$ - 2,23$

50 francs (Wedding of Baldwin and Fabiola)

50 francs (Wedding of Baldwin and Fabiola) from Belgium
KM# 152.1
Composition Silver
Years 1960
Coin value

50 francs (Wedding of Baldwin and Fabiola)

50 francs (Wedding of Baldwin and Fabiola) from Belgium
KM# 152.2
Composition Silver
Years 1960
Coin value

25 centimes (Baldwin I - Belgium)

25 centimes (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 153.1
Years 1967, 1970, 1968, 1964, 1966, 1972, 1969, 1971, 1965, 1973, 1974, 1975
Coin value 0,05$ - 1,27$

25 centimes (Baldwin I - Belgium)

25 centimes (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 154.1
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1964, 1970, 1967, 1975, 1971, 1969, 1973, 1974, 1965, 1972, 1966, 1968
Coin value 0,07$ - 0,58$

25 centimes (Baldwin I - Belgium)

25 centimes (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 154.2
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1969, 1971, 1972
Coin value 0,06$ - 2,14$

1 liard (Principality of Liège)

1 liard (Principality of Liège) from Belgium
KM# 155
Composition Copper
Years 1750
Coin value

10 francs (Baldwin I - Belgium)

10 francs (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 155.1
Composition Nickel
Years 1973, 1970, 1972, 1971, 1974, 1969, 1978, 1976, 1975, 1979, 1977
Coin value 0,06$ - 4,98$

10 francs (Baldwin I - Belgium)

10 francs (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 156.1
Years 1972, 1973, 1976, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1974, 1975, 1979, 1977, 1978
Coin value 0,07$ - 6,61$

250 francs (Silver Jubilee of Baldwin I - des belges)

250 francs (Silver Jubilee of Baldwin I - des belges) from Belgium
KM# 157.1
Composition Silver
Years 1976
Coin value

250 francs (Silver Jubilee of Baldwin I - der belgen)

250 francs (Silver Jubilee of Baldwin I - der belgen) from Belgium
KM# 158.1
Composition Silver
Years 1976
Coin value

20 francs (Baldwin I - Belgium)

20 francs (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 159
Composition Nickel-bronze
Years 1982, 1980, 1981, 1993, 1992, 1989, 1990, 1991
Coin value 0,14$ - 2,00$

20 francs (Baldwin I -België)

20 francs (Baldwin I -België) from Belgium
KM# 160
Composition Nickel-bronze
Years 1980, 1981, 1982, 1989, 1993, 1990, 1992, 1991
Coin value 0,10$ - 1,93$

500 francs (Baldwin I - Belgium)

500 francs (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 161
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1980
Coin value

500 francs (Baldwin I - Belgium)

500 francs (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 162
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1980
Coin value

5 francs (Baldwin I - Belgium)

5 francs (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 163
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1986, 1988, 1987, 1993, 1992, 1989, 1990, 1991
Coin value 0,08$ - 2,14$

5 francs ( (Baldwin I - België)

5 francs ( (Baldwin I - België) from Belgium
KM# 164
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1986, 1988, 1993, 1992, 1987, 1991
Coin value 0,09$ - 1,71$

5 ecu (30th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome)

5 ecu (30th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome) from Belgium
KM# 166
Composition Silver
Years 1987
Coin value

50 ecu (30th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome)

50 ecu (30th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome) from Belgium
KM# 167
Composition Gold
Years 1987
Coin value

50 francs (Baldwin I - Belgium)

50 francs (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 168
Composition Nickel
Years 1987, 1990, 1989, 1992, 1988, 1991, 1993
Coin value 0,35$ - 5,15$

50 francs (Baldwin I - Belgium)

50 francs (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 169
Composition Nickel
Years 1987, 1988, 1990, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993
Coin value 0,24$ - 2,20$

1 franc (Baldwin I - Belgium)

1 franc (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 170
Composition Nickel-plated iron
Years 1990, 1991, 1989, 1993, 1990, 1992
Coin value 0,05$ - 11,95$

