France Coins Price List

Welcome to France coin catalog collection gallery and price list, organized by the standard notation of the World Coin Catalog (#KM). Here, you will find detailed information and values for each coin including old coins from France. To make your search even easier, you can filter by coin name in the top field. Discover the rich history and unique characteristics of 's coins and add to your collection today.

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2 euro (World AIDS Day)

2 euro (World AIDS Day) from France
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2014
Coin value 2,07$ - 3,70$

2 euro (2016 UEFA European Championship)

2 euro (2016 UEFA European Championship) from France
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2016
Coin value 2,11$ - 3,77$

20 euro (Torch Relay for the 2024 Olympic Games)

20 euro (Torch Relay for the 2024 Olympic Games) from France
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

500 euro (Astrology)

500 euro (Astrology) from France
Composition Gold
Years 2025
Coin value

50 euro (Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral reopens to the public).

50 euro (Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral reopens to the public). from France
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

5 euro (Aquarius)

5 euro (Aquarius) from France
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2025
Coin value

5 euro (Aries)

5 euro (Aries) from France
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2025
Coin value

5 euro (Cancer)

5 euro (Cancer) from France
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2025
Coin value

5 euro (Capricorn)

5 euro (Capricorn) from France
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2025
Coin value

5 euro (Gemini)

5 euro (Gemini) from France
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2025
Coin value

5 euro (Leo)

5 euro (Leo) from France
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2025
Coin value

5 euro (Pound)

5 euro (Pound) from France
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2025
Coin value

5 euro (Pisces)

5 euro (Pisces) from France
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2025
Coin value

5 euro (Sagittarius)

5 euro (Sagittarius) from France
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2025
Coin value

5 euro (Scorpio)

5 euro (Scorpio) from France
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2025
Coin value

5 euro (Taurus)

5 euro (Taurus) from France
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2025
Coin value

5 euro (Virgo)

5 euro (Virgo) from France
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2025
Coin value

5 euro (My first work)

5 euro (My first work) from France
Composition Silver
Years 2025
Coin value

5 euro (My first work)

5 euro (My first work) from France
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2025
Coin value

1 denier tournois (Gaston d'Orleans)

1 denier tournois (Gaston d'Orleans) from France
Composition Copper
Years 1649
Coin value

1 douzain

1 douzain from France
KM# 1
Composition Silver
Years 1593, 1595
Coin value

10 centimes (Notgeld)

10 centimes (Notgeld) from France
KM# 1.01t
Composition Aluminium
Years 1921
Coin value

1 jeton (token)

1 jeton (token) from France
KM# 1.02t
Composition Copper
Years 1681
Coin value

double tournois

double tournois from France
KM# 2
Composition Copper
Years 1636
Coin value

1 liard

1 liard from France
KM# 192.1
Composition Copper
Years 1656, 1656, 1656, 1656, 1656, 1656, 1656, 1656
Coin value

4 sols (2 denier)

4 sols (2 denier) from France
KM# 281
Composition Silver
Years 1692, 1692
Coin value

1 liard (Louis XIV)

1 liard (Louis XIV) from France
KM# 284.13
Composition Copper
Years 1698, 1695, 1697
Coin value

4 deniers (Louis XIV)

4 deniers (Louis XIV) from France
KM# 310
Composition Copper
Years 1696
Coin value

1 ecu

1 ecu from France
KM# 486.1
Composition Silver
Years 1726, 1735
Coin value

1 liard (Louis XV)

1 liard (Louis XV) from France
KM# 543.9
Composition Copper
Years 1771, 1771
Coin value

1/2 sol (Louis XV)

1/2 sol (Louis XV) from France
KM# 544.1
Composition Copper
Years 1769
Coin value

1 sun (Louis XV)

1 sun (Louis XV) from France
KM# 545
Composition Copper
Years 1772
Coin value

1 sol

1 sol from France
KM# 578.1
Composition Copper
Years 1779, 1781, 1783, 1784, 1785, 1786, 1788, 1789, 1791
Coin value

1 sol

1 sol from France
KM# 578.2
Composition Copper
Years 1780, 1781, 1782, 1783, 1784, 1785, 1786, 1788, 1790, 1791
Coin value

1 sol

1 sol from France
KM# 578.3
Composition Copper
Years 1785, 1787, 1788, 1789, 1790, 1791
Coin value

1 sol

1 sol from France
KM# 578.4
Composition Copper
Years 1783, 1784, 1785, 1791
Coin value

1 sol

1 sol from France
KM# 578.5
Years 1779
Coin value

1 sol

1 sol from France
KM# 578.6
Years 1777
Coin value

1 sol

1 sol from France
KM# 578.7
Years 1778
Coin value

1 sol

1 sol from France
KM# 578.8
Years 1780
Coin value

1 sol

1 sol from France
KM# 578.9
Years 1783
Coin value

1 liard (Louis XVI)

1 liard (Louis XVI) from France
KM# 585.14
Composition Copper
Years 1785
Coin value

1 liard (Louis XVI)

1 liard (Louis XVI) from France
KM# 585.15
Composition Copper
Years 1786
Coin value

1/2 sol 1 ecu (Louis XVI)

1/2 sol  1 ecu (Louis XVI) from France
KM# 586.12
Composition Copper
Years 1779
Coin value

12 deniers (Louis XVI)

12 deniers (Louis XVI) from France
KM# 600.1
Composition Bronze
Years 1791, 1792, 1793
Coin value 10,00$ - 15,00$

12 deniers (Louis XVI)

12 deniers (Louis XVI) from France
KM# 601
Composition Bronze
Years 1791
Coin value

2 sols (Louis XVI)

2 sols (Louis XVI) from France
KM# 603
Composition Bronze
Years 1791, 1792, 1793
Coin value

30 sols

30 sols from France
KM# 606.1
Composition Silver
Years 1791, 1792
Coin value

1 sol

1 sol from France
KM# 619.1
Composition Bronze
Years 1793
Coin value

1 sol (I Republic)

1 sol (I Republic) from France
KM# 620.1
Composition Bronze
Years 1793
Coin value

5 centimes (I Republic)

5 centimes (I Republic) from France
KM# 635.1
Composition Copper
Years 1795
Coin value

5 centimes

5 centimes from France
KM# 640.4
Composition Bronze
Years 1799
Coin value

1 tell me France 1795-1800

KM# 644.1
Composition Bronze
Years 1798
Coin value

1 centime

1 centime from France
KM# 646
Composition Bronze
Years 1797, 1798, 1799
Coin value 3,00$ - 5,00$

5 francs (Napoleon I)

5 francs (Napoleon I) from France
KM# 660.8
Composition Silver
Years 1803
Coin value

10 centimes (Napoleon I)

10 centimes (Napoleon I) from France
KM# 676.1
Years 1809
Coin value

1/2 franc (Napoleon I)

1/2 franc (Napoleon I) from France
KM# 680.9
Composition Silver
Years 1808
Coin value

5 francs (Napoleon I)

5 francs (Napoleon I) from France
KM# 694
Composition Silver
Years 1811, 1809
Coin value

20 francs (Louis XVIII)

20 francs (Louis XVIII) from France
KM# 712
Composition Gold
Years 1818
Coin value

1/4 franc (Charles X)

1/4 franc (Charles X) from France
KM# 722
Composition Silver
Years 1830
Coin value

5 francs (Charles X)

5 francs (Charles X) from France
KM# 728.1
Composition Silver
Years 1830
Coin value

5 francs (Charles X)

5 francs (Charles X) from France
KM# 728.12
Composition Silver
Years 1830
Coin value

1/2 franc (Louis Philippe I)

1/2 franc (Louis Philippe I) from France
KM# 741
Composition Silver
Years 1831
Coin value

5 francs (Louis Philippe I)