1 franc (Baldwin I - Belgium)

1 franc (Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 171
Composition Nickel-plated iron
Years 1991, 1989, 1990, 1992, 1993
Coin value 0,10$ - 1,64$

1 franc (Albert II - Belgium)

1 franc (Albert II - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 187
Composition Nickel-plated iron
Years 1996, 1997, 1995, 1994, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
Coin value 0,09$ - 1,65$

1 franc (Albert II - België)

1 franc (Albert II - België) from Belgium
KM# 188
Composition Nickel-plated iron
Years 1994, 1995, 1998, 1997, 1996
Coin value 0,10$ - 21,32$

5 francs (Albert II - Belgium)

5 francs (Albert II - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 189
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1994, 1998, 1996, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001
Coin value 0,13$ - 1,00$

5 francs (Albert II - België)

5 francs (Albert II - België) from Belgium
KM# 190
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1998, 1994, 1996
Coin value 0,15$ - 0,26$

20 francs (Albert II - Belgium)

20 francs (Albert II - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 191
Years 1996, 1994, 1998
Coin value 0,07$ - 2,33$

20 francs (Albert II - België)

20 francs (Albert II - België) from Belgium
KM# 192
Composition Nickel-bronze
Years 1994, 1998, 1996
Coin value 0,25$ - 0,74$

50 francs (Albert II - Belgium)

50 francs (Albert II - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 193
Composition Nickel
Years 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
Coin value

50 francs (Albert II - België)

50 francs (Albert II - België) from Belgium
KM# 194
Composition Nickel
Years 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
Coin value 0,30$ - 2,00$

500 francs (40th Anniversary of the reign of Baldwin I - Belgium)

500 francs (40th Anniversary of the reign of Baldwin I - Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 197
Composition Silver
Years 1991
Coin value

50 francs (Albert II - Belgium) Campeonato de Fútbol - UEFA 2000

50 francs (Albert II - Belgium) Campeonato de Fútbol - UEFA 2000 from Belgium
KM# 213.1
Composition Nickel
Years 2000
Coin value

1 euro cent

1 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 224
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 1999, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007
Coin value 0,01$ - 25,00$

2 euro cent

2 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 225
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2000, 2003, 2004, 2006, 1999, 2001, 2005, 2007, 2002
Coin value 0,01$ - 2,88$

5 euro cent

5 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 226
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
Coin value 0,01$ - 25,00$

10 euro cent

10 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 227
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Coin value 0,08$ - 4,67$

20 euro cent

20 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 228
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Coin value 0,17$ - 0,72$

50 euro cent

50 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 229
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Coin value 0,32$ - 4,32$

1 euro

1 euro from Belgium
KM# 230
Composition Bimetalica
Years 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Coin value 0,94$ - 34,98$

2 euro

2 euro from Belgium
KM# 231
Composition Bimetalica
Years 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Coin value 1,82$ - 10,00$

10 euro (50th Anniversary of the North-South Road in Brussels)

10 euro (50th Anniversary of the North-South Road in Brussels) from Belgium
KM# 233
Composition Silver
Years 2002
Coin value

2 euro (Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union)

2 euro  (Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union) from Belgium
KM# 240
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2005
Coin value 2,03$ - 3,63$

2 euro (Atomium)

2 euro (Atomium) from Belgium
KM# 241
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2006
Coin value 1,84$ - 7,84$

10 euro cent

10 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 242
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2007
Coin value 0,19$ - 0,60$

20 euro cent

20 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 243
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2007
Coin value 0,17$ - 0,97$

50 euro cent

50 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 244
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2007
Coin value 0,43$ - 1,36$

1 euro

1 euro from Belgium
KM# 245
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2007
Coin value

2 euro

2 euro from Belgium
KM# 246
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2007
Coin value 1,93$ - 3,44$

2 euro (50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome)

2 euro (50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome) from Belgium
KM# 247
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2007
Coin value 2,01$ - 3,59$