5 francs (Louis Philippe I) from France
KM# 745.13
Composition Silver
Years 1831, 1831, 1831, 1831, 1831, 1831, 1831, 1831, 1831, 1831, 1831, 1831, 1831
Coin value

5 francs (Louis Philippe I)

5 francs (Louis Philippe I) from France
KM# 749.1
Composition Silver
Years 1832, 1840, 1834, 1835, 1838, 1847, 1837
Coin value 1,00$ - 70,00$

5 francs (Louis Philippe I)

5 francs (Louis Philippe I) from France
KM# 749.13
Composition Silver
Years 1845, 1833, 1832, 1834, 1835
Coin value 19,15$ - 25,16$

5 francs (Louis Philippe I)

5 francs (Louis Philippe I) from France
KM# 749.2
Composition Silver
Years 1832, 1834, 1833, 1835, 1843
Coin value

1 centime

1 centime from France
KM# 754
Composition Bronze
Years 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1849, 1849
Coin value 9,95$ - 12,00$

5 francs

5 francs from France
KM# 756.1
Composition Silver
Years 1848, 1849
Coin value

20 centimes

20 centimes from France
KM# 758.1
Composition Silver
Years 1849, 1850
Coin value 5,00$ - 15,00$

1 franc

1 franc from France
KM# 759
Composition Silver
Years 1849, 1850, 1851
Coin value 50,00$ - 80,00$

2 francs

2 francs from France
KM# 760
Composition Silver
Years 1849, 1850, 1851
Coin value

5 francs

5 francs from France
KM# 761
Composition Silver
Years 1850, 1849, 1849, 1850, 1850, 1851
Coin value 10,00$ - 30,00$

20 francs

20 francs from France
KM# 762
Composition Gold
Years 1851
Coin value

50 centimes

50 centimes from France
KM# 768.2
Composition Silver
Years 1846
Coin value

10 centimes (Napoleon III)

10 centimes (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 771.1
Composition Bronze
Years 1855, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1856, 1853, 1855, 1857
Coin value 0,72$ - 15,25$

10 centimes (Napoleon III)

10 centimes (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 771.2
Years 1855, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857
Coin value 0,50$ - 5,00$

10 centimes (Napoleon III)

10 centimes (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 771.3
Composition Bronze
Years 1853, 1854, 1855, 1855, 1856, 1857
Coin value 0,01$ - 3,48$

10 centimes (Napoleon III)

10 centimes (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 771.4
Composition Bronze
Years 1853, 1854, 1855, 1855, 1856
Coin value 1,46$ - 8,00$

10 centimes (Napoleon III)

10 centimes (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 771.5
Composition Bronze
Years 1853, 1856
Coin value

10 centimes (Napoleon III)

10 centimes (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 771.6
Composition Bronze
Years 1855, 1857
Coin value

10 centimes (Napoleon III)

10 centimes (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 771.7
Composition Bronze
Years 1856, 1855, 1854
Coin value 2,09$ - 2,18$

5 francos (Napoleon III)

5 francos (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 773.1
Composition Silver
Years 1852
Coin value

2 centimes (Napoleon III)

2 centimes (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 776.1
Composition Bronze
Years 1853, 1855
Coin value

2 centimes (Napoleon III)

2 centimes (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 776.5
Composition Bronze
Years 1855, 1856
Coin value

5 centimes (Napoleon III)

5 centimes (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 777.1
Composition Bronze
Years 1854, 1856, 1855
Coin value 0,81$ - 2,69$

5 centimes (Napoleon III)

5 centimes (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 777.2
Composition Bronze
Years 1855, 1854, 1855
Coin value 1,85$ - 10,00$

5 centimes (Napoleon III)

5 centimes (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 777.4
Composition Bronze
Years 1856, 1854
Coin value

5 centimes (Napoleon III)

5 centimes (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 777.5
Composition Bronze
Years 1855, 1854, 1857
Coin value 0,93$ - 4,30$

5 centimes

5 centimes from France
KM# 777.6
Composition Bronze
Years 1855, 1854, 1853, 1856, 1857
Coin value

5 centimes

5 centimes from France
KM# 777.7
Composition Bronze
Years 1853, 1854, 1855, 1855, 1856, 1857
Coin value 0,04$ - 4,00$

20 centimes

20 centimes from France
KM# 778
Composition Silver
Years 1854
Coin value

20 francs

20 francs from France
KM# 781.1
Composition Gold
Years 1858, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1859, 1860
Coin value

5 francs

5 francs from France
KM# 782
Composition Silver
Years 1853, 1854, 1855, 1855, 1855, 1856, 1856, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859
Coin value

5 francs

5 francs from France
KM# 783
Composition Gold
Years 1953, 1954, 1955
Coin value

10 francs

10 francs from France
KM# 784.1
Composition Gold
Years 1855
Coin value

10 francs

10 francs from France
KM# 784.3
Composition Gold
Years 1859, 1857
Coin value

10 francs

10 francs from France
KM# 784.4
Composition Gold
Years 1859
Coin value

2 centimes (Napoleon III)

2 centimes (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 796.3
Composition Bronze
Years 1861
Coin value

2 centimes (Napoleon III)

2 centimes (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 796.4
Composition Bronze
Years 1862
Coin value

2 centimes (Napoleon III)

2 centimes (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 796.6
Composition Bronze
Years 1861
Coin value

5 centimes

5 centimes from France
KM# 797.1
Composition Copper
Years 1863
Coin value

5 centimes (Napoleon III)

5 centimes (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 797.2
Composition Bronze
Years 1861, 1864, 1865, 1863
Coin value 1,00$ - 10,00$

5 centimes (Napoleon III)

5 centimes (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 797.2
Composition Bronze
Years 1862
Coin value 0,82$ - 2,52$

5 centimes

5 centimes from France
KM# 797.3
Composition Copper
Years 1861
Coin value

10 centimes

10 centimes from France
KM# 798.1
Composition Bronze
Years 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865
Coin value 1,84$ - 19,89$

10 centimes

10 centimes from France
KM# 798.2
Composition Bronze
Years 1862, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865
Coin value 2,16$ - 20,00$

10 centimes

10 centimes from France
KM# 798.3
Composition Bronze
Years 1863, 1862, 1861, 1864
Coin value 1,61$ - 5,00$

5 francs (Napoleon III)

5 francs (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 799.1
Composition Silver
Years 1861, 1868, 1869, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1870
Coin value 12,99$ - 21,85$

5 francs (Napoleon III)

5 francs (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 799.2
Composition Silver
Years 1867
Coin value 8,65$ - 26,00$

10 francs (Napoleon III)

10 francs (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 800.1
Composition Gold
Years 1862
Coin value

20 francos Napoleon III

20 francos Napoleon III from France
KM# 801.2
Composition Gold
Years 1870
Coin value

1 franc (Napoleon III)

1 franc (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 806.2
Composition Silver
Years 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870
Coin value 25,00$ - 32,00$

2 francs (Napoleon III)

2 francs (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 807.1
Composition Silver
Years 1866
Coin value

20 centimes (Napoleon III)

20 centimes (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 808.1
Composition Silver
Years 1867, 1868
Coin value

20 centimes (Napoleon III)

20 centimes (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 808.2
Composition Silver
Years 1867, 1867, 1868, 1869
Coin value 4,60$ - 8,00$

50 centimes (Napoleon III)

50 centimes (Napoleon III) from France
KM# 814.2
Composition Silver
Years 1864, 1867, 1866, 1867, 1864, 1864, 1865, 1865, 1865, 1866, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1868, 1869
Coin value 2,75$ - 10,00$

10 centimes

10 centimes from France
KM# 815.1
Composition Bronze
Years 1891, 1881, 1894, 1871, 1870, 1897, 1872, 1896, 1871, 1872, 1879, 1880, 1895, 1873, 1873, 1874, 1874, 1875, 1875, 1876, 1876, 1877, 1877, 1878, 1878, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1892, 1893, 1898
Coin value 1,00$ - 25,00$

2 francs

2 francs from France
KM# 817.1
Composition Silver
Years 1871, 1870, 1872, 1873, 1878, 1881, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1894, 1895
Coin value 5,00$ - 7,37$

2 francs

2 francs from France
KM# 817.2
Composition Silver
Years 1871, 1872
Coin value

5 francs

5 francs from France
KM# 820.1
Composition Silver
Years 1874, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1878, 1889
Coin value 8,89$ - 30,00$

5 francs

5 francs from France
KM# 820.2
Composition Silver
Years 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878
Coin value 7,05$ - 54,19$

5 centimes

5 centimes from France
KM# 821.1
Composition Bronze
Years 1877, 1894, 1892, 1896, 1897, 1881, 1878, 1880, 1876, 1886, 1888, 1893, 1883, 1871
Coin value 0,04$ - 10,00$

1 franc

1 franc from France
KM# 822.1
Composition Silver
Years 1888, 1871, 1872, 1881, 1887, 1894, 1895
Coin value

1 franc

1 franc from France
KM# 822.2
Composition Silver
Years 1872, 1871, 1873
Coin value

1 centime

1 centime from France
KM# 826.1
Composition Bronze
Years 1887
Coin value

2 centimes

2 centimes from France
KM# 827.1
Composition Bronze
Years 1891
Coin value

50 centimes

50 centimes from France
KM# 834.1
Composition Silver
Years 1895, 1881
Coin value 4,31$ - 14,17$

1 centime

1 centime from France
KM# 840
Composition Bronze
Years 1911, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1916, 1919, 1920
Coin value 1,00$ - 1,43$

2 centimes

2 centimes from France
KM# 841
Composition Bronze
Years 1911, 1913, 1914, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1916, 1919, 1920
Coin value 0,31$ - 8,19$

5 centimes

5 centimes from France
KM# 842
Composition Bronze
Years 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1920, 1921, 1916*
Coin value 0,25$ - 106,58$

10 centimes

10 centimes from France
KM# 843
Composition Bronze
Years 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1920, 1921, 1916*
Coin value 0,08$ - 5,01$

1 franc

1 franc from France
KM# 844.1
Composition Silver
Years 1913, 1915, 1916, 1919, 1898, 1910, 1917, 1918, 1920, 1912, 1901, 1900, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1911, 1914, 1899
Coin value 2,87$ - 7,62$

1 franc

1 franc from France
KM# 844.2
Composition Silver
Years 1914C
Coin value

2 francs

2 francs from France
KM# 845.1
Composition Silver
Years 1916, 1898, 1902, 1914, 1908, 1918, 1915, 1917, 1919, 1900, 1899, 1901, 1904, 1905, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1920
Coin value 2,00$ - 8,00$

2 francs

2 francs from France
KM# 845.2
Composition Silver
Years 1914C
Coin value

10 francs

10 francs from France
KM# 846
Composition Gold
Years 1906
Coin value

50 centimes

50 centimes from France
KM# 854
Composition Silver
Years 1917, 1897, 1902, 1916, 1907, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1918, 1919, 1920
Coin value 0,10$ - 3,46$

25 centimes

25 centimes from France
KM# 855
Composition Nickel
Years 1903
Coin value

25 centimes

25 centimes from France
KM# 856
Composition Nickel
Years 1904, 1905
Coin value 0,91$ - 2,16$

20 francs

20 francs from France
KM# 857
Composition Gold
Years 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914
Coin value 281,00$ - 470,00$

5 centimes

5 centimes from France
KM# 865
Composition Nickel
Years 1914
Coin value

5 centimes

5 centimes from France
KM# 865a
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1919, 1917, 1918, 1920
Coin value 0,36$ - 1,02$

10 centimes

10 centimes from France
KM# 866
Composition Nickel
Years 1914
Coin value

10 centimes

10 centimes from France
KM# 866a
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1917, 1920, 1935, 1919, 1931, 1932, 1927, 1929, 1933, 1922c, 1936, 1938, 1921, 1924c, 1923c, 1928, 1918, 1925, 1926, 1930, 1934, 1937, 1922t, 1923t, 1924t
Coin value 0,05$ - 296,50$

25 centimes

25 centimes from France
KM# 867
Composition Nickel
Years 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917
Coin value 0,73$ - 2,50$

25 centimes

25 centimes from France
KM# 867a
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1930, 1921, 1918, 1922, 1920, 1936, 1925, 1923, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1931, 1937, 1933, 1929, 1927, 1926, 1919, 1917
Coin value 0,10$ - 8,39$

25 centimes

25 centimes from France
KM# 867b
Composition Nickel-bronze
Years 1939, 1938, 1939V, 1940
Coin value 0,45$ - 0,86$

5 centimes

5 centimes from France
KM# 875
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1920, 1921, 1922c, 1923c, 1924c, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1923t, 1922t, 1924t
Coin value 0,09$ - 5,51$

5 centimes

5 centimes from France
KM# 875a
Composition Nickel-bronze
Years 1939, 1938, 1938*
Coin value

1 franc (Chambres de Commerce)

1 franc (Chambres de Commerce) from France
KM# 876
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1923, 1920, 1924, 1925, 1921, 1922, 1927, 1926, 1924V, 1928
Coin value 0,22$ - 6,84$

2 francs

2 francs from France
KM# 877
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1920, 1923, 1925, 1922, 1921, 1926, 1924, 1924V, 1925V, 1927
Coin value 0,26$ - 9,82$

10 francs

10 francs from France
KM# 878
Composition Silver
Years 1932, 1933, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1934, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1936
Coin value 0,63$ - 60,00$

20 francs

20 francs from France
KM# 879
Composition Silver
Years 1934, 1929, 1933, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1933V
Coin value 1,00$ - 24,93$

50 centimes (Chambers of Commerce)

50 centimes (Chambers of Commerce) from France
KM# 884
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1923, 1922, 1926, 1924V, 1927, 1921, 1925V, 1924, 1923V, 1925, 1928, 1928V, 1929V, 1929
Coin value 0,19$ - 2,14$

1 franc

1 franc from France
KM# 885
Years 1941, 1938, 1933, 1940, 1935, 1936, 1939, 1931, 1932, 1937, 1934
Coin value 0,14$ - 2,27$

1 franc

1 franc from France
KM# 885a1
Composition Aluminium
Years 1958, 1948, 1941, 1944, 1946, 1949, 1950, 1947, 1945, 1957, 1959, 1943
Coin value 0,27$ - 3,03$

1 franc

1 franc from France
KM# 885a2
Composition Aluminium
Years 1957, 1950, 1949, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1958, 1944
Coin value 0,19$ - 4,07$

1 franc

1 franc from France
KM# 885a3
Composition Aluminium
Years 1944, 1945, 1946
Coin value 0,44$ - 3,00$

1 franc

1 franc from France
KM# 885b
Composition Zinc
Years 1943
Coin value 0,15$ - 1,90$

2 francs

2 francs from France
KM# 886
Years 1938, 1941, 1936, 1931, 1939, 1940, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1934, 1937
Coin value 0,03$ - 341,68$

2 francs

2 francs from France
KM# 886a1
Composition Aluminium
Years 1948, 1945, 1941, 1946, 1947, 1949, 1950, 1958, 1959, 1944
Coin value 0,14$ - 4,82$

2 francs

2 francs from France
KM# 886a2
Composition Aluminium
Years 1949, 1944, 1946, 1950, 1948, 1945, 1947
Coin value 0,08$ - 3,89$

2 francs

2 francs from France
KM# 886a3
Composition Aluminium
Years 1945, 1944, 1946
Coin value 0,29$ - 23,37$