2 euro (60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

2 euro (60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) from Belgium
KM# 248
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2008
Coin value 2,18$ - 3,90$

20 euro (2006 FIFA World Cup Germany)

20 euro (2006 FIFA World Cup Germany) from Belgium
KM# 254
Composition Silver
Years 2005
Coin value

5 euro (50th anniversary of the Smurfs)

5 euro (50th anniversary of the Smurfs) from Belgium
KM# 270
Composition Silver
Years 2008
Coin value

5 euro (50th anniversary of the Smurfs-Color)

5 euro (50th anniversary of the Smurfs-Color) from Belgium
KM# 270a
Composition Silver
Years 2008
Coin value

1 euro cent

1 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 274
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2008
Coin value

2 euro cent

2 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 275
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2008
Coin value

5 euro cent

5 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 276
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2008
Coin value

10 euro cent

10 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 277
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2008
Coin value

20 euro cent

20 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 278
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2008
Coin value 0,14$ - 0,79$

50 euro cent

50 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 279
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2008
Coin value 0,48$ - 0,86$

1 euro

1 euro from Belgium
KM# 280
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2008
Coin value

2 euro

2 euro from Belgium
KM# 281
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2008
Coin value 1,81$ - 4,33$

2 euro (10th Anniversary of the Economic and Monetary Union)

2 euro (10th Anniversary of the Economic and Monetary Union) from Belgium
KM# 282
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2009
Coin value 2,03$ - 3,63$

2 euro (200th Anniversary of the Birth of Louis Braille)

2 euro (200th Anniversary of the Birth of Louis Braille) from Belgium
KM# 288
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2009
Coin value 2,14$ - 2,86$

2 euro (Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union)

2 euro (Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union) from Belgium
KM# 289
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2010
Coin value 2,23$ - 2,98$

1 euro cent

1 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 295
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2009, 2013, 2010, 2011, 2012
Coin value 0,01$ - 0,99$

2 euro cent

2 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 296
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2009, 2013, 2010, 2011, 2012
Coin value 0,03$ - 1,04$

5 euro cent

5 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 297
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2009, 2010, 2012, 2011, 2013
Coin value 0,02$ - 0,73$

10 euro cent

10 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 298
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2009, 2012, 2011, 2013, 2010
Coin value 0,06$ - 0,66$

20 euro cent

20 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 299
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2009, 2011, 2012, 2010, 2013
Coin value 0,14$ - 0,79$

50 euro cent

50 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 300
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2010
Coin value 0,46$ - 1,13$

1 euro

1 euro from Belgium
KM# 301
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2009, 2013, 2011, 2012, 2010, 2023
Coin value 0,10$ - 2,14$

2 euro

2 euro from Belgium
KM# 302
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2010, 2009, 2013, 2011, 2012
Coin value 1,22$ - 22,09$

5 euro (175th Anniversary of the Train)

5 euro (175th Anniversary of the Train) from Belgium
KM# 303
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

2 euro (100th Anniversary of International Women's Day)

2 euro (100th Anniversary of International Women's Day) from Belgium
KM# 308
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2011
Coin value 2,18$ - 3,90$

2 euro (10th Anniversary of Euro Circulation)

2 euro (10th Anniversary of Euro Circulation) from Belgium
KM# 315
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2012
Coin value 2,12$ - 2,83$

2 euro (75th Anniversary of the Queen Elizabeth Music Competition)

2 euro (75th Anniversary of the Queen Elizabeth Music Competition) from Belgium
KM# 317
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2012
Coin value 2,01$ - 2,69$

2 euro (100th Anniversary of the Meteorological Institute)

2 euro (100th Anniversary of the Meteorological Institute) from Belgium
KM# 323
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2013
Coin value 2,23$ - 2,98$

1 euro cent

1 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 331
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2014, 2016, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Coin value 0,25$ - 2,00$

2 euro cent

2 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 332
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2014, 2016, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Coin value 0,07$ - 4,00$

5 euro cent

5 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 333
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2014, 2016, 2017, 2015, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Coin value 0,01$ - 0,88$