5 francs

5 francs from France
KM# 887
Composition Nickel
Years 1933
Coin value 1,42$ - 2,53$

5 francs

5 francs from France
KM# 888
Composition Nickel
Years 1933, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939
Coin value 1,13$ - 3,70$

5 francs

5 francs from France
KM# 888a1
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1938, 1939, 1940
Coin value

5 francs

5 francs from France
KM# 888a2
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1945, 1946, 1947
Coin value 0,08$ - 2,20$

5 francs

5 francs from France
KM# 888a3
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1945, 1946
Coin value

5 francs

5 francs from France
KM# 888b1
Composition Aluminium
Years 1947, 1949, 1946, 1945, 1950, 1948, 1952
Coin value 0,30$ - 100,00$

5 francs

5 francs from France
KM# 888b2
Composition Aluminium
Years 1945, 1949, 1947, 1946, 1948, 1950
Coin value 0,25$ - 11,61$

5 francs

5 francs from France
KM# 888b3
Composition Aluminium
Years 1945, 1946
Coin value 0,47$ - 184,42$

10 centimes

10 centimes from France
KM# 889.1
Composition Nickel-bronze
Years 1938, 1939, 1938V
Coin value 0,04$ - 0,50$

10 centimes

10 centimes from France
KM# 889.2
Composition Nickel-bronze
Years 1939
Coin value

50 centimes

50 centimes from France
KM# 894.1
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1931, 1932, 1941, 1938, 1939, 1933, 1936, 1937, 1940, 1947, 1933V
Coin value 0,01$ - 1,66$

50 centimes

50 centimes from France
KM# 894.1a
Composition Aluminium
Years 1941, 1947, 1945, 1944, 1946
Coin value 0,08$ - 2,13$

50 centimes

50 centimes from France
KM# 894.2
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1939B
Coin value

50 centimes

50 centimes from France
KM# 894.2a
Composition Aluminium
Years 1944B, 1945B, 1946B, 1947B
Coin value 0,26$ - 7,69$

50 centimes

50 centimes from France
KM# 894.3a
Composition Aluminium
Years 1945C, 1944C
Coin value

10 centimes

10 centimes from France
KM# 895
Composition Zinc
Years 1941
Coin value

10 centimes

10 centimes from France
KM# 896
Composition Zinc
Years 1941
Coin value

10 centimes

10 centimes from France
KM# 897
Composition Zinc
Years 1941
Coin value 0,19$ - 1,01$

10 centimes

10 centimes from France
KM# 898.1
Composition Zinc
Years 1941, 1942, 1943
Coin value 0,36$ - 1,08$

10 centimes

10 centimes from France
KM# 898.2
Composition Zinc
Years 1941, 1942, 1943
Coin value 0,56$ - 1,02$

20 centimes

20 centimes from France
KM# 899
Composition Zinc
Years 1941
Coin value

20 centimes

20 centimes from France
KM# 900.1
Composition Zinc
Years 1942, 1941, 1943
Coin value 0,65$ - 0,80$

20 centimes

20 centimes from France
KM# 900.2
Composition Zinc
Years 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944
Coin value 0,80$ - 19,85$

20 centimes

20 centimes from France
KM# 900.2a
Composition Iron
Years 1944
Coin value

5 francs

5 francs from France
KM# 901
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1941
Coin value

1 franc

1 franc from France
KM# 902.1
Composition Aluminium
Years 1942, 1943, 1944, 1942V, 1943V
Coin value 0,16$ - 5,80$

1 franc

1 franc from France
KM# 902.2
Composition Aluminium
Years 1943B, 1944B
Coin value 0,50$ - 3,19$

1 franc

1 franc from France
KM# 902.3
Composition Aluminium
Years 1944C1, 1944C2
Coin value 0,08$ - 1,95$

10 centimes

10 centimes from France
KM# 903
Composition Zinc
Years 1943, 1944
Coin value 0,38$ - 0,53$

2 francs

2 francs from France
KM# 904.1
Composition Aluminium
Years 1943, 1944
Coin value 0,27$ - 0,78$

2 francs

2 francs from France
KM# 904.2
Composition Aluminium
Years 1943B, 1944B
Coin value 0,03$ - 4,95$

2 francs

2 francs from France
KM# 904.3
Composition Aluminium
Years 1944C, 1943C
Coin value 0,33$ - 2,00$

2 francs

2 francs from France
KM# 905
Composition Brass
Years 1944
Coin value

10 centimes

10 centimes from France
KM# 906.1
Composition Zinc
Years 1945, 1946
Coin value

10 centimes

10 centimes from France
KM# 906.2
Composition Zinc
Years 1945B, 1946B
Coin value

10 centimes

10 centimes from France
KM# 906.3
Composition Zinc
Years 1945C
Coin value

20 centimes

20 centimes from France
KM# 907.1
Composition Zinc
Years 1945, 1946
Coin value

20 centimes

20 centimes from France
KM# 907.2
Composition Zinc
Years 1945B, 1946B
Coin value

20 centimes

20 centimes from France
KM# 907.3
Composition Zinc
Years 1945C
Coin value

10 francs

10 francs from France
KM# 908.1
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1946, 1945, 1947, 1945, 1946
Coin value 0,05$ - 6,02$

10 francs

10 francs from France
KM# 908.2
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1947B, 1946B, 1946BV
Coin value 0,30$ - 0,84$

10 francs

10 francs from France
KM# 909.1
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1948, 1949, 1947
Coin value 0,43$ - 3,27$

10 francs

10 francs from France
KM# 909.2
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1948B, 1949B, 1947B
Coin value 0,42$ - 3,00$

50 centimes

50 centimes from France
KM# 914.1
Composition Aluminium
Years 1943, 1944, 1942
Coin value 0,14$ - 0,25$

50 centimes

50 centimes from France
KM# 914.2
Composition Aluminium
Years 1943B, 1944B
Coin value

50 centimes

50 centimes from France
KM# 914.3
Composition Aluminium
Years 1944C1, 1944C2
Coin value

50 centimes

50 centimes from France
KM# 914.4
Composition Aluminium
Years 1942, 1943
Coin value 0,18$ - 0,53$

10 francs

10 francs from France
KM# 915.1
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1951, 1953, 1952, 1954, 1950, 1955, 1958, 1957, 1959, 1956
Coin value 0,04$ - 328,14$

10 francs

10 francs from France
KM# 915.2
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1953, 1952, 1951, 1950, 1954, 1958
Coin value 0,18$ - 6,00$

20 francs

20 francs from France
KM# 916.1
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1950, 1950
Coin value 0,10$ - 0,42$

20 francs

20 francs from France
KM# 916.2
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1950, 1950
Coin value 0,78$ - 1,08$

20 francs

20 francs from France
KM# 917.1
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1952, 1951, 1950, 1953, 1950
Coin value 0,24$ - 1,88$

20 francs

20 francs from France
KM# 917.2
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1951B, 1952B, 1950B4, 1953B, 1950B3, 1954B
Coin value 0,09$ - 6,30$

50 francs

50 francs from France
KM# 918.1
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1951, 1953, 1952, 1950, 1954, 1958
Coin value 0,13$ - 5,43$

50 francs

50 francs from France
KM# 918.2
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1953B, 1951B, 1952B, 1954B
Coin value 0,09$ - 9,03$

100 francs

100 francs from France
KM# 919.1
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1955, 1958, 1957, 1954, 1956
Coin value 0,01$ - 15,00$

100 francs

100 francs from France
KM# 919.2
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1954B, 1957B, 1955B, 1958B, 1956B
Coin value 0,39$ - 4,23$

1 franc

1 franc from France
KM# 925.1
Composition Nickel
Years 1960, 1965, 1969, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1971, 1961, 1962, 1978, 1964, 1970, 1973, 1974, 1968, 1966, 1991, 1985, 1967, 1972, 1999, 1992, 1994, 2001
Coin value 0,01$ - 147,65$

5 francs

5 francs from France
KM# 926
Composition Silver
Years 1960, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1961, 1965, 1966, 1959, 1967, 1968, 1969
Coin value 5,57$ - 21,32$

5 francs

5 francs from France
KM# 926a.1
Composition Nickel
Years 1978, 1992, 1971, 1970, 1987, 1990, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1994D, 1976, 1975, 1977, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1994A, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 1979, 1996
Coin value 0,01$ - 177,88$

5 francos

5 francos from France
KM# 926a.2
Years 1993, 1992, 1991, 1994, 1995, 2001
Coin value 0,24$ - 15,00$

5 centimes

5 centimes from France
KM# 927
Years 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964
Coin value 0,11$ - 9,76$

1 centime

1 centime from France
KM# 928
Years 1964, 1969, 1962, 1974, 1966, 1971, 1968, 1967, 1963, 1965, 1970, 1979, 1994, 1978, 1975, 1972, 1973, 1976, 1977
Coin value 0,05$ - 13,00$

10 centimes

10 centimes from France
KM# 929
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1962, 1963, 1964, 1969, 1970, 1972, 1974, 1975, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1993, 1997, 1998, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1971, 1973, 1976, 1980, 1990, 1986, 1995, 1983, 1988, 1992, 1996, 1991, 1984, 1994A, 2000, 1999, 1994D, 2001
Coin value 0,01$ - 1.007,10$

20 centimes

20 centimes from France
KM# 930
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1963, 1964, 1966, 1969, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1977, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1988, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1968, 1978, 1980, 1982, 1987, 1967, 1989, 1993, 1965, 1979, 1986, 1962, 1970, 1990, 1972, 1975, 1991, 2000, 1999, 1994, 1998
Coin value 0,01$ - 269,00$

1/2 franc

1/2 franc from France
KM# 931.1
Composition Nickel
Years 1968, 1970, 1977, 1986, 1991, 1995, 1969, 1973, 1976, 1966, 1971, 1983, 1972, 1984, 1985, 1975, 1993, 1992, 1978, 1994, 1996, 1967, 1974, 1987, 1997, 2000, 1980, 1979, 1965, 1981, 1982, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1998, 1999, 2001, 1965V, 1972V
Coin value 0,01$ - 318,09$

1/2 franc

1/2 franc from France
KM# 931.2
Composition Nickel
Years 1992
Coin value

10 francs

10 francs from France
KM# 932
Composition Silver
Years 1968, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1970, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1973
Coin value 5,57$ - 18,30$

5 centimes

5 centimes from France
KM# 933
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1966, 1976, 1982, 1986, 1988, 1991, 1995, 1998, 1975, 1972, 1979, 1977, 1968, 1969, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1978, 1981, 1987, 1993, 1994, 1992, 1980, 1970, 1997, 1996, 1990, 1985, 1984, 1983, 1967, 1989, 1994D
Coin value 0,01$ - 893,22$

50 centimes

50 centimes from France
KM# 939.1
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1963, 1962
Coin value 0,80$ - 1,00$

50 centimes

50 centimes from France
KM# 939.2
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1963, 1962, 1964
Coin value 0,57$ - 0,96$

10 francs

10 francs from France
KM# 940
Composition Nickel-brass
Years 1974, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1987, 1975, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985
Coin value 0,01$ - 147,65$

50 francs

50 francs from France
KM# 941.1
Composition Silver
Years 1974, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1975
Coin value 5,06$ - 38,54$

50 francs

50 francs from France
KM# 941.2
Composition Silver
Years 1974
Coin value

2 francs

2 francs from France
KM# 942.1
Composition Nickel
Years 1980, 1981, 1982, 1979, 1996, 1998, 1994, 1993, 1983, 1997, 2000, 1995, 1999, 1992
Coin value 0,16$ - 5,06$

10 francs (100th Anniversary of the Death of Leon Gambetta)

10 francs (100th Anniversary of the Death of Leon Gambetta) from France
KM# 950
Composition Nickel-brass
Years 1982
Coin value

100 francs (Pantheon of Illustrious Men)

100 francs (Pantheon of Illustrious Men) from France
KM# 951.1
Composition Silver
Years 1984, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1986
Coin value 1,59$ - 92,03$

10 francs (200th Anniversary of the Montgolfier Balloon)

10 francs (200th Anniversary of the Montgolfier Balloon) from France
KM# 952
Composition Nickel-brass
Years 1983
Coin value 0,88$ - 21,42$

10 francs (200th Anniversary of the Birth of Stendhal)

10 francs (200th Anniversary of the Birth of Stendhal) from France
KM# 953
Composition Nickel-bronze
Years 1983
Coin value 1,12$ - 11,35$

10 francs (200th Anniversary of the Birth of Francois Rude)

10 francs (200th Anniversary of the Birth of Francois Rude) from France
KM# 954
Composition Nickel-bronze
Years 1984
Coin value 1,53$ - 2,73$

100 francs (50th Anniversary of Marie Curie's Death)

100 francs (50th Anniversary of Marie Curie's Death) from France
KM# 955
Composition Silver
Years 1984
Coin value

10 francs (100th Anniversary of the Death of Victor Hugo)

10 francs (100th Anniversary of the Death of Victor Hugo) from France
KM# 956
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1985
Coin value

100 francs (100th Anniversary of Emile Zola)

100 francs (100th Anniversary of Emile Zola) from France
KM# 957
Composition Silver
Years 1985
Coin value 2,11$ - 51,24$

10 francs (100th Anniversary of Robert Schuman)

10 francs (100th Anniversary of Robert Schuman) from France
KM# 958
Composition Nickel
Years 1986
Coin value 7,68$ - 43,74$

10 francs

10 francs from France
KM# 959
Composition Nickel
Years 1986
Coin value 1,02$ - 5,81$

100 francs (100th Anniversary of the Statue of Liberty)

100 francs (100th Anniversary of the Statue of Liberty) from France
KM# 960
Composition Silver
Years 1986
Coin value 7,21$ - 54,88$

10 francs (Millennial of King Capet)

10 francs (Millennial of King Capet) from France
KM# 961d
Composition Nickel-brass
Years 1987
Coin value 0,59$ - 8,04$

100 francs (230th Anniversary of the Birth of Gen. Lafayette)

100 francs (230th Anniversary of the Birth of Gen. Lafayette) from France
KM# 962
Composition Silver
Years 1987
Coin value

1 franc (Charles de Gaulle-30th Anniversary of the Fifth Republic)

1 franc (Charles de Gaulle-30th Anniversary of the Fifth Republic) from France
KM# 963
Composition Nickel
Years 1988
Coin value 0,74$ - 0,99$

10 francs

10 francs from France
KM# 964.1
Composition Bimetalica
Years 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001
Coin value 0,17$ - 1.089,47$

10 francs

10 francs from France
KM# 964.2
Composition Bimetalica
Years 1991, 1992, 1993, 2000, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001
Coin value 0,15$ - 27,80$

10 francs

10 francs from France
KM# 965
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 1988
Coin value 1,07$ - 1,27$

100 francs (Fraternity)

100 francs (Fraternity) from France
KM# 966
Composition Silver
Years 1988
Coin value

1 franc

1 franc from France
KM# 967
Composition Nickel
Years 1989
Coin value

5 francs

5 francs from France
KM# 968
Composition Nickel
Years 1989
Coin value 1,71$ - 2,28$

100 francs (Declaration of Human Rights)

100 francs (Declaration of Human Rights) from France
KM# 970
Composition Silver
Years 1989
Coin value 8,42$ - 26,86$

100 francs (Ice Skating)

100 francs (Ice Skating) from France
KM# 972
Composition Silver
Years 1989
Coin value