10 euro cent

10 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 334
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2014, 2015, 2017, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Coin value 0,04$ - 2,50$

20 euro cent

20 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 335
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Coin value 0,13$ - 5,43$

50 euro cent

50 euro cent from Belgium
KM# 336
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2014, 2015, 2017, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Coin value 0,46$ - 1,13$

1 euro

1 euro from Belgium
KM# 337
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2014, 2016, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Coin value 1,00$ - 10,00$

2 euro

2 euro from Belgium
KM# 338
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Coin value 1,44$ - 20,53$

2 euro (100th Anniversary of World War I)

2 euro (100th Anniversary of World War I) from Belgium
KM# 345
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2014
Coin value 2,08$ - 3,72$

5 euro (Mons, Cultural Capital of Europe in 2015)

5 euro (Mons, Cultural Capital of Europe in 2015) from Belgium
KM# 357
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2015
Coin value

2 euro (150th Anniversary of the Red Cross in Belgium)

2 euro (150th Anniversary of the Red Cross in Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 362
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2014BE, 2014NE, 2014IT
Coin value 1,43$ - 10,86$

2 euro (European Year of Development)

2 euro (European Year of Development) from Belgium
KM# 363
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2015
Coin value

2 euro (30th Anniversary of the European Flag)

2 euro (30th Anniversary of the European Flag) from Belgium
KM# 364
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2015
Coin value

2 euro (International Day of Missing Children)

2 euro (International Day of Missing Children) from Belgium
KM# 365
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2016
Coin value 1,59$ - 5,08$

2 euro (Belgian team at the Rio 2016 Olympics)

2 euro (Belgian team at the Rio 2016 Olympics) from Belgium
KM# 366
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2016
Coin value 1,56$ - 6,63$

2 euro (200th Anniversary of Ghent University)

2 euro (200th Anniversary of Ghent University) from Belgium
KM# 369
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2017
Coin value

2 euro (200th Anniversary of the University of Liege)

2 euro (200th Anniversary of the University of Liege) from Belgium
KM# 370
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2017
Coin value 1,52$ - 8,65$

2 euro (50th Anniversary of ESRO-2B Satellite Launch)

2 euro (50th Anniversary of ESRO-2B Satellite Launch) from Belgium
KM# 373
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2018
Coin value

2 euro (50th Anniversary of the May '68 Events)

2 euro (50th Anniversary of the May '68 Events) from Belgium
KM# 374
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2018
Coin value

100 euro (50th Anniversary of the Death of René Magritte)

100 euro (50th Anniversary of the Death of René Magritte) from Belgium
KM# 385
Composition Gold
Years 2017
Coin value

2 euro (25th Anniversary of the European Monetary Institute)

2 euro (25th Anniversary of the European Monetary Institute) from Belgium
KM# 386
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2019
Coin value 1,48$ - 8,41$

2 euro (450th Anniversary of Pieter Bruegel's Death)

2 euro (450th Anniversary of Pieter Bruegel's Death) from Belgium
KM# 387
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2019
Coin value 1,45$ - 8,29$

2 1/2 euro (100th Anniversary of the Tour de France)

2 1/2 euro (100th Anniversary of the Tour de France) from Belgium
KM# 388
Composition Brass
Years 2019
Coin value

2 1/2 euro (400th Anniversary of the Manneken Pis)

2 1/2 euro (400th Anniversary of the Manneken Pis) from Belgium
KM# 389
Composition Brass
Years 2019
Coin value

100 euro (100th Anniversary of Grabrielle Petit's Death)

100 euro (100th Anniversary of Grabrielle Petit's Death) from Belgium
KM# 396
Composition Gold
Years 2016
Coin value

2 euro (International Year of Plant Health)

2 euro (International Year of Plant Health) from Belgium
KM# 407
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2020
Coin value 1,18$ - 8,98$

2 euro (Painter Jan Van Eyck)

2 euro (Painter Jan Van Eyck) from Belgium
KM# 408
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2020
Coin value 1,47$ - 8,35$