100 francs (Speed Skating)

100 francs (Speed Skating) from France
KM# 980
Composition Silver
Years 1990
Coin value

100 francs (Charlemagne)

100 francs (Charlemagne) from France
KM# 982
Composition Silver
Years 1990
Coin value

100 francs / 15 ecus (Charlemagne)

100 francs / 15 ecus (Charlemagne) from France
KM# 989
Composition Silver
Years 1990
Coin value

100 francs (Descartes)

100 francs (Descartes) from France
KM# 996
Composition Silver
Years 1991
Coin value

1 franc

1 franc from France
KM# 1004.1
Composition Nickel
Years 1992
Coin value

1 franc

1 franc from France
KM# 1005
Composition Silver
Years 1992
Coin value

5 francs

5 francs from France
KM# 1006
Composition Nickel
Years 1992
Coin value

20 francs

20 francs from France
KM# 1008
Years 1992, 1994D, 1993, 1994A, 1995
Coin value 2,67$ - 60,00$

20 francs

20 francs from France
KM# 1008.1
Years 1992, 1992
Coin value 2,39$ - 3,35$

20 francs

20 francs from France
KM# 1016
Years 1993
Coin value

20 francs

20 francs from France
KM# 1036
Years 1994
Coin value

100 francs (Liberation of Paris)

100 francs (Liberation of Paris) from France
KM# 1045.1
Composition Silver
Years 1994
Coin value

2 francs (Jean Moulin)

2 francs (Jean Moulin) from France
KM# 1062
Composition Nickel
Years 1993
Coin value

5 francs (Voltaire)

5 francs (Voltaire) from France
KM# 1063
Composition Nickel
Years 1994
Coin value 1,63$ - 2,92$

2 francs (100th Anniversary of the Death of Louis Pasteur)

2 francs (100th Anniversary of the Death of Louis Pasteur) from France
KM# 1119
Composition Nickel
Years 1995
Coin value

100 francs (Jean Monet)

100 francs (Jean Monet) from France
KM# 1120
Composition Silver
Years 1992
Coin value

1 franc (200th Anniversary of the Institute of France)

1 franc (200th Anniversary of the Institute of France) from France
KM# 1133
Composition Nickel
Years 1995
Coin value

5 francs (200th Anniversary of the French Decimal System)

5 francs (200th Anniversary of the French Decimal System) from France
KM# 1155
Composition Nickel
Years 1996
Coin value

1 franc (100th Anniversary of the Birth of Jacques Rueff)

1 franc (100th Anniversary of the Birth of Jacques Rueff) from France
KM# 1160
Composition Nickel
Years 1996
Coin value

100 francs / 15 euro (Belém Tower, Lisbon)

100 francs / 15 euro (Belém Tower, Lisbon) from France
KM# 1174
Composition Silver
Years 1997
Coin value

100 francs (King Clovis I)

100 francs (King Clovis I) from France
KM# 1180
Composition Silver
Years 1996
Coin value

2 francs (80th Anniversary of the Death of Georges Guynemer)

2 francs (80th Anniversary of the Death of Georges Guynemer) from France
KM# 1187
Composition Nickel
Years 1997
Coin value

100 francs (André Melraux)

100 francs (André Melraux) from France
KM# 1188
Composition Silver
Years 1997
Coin value

100 francs (Pierre and Maria Curie)

100 francs (Pierre and Maria Curie) from France
KM# 1198
Composition Silver
Years 1997
Coin value

5 francs (1998 Soccer World Cup)

5 francs (1998 Soccer World Cup) from France
KM# 1212
Composition Silver
Years 1998
Coin value

2 francs (50th Anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights)

2 francs (50th Anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights) from France
KM# 1213
Composition Nickel
Years 1998
Coin value 0,75$ - 2,39$

¼ euro (Children's Design)

¼ euro (Children's Design) from France
KM# 1239a
Composition Silver
Years 2002
Coin value

6,55957 francs

6,55957 francs from France
KM# 1255
Composition Silver
Years 1999
Coin value

65.5957 francs (Euro Conversion Series)

65.5957 francs (Euro Conversion Series) from France
KM# 1260
Composition Gold
Years 2001
Coin value

1 euro cent

1 euro cent from France
KM# 1282
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2002, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2011, 2014, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2020, 2023, 2022, 2024, 2025
Coin value 0,01$ - 2,21$

2 euro cent

2 euro cent from France
KM# 1283
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2020, 2022, 2023, 2022, 2024, 2025
Coin value 0,01$ - 4,03$

5 euro cent

5 euro cent from France
KM# 1284
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2020, 2022, 2023, 2022, 2024, 2025
Coin value 0,01$ - 3,17$

10 euro cent

10 euro cent from France
KM# 1285
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Coin value 0,07$ - 0,49$

20 euro cent

20 euro cent from France
KM# 1286
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Coin value 0,09$ - 0,35$

50 euro cent

50 euro cent from France
KM# 1287
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Coin value 0,49$ - 1,00$

1 euro

1 euro from France
KM# 1288
Composition Bimetalica
Years 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Coin value 1,02$ - 2,01$

2 euro

2 euro from France
KM# 1289
Composition Bimetalica
Years 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Coin value 1,89$ - 45,82$

¼ euro (Children's Design)

¼ euro (Children's Design) from France
KM# 1293
Composition Aluminium-bronze
Years 2002
Coin value

10 euro (FIFA's 100th Anniversary)

10 euro (FIFA's 100th Anniversary) from France
KM# 1375
Composition Gold
Years 2004
Coin value

10 euro cent

10 euro cent from France
KM# 1410
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023, 2022
Coin value 0,07$ - 0,60$

20 euro cent

20 euro cent from France
KM# 1411
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2007, 2008, 2009, 2013, 2010, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2018, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2012, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2022
Coin value 0,07$ - 2,63$

50 euro cent

50 euro cent from France
KM# 1412
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Coin value 0,39$ - 2,29$

1 euro

1 euro from France
KM# 1413
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
Coin value 0,78$ - 7,00$

2 euro

2 euro from France
KM# 1414
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2007, 2008, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2014, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2009, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2020, 2022, 2023
Coin value 1,00$ - 6,68$

1/4 euro (Chinese Horoscope-Year of the Dog)

1/4 euro (Chinese Horoscope-Year of the Dog) from France
KM# 1415
Composition Silver
Years 2006
Coin value

1/4 euro (300th Anniversary of the Birth of Benjamin Franklin)

1/4 euro (300th Anniversary of the Birth of Benjamin Franklin) from France
KM# 1442
Composition Silver
Years 2006
Coin value

2 euro (French Presidency of the Council of the European Union)

2 euro (French Presidency of the Council of the European Union) from France
KM# 1459
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2008
Coin value 2,00$ - 3,57$

2 euro (50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome)

2 euro (50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome) from France
KM# 1460
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2007
Coin value 1,97$ - 3,52$

5 euro (La Sembradora)

5 euro (La Sembradora) from France
KM# 1534
Composition Silver
Years 2008
Coin value

15 euro (La Sembradora)

15 euro (La Sembradora) from France
KM# 1535
Composition Silver
Years 2008
Coin value

10 euro (La Sembradora)

10 euro (La Sembradora) from France
KM# 1580
Composition Silver
Years 2009
Coin value

25 euro ( La Sembradora)

25 euro ( La Sembradora) from France
KM# 1581
Composition Silver
Years 2009
Coin value

2 euro (10th Anniversary of the Economic and Monetary Union / EMU)

2 euro (10th Anniversary of the Economic and Monetary Union / EMU) from France
KM# 1590
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2009
Coin value 2,08$ - 2,78$

10 euro (40th Anniversary of Concorde's First Flight)

10 euro (40th Anniversary of Concorde's First Flight) from France
KM# 1596
Composition Silver
Years 2009
Coin value

50 euro (Seeder)

50 euro (Seeder) from France
KM# 1644
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Aquitaine)

10 euro (Aquitaine) from France
KM# 1645
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Auvergne)

10 euro (Auvergne) from France
KM# 1646
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Lower Normandy)

10 euro (Lower Normandy) from France
KM# 1647
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Brittany)

10 euro (Brittany) from France
KM# 1648
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Burgundy)

10 euro (Burgundy) from France
KM# 1649
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Center)

10 euro (Center) from France
KM# 1650
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Champagne-Ardenne)

10 euro (Champagne-Ardenne) from France
KM# 1651
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Alsace)

10 euro (Alsace) from France
KM# 1652
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Franche-Comté)

10 euro (Franche-Comté) from France
KM# 1653
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Guyana)

10 euro (Guyana) from France
KM# 1654
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Guadalupe)

10 euro (Guadalupe) from France
KM# 1655
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Upper Normandy)

10 euro (Upper Normandy) from France
KM# 1656
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Isle of France)

10 euro (Isle of France) from France
KM# 1657
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Corsica)

10 euro (Corsica) from France
KM# 1658
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Languedoc-Roussillon)

10 euro (Languedoc-Roussillon) from France
KM# 1659
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Limousin)

10 euro (Limousin) from France
KM# 1660
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Lorena)

10 euro (Lorena) from France
KM# 1661
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Martinique)

10 euro (Martinique) from France
KM# 1662
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Midi-Pyrenees)

10 euro (Midi-Pyrenees) from France
KM# 1663
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Nord-Pas-de-Calais)

10 euro (Nord-Pas-de-Calais) from France
KM# 1664
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Loire Country)

10 euro (Loire Country) from France
KM# 1665
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Picardia)

10 euro (Picardia) from France
KM# 1666
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Poitou-Charentes)

10 euro (Poitou-Charentes) from France
KM# 1667
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur)

10 euro (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur) from France
KM# 1668
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Meeting)

10 euro (Meeting) from France
KM# 1669
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Rhine-Alps)

10 euro (Rhine-Alps) from France
KM# 1670
Composition Silver
Years 2010
Coin value

2 euro (70th Anniversary of the June 18th Appeal)

2 euro (70th Anniversary of the June 18th Appeal) from France
KM# 1676
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2010
Coin value 2,17$ - 2,90$

10 euro (Mayotte)

10 euro (Mayotte) from France
KM# 1726
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Aquitaine)

10 euro (Aquitaine) from France
KM# 1727
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Auvergne)

10 euro (Auvergne) from France
KM# 1728
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Lower Normandy)

10 euro (Lower Normandy) from France
KM# 1729
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Brittany)

10 euro (Brittany) from France
KM# 1730
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Burgundy)

10 euro (Burgundy) from France
KM# 1731
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Center)

10 euro (Center) from France
KM# 1732
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Champagne-Ardenne)

10 euro (Champagne-Ardenne) from France
KM# 1733
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Alsace)

10 euro (Alsace) from France
KM# 1734
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Franche-Comté)

10 euro (Franche-Comté) from France
KM# 1735
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Guyana)

10 euro (Guyana) from France
KM# 1736
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Guadalupe)

10 euro (Guadalupe) from France
KM# 1737
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Upper Normandy)

10 euro (Upper Normandy) from France
KM# 1738
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Isle of France)

10 euro (Isle of France) from France
KM# 1739
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Corsica)

10 euro (Corsica) from France
KM# 1740
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Languedoc-Roussillon)

10 euro (Languedoc-Roussillon) from France
KM# 1741
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Limousin)

10 euro (Limousin) from France
KM# 1742
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Lorena)

10 euro (Lorena) from France
KM# 1743
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Martinique)

10 euro (Martinique) from France
KM# 1744
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Nord-Pas-de-Calais)

10 euro (Nord-Pas-de-Calais) from France
KM# 1745
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Loire Country)

10 euro (Loire Country) from France
KM# 1746
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Picardia)

10 euro (Picardia) from France
KM# 1747
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Poitou-Charentes)

10 euro (Poitou-Charentes) from France
KM# 1748
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur)

10 euro (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur) from France
KM# 1749
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Meeting)

10 euro (Meeting) from France
KM# 1750
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Rhine-Alps)

10 euro (Rhine-Alps) from France
KM# 1751
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Midday-Pyrenees)

10 euro (Midday-Pyrenees) from France
KM# 1752
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Mayotte)

10 euro (Mayotte) from France
KM# 1753
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

50 euro (La Gloire)

50 euro (La Gloire) from France
KM# 1776
Composition Gold
Years 2013
Coin value

2 euro (30th Anniversary of the Music Festival)

2 euro (30th Anniversary of the Music Festival) from France
KM# 1789
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2011
Coin value 2,01$ - 2,69$

10 euro (1500 years of French history)

10 euro (1500 years of French history) from France
KM# 1804
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

50 euro (1500 years of French history)

50 euro (1500 years of French history) from France
KM# 1805
Composition Gold
Years 2011
Coin value

10 euro (Metz train station)

10 euro (Metz train station) from France
KM# 1814
Composition Silver
Years 2011
Coin value

1,5 euro (Snow White)

1,5 euro (Snow White) from France
KM# 1840
Composition Silver
Years 2002
Coin value

1,5 euro (Cinderella)

1,5 euro (Cinderella) from France
KM# 1841
Composition Silver
Years 2002
Coin value

2 euro (10th Anniversary of Euro Circulation)

2 euro (10th Anniversary of Euro Circulation) from France
KM# 1846
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2012
Coin value 2,00$ - 3,57$

10 euro (Mayotte)

10 euro (Mayotte) from France
KM# 1862
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Aquitaine)

10 euro (Aquitaine) from France
KM# 1863
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Auvergne)

10 euro (Auvergne) from France
KM# 1864
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Lower Normandy)

10 euro (Lower Normandy) from France
KM# 1865
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Brittany)

10 euro (Brittany) from France
KM# 1866
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Burgundy)

10 euro (Burgundy) from France
KM# 1867
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Center)

10 euro (Center) from France
KM# 1868
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Champagne-Ardenne)

10 euro (Champagne-Ardenne) from France
KM# 1869
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Alsace)

10 euro (Alsace) from France
KM# 1870
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Franche-Comté)

10 euro  (Franche-Comté) from France
KM# 1871
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Guyana)

10 euro (Guyana) from France
KM# 1872
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Guadalupe)

10 euro (Guadalupe) from France
KM# 1873
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Upper Normandy)

10 euro (Upper Normandy) from France
KM# 1874
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Isle of France)

10 euro (Isle of France) from France
KM# 1875
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Corsica)

10 euro (Corsica) from France
KM# 1876
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Languedoc-Roussillon)

10 euro (Languedoc-Roussillon) from France
KM# 1877
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Limousin)

10 euro (Limousin) from France
KM# 1878
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Martinique)

10 euro (Martinique) from France
KM# 1879
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Nord-Pas-de-Calais)

10 euro (Nord-Pas-de-Calais) from France
KM# 1880
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Loire Country)

10 euro (Loire Country) from France
KM# 1881
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Picardia)

10 euro (Picardia) from France
KM# 1882
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Poitou-Charentes)

10 euro (Poitou-Charentes) from France
KM# 1883
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur)

10 euro (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur) from France
KM# 1884
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Meeting)

10 euro (Meeting) from France
KM# 1885
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Rhine-Alps)

10 euro (Rhine-Alps) from France
KM# 1886
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Midday-Pyrenees)

10 euro (Midday-Pyrenees) from France
KM# 1887
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

10 euro (Lorena)

10 euro (Lorena) from France
KM# 1888
Composition Silver
Years 2012
Coin value

2 euro (100th Anniversary of the Birth of Abbe Pierre)

2 euro (100th Anniversary of the Birth of Abbe Pierre) from France
KM# 1894
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2012
Coin value 1,99$ - 3,55$

1/4 euro (Centenary Tour de France)

1/4 euro (Centenary Tour de France) from France
KM# 1995
Composition Silver
Years 2003
Coin value

20 euro (Marie Curie)

20 euro (Marie Curie) from France
KM# 2050
Composition Silver
Years 2006
Coin value

20 euro (Marie Curie)

20 euro (Marie Curie) from France
KM# 2051
Composition Gold
Years 2006
Coin value

10 euro (Hercules)

10 euro (Hercules) from France
KM# 2073
Composition Silver
Years 2012, 2013
Coin value

2 euro (50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Elysium)

2 euro (50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Elysium) from France
KM# 2094
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2013
Coin value 2,26$ - 3,02$

2 euro (150th Anniversary of the Birth of Pierre de Coubertin)

2 euro (150th Anniversary of the Birth of Pierre de Coubertin) from France
KM# 2102
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2013
Coin value 2,75$ - 4,92$

2 euro (70th Anniversary of D-Day)

2 euro (70th Anniversary of D-Day) from France
KM# 2174
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2014
Coin value 2,11$ - 3,77$

2 euro (30th Anniversary of the European Flag)

2 euro (30th Anniversary of the European Flag) from France
KM# 2192
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2015
Coin value 1,98$ - 3,53$

2 euro (225th Anniversary of the Federation Feast)

2 euro (225th Anniversary of the Federation Feast) from France
KM# 2227
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2015
Coin value 2,49$ - 3,33$

2 euro (70th Anniversary of Peace in Europe)

2 euro (70th Anniversary of Peace in Europe) from France
KM# 2256
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2015
Coin value 2,11$ - 2,82$

2 euro (100th Anniversary of the Birth of François Mitterrand)

2 euro (100th Anniversary of the Birth of François Mitterrand) from France
KM# 2281
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2016
Coin value 2,08$ - 2,78$

10 euro (110 years of Van Cleef & Arpels)

10 euro (110 years of Van Cleef & Arpels) from France
KM# 2299
Composition Silver
Years 2016
Coin value

10 euro (Jean Gabin)

10 euro (Jean Gabin) from France
KM# 2301
Composition Silver
Years 2016
Coin value

2 euro (100th Anniversary of Auguste Rodin's Death)

2 euro (100th Anniversary of Auguste Rodin's Death) from France
KM# 2362
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2017
Coin value 2,10$ - 3,75$

2 euro (Breast Cancer Research 25th Anniversary)

2 euro (Breast Cancer Research 25th Anniversary) from France
KM# 2363
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2017
Coin value 2,11$ - 2,82$

2 euro (100th Anniversary First World War-Bleuet de France)

2 euro (100th Anniversary First World War-Bleuet de France) from France
KM# 2458
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2018
Coin value 2,11$ - 2,82$

2 euro (Lawyer and Politician Simone Veil (1927 - 2017.) )

2 euro (Lawyer and Politician Simone Veil (1927 - 2017.) ) from France
KM# 2459
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2018
Coin value 2,03$ - 3,63$

2 euro (30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall)

2 euro (30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall) from France
KM# 2559
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2019
Coin value 2,02$ - 3,61$

2 euro (60th Anniversary of the First Publication of Asterix)

2 euro (60th Anniversary of the First Publication of Asterix) from France
KM# 2560
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2019
Coin value 10,62$ - 18,97$

1/4 euro (600 years forbidden city)

1/4 euro (600 years forbidden city) from France
KM# 2849
Composition Copper-nickel-aluminium
Years 2020
Coin value

2 euro (50th Anniversary of Charles de Gaulle's Death)

2 euro (50th Anniversary of Charles de Gaulle's Death) from France
KM# 2850
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2020
Coin value 2,44$ - 3,27$

2 euro (Medical Research)

2 euro (Medical Research) from France
KM# 2851
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2020
Coin value 1,44$ - 8,23$

1/4 euro (Delivery Tokyo-Paris)

1/4 euro (Delivery Tokyo-Paris) from France
KM# 2939
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2021
Coin value

Operation timed out after 10001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received

Operation timed out after 10001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received from France
KM# 2943
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2021
Coin value

2 euro (75th Anniversary of the Foundation of UNICEF)

2 euro (75th Anniversary of the Foundation of UNICEF) from France
KM# 2944
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2021
Coin value 2,22$ - 2,97$

2 euro (XXXIII Olympic Games - Paris 2024 - Athletics)

2 euro (XXXIII Olympic Games - Paris 2024 - Athletics) from France
KM# 2945
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2021
Coin value 1,45$ - 8,29$

10 euro (Harry Potter - Poudlard Castle)

10 euro (Harry Potter - Poudlard Castle) from France
KM# 2969
Composition Silver
Years 2021
Coin value

10 euro (200th Anniversary of the Death of Napoleon Bonaparte)

10 euro (200th Anniversary of the Death of Napoleon Bonaparte) from France
KM# 2975
Composition Silver
Years 2021
Coin value

10 euro (Olympic Games, Paris 2024 - France 2021)

10 euro (Olympic Games, Paris 2024 - France 2021) from France
KM# 2982
Composition Silver
Years 2024, 2021
Coin value

100 euro ( 200th Anniversary of the Death of Napoleon Bonaparte)

100 euro ( 200th Anniversary of the Death of Napoleon Bonaparte) from France
KM# 3033
Composition Silver
Years 2021
Coin value

1 euro (New design)

1 euro (New design) from France
KM# 3064
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025
Coin value 0,88$ - 2,50$

2 euro (New design)

2 euro (New design) from France
KM# 3065
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025
Coin value 2,00$ - 3,83$

2 euro (90th Anniversary of the Birth of Jacques Chirac)

2 euro (90th Anniversary of the Birth of Jacques Chirac) from France
KM# 3066
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2022
Coin value 2,05$ - 3,66$

2 euro (35th Anniversary of the Erasmus Program)

2 euro (35th Anniversary of the Erasmus Program) from France
KM# 3067
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2022
Coin value 1,82$ - 3,24$

2 euro (XXXIII Olympic Games - Paris 2024 - Boxing)

2 euro (XXXIII Olympic Games - Paris 2024 - Boxing) from France
KM# 3130
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2023
Coin value

10 euro (Olympic Games, Paris 2024 - France 2023)

10 euro (Olympic Games, Paris 2024 - France 2023) from France
KM# 3131
Composition Silver
Years 2024, 2023
Coin value

2 euro (XXXIII Olympic Games - Paris 2024 - Discus)

2 euro (XXXIII Olympic Games - Paris 2024 - Discus) from France
KM# 3165
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2022
Coin value

10 euro (Olympic Games, Paris 2024 - France 2022)

10 euro (Olympic Games, Paris 2024 - France 2022) from France
KM# 3183
Composition Silver
Years 2024, 2022
Coin value

10 euro (40th Anniversary of Grace Kelly's Death)

10 euro (40th Anniversary of Grace Kelly's Death) from France
KM# 3184
Composition Silver
Years 2022
Coin value

2 euro (Rugby World Cup - France 2023)

2 euro (Rugby World Cup - France 2023) from France
KM# 3226
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2023
Coin value

10 euro cent (Simone Veil)

10  euro cent (Simone Veil) from France
KM# 3323
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2024, 2025
Coin value

20 euro cent (Josephine Baker)

20  euro cent (Josephine Baker) from France
KM# 3324
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2024, 2025
Coin value

50 euro cent (Marie Curie)

50 euro cent (Marie Curie) from France
KM# 3325
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2024, 2025
Coin value

1/4 euro (The Year of the Dragon)

1/4 euro (The Year of the Dragon) from France
KM