2 1/2 euro (100th Anniversary of the Antwerp Olympic Games-1920)

2 1/2 euro (100th Anniversary of the Antwerp Olympic Games-1920) from Belgium
KM# 409
Composition Brass
Years 2020
Coin value

2 1/2 euro (75th Anniversary-Peace and Freedom in Europe)

2 1/2 euro (75th Anniversary-Peace and Freedom in Europe) from Belgium
KM# 410
Composition Brass
Years 2020
Coin value

2 euro (100th Anniversary Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union)

2 euro (100th Anniversary Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union) from Belgium
KM# 419
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2021
Coin value

2 euro (500th Anniversary of Charles V's Golden Gulden)

2 euro (500th Anniversary of Charles V's Golden Gulden) from Belgium
KM# 420
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2021
Coin value

2 1/2 euro (5th Anniversary of Belgian beer as Intangible Heritage)

2 1/2 euro (5th Anniversary of Belgian beer as Intangible Heritage) from Belgium
KM# 421
Composition Brass
Years 2021
Coin value

2 1/2 euro (UEFA European Football Championship 2020)

2 1/2 euro (UEFA European Football Championship 2020) from Belgium
KM# 422
Composition Brass
Years 2021
Coin value

2 euro (Healthcare during the Covid pandemic)

2 euro (Healthcare during the Covid pandemic) from Belgium
KM# 429
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2022
Coin value 7,33$ - 9,80$

2 euro (35th Anniversary of the Erasmus Program)

2 euro (35th Anniversary of the Erasmus Program) from Belgium
KM# 430
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2022
Coin value

2 1/2 euro (100th Anniversary of Bird Protection )

2 1/2 euro (100th Anniversary of Bird Protection ) from Belgium
KM# 431
Composition Brass
Years 2022
Coin value

2 1/2 euro (20th Anniversary of the Euro)

2 1/2 euro (20th Anniversary of the Euro) from Belgium
KM# 432
Composition Brass
Years 2022
Coin value

2 euro (Brussels - Capital of Art Nouveau)

2 euro (Brussels - Capital of Art Nouveau) from Belgium
KM# 438
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2023
Coin value

2 euro (75th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage in Belgium)

2 euro (75th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage in Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 439
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2023
Coin value

2 1/2 euro (Belgian Festival Culture)

2 1/2 euro (Belgian Festival Culture) from Belgium
KM# 440
Composition Brass
Years 2023
Coin value

2 1/2 euro (Cycling Experience in Belgium)

2 1/2 euro (Cycling Experience in Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 441
Composition Brass
Years 2023
Coin value

2 euro (Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union)

2 euro (Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union) from Belgium
KM# 445
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2024
Coin value 0,74$ - 10,12$

2 euro (Fight against Cancer in Belgium)

2 euro (Fight against Cancer in Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 446
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2024
Coin value

2 1/2 euro (James Ensor Year)

2 1/2 euro (James Ensor Year) from Belgium
KM# 447
Composition Brass
Years 2024
Coin value

2 1/2 euro (The bee in Belgium)

2 1/2 euro (The bee in Belgium) from Belgium
KM# 448
Composition Brass
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (75 years of NATO)

10 euro (75 years of NATO) from Belgium
KM# 449
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

20 euro (Belgium Olympic Team)

20 euro (Belgium Olympic Team) from Belgium
KM# 450
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

Investing in Belgium coins can be a great opportunity for coin collectors and investors alike. The rich cultural and historical heritage of Belgium is reflected in its coins, making them unique and valuable collectibles.

One reason why Belgium coins are attractive to investors is their rarity. Many Belgium coins were produced in limited quantities, making them difficult to find and increasing their value. Additionally, the historical events and political changes that have taken place in Belgium over the years have had a significant impact on its coin production, further adding to their rarity and collectibility.

Finally, the price of Belgium old coins is also influenced by their age and condition. Coins that are in excellent condition and date back to ancient times are often worth more than newer coins or those in poor condition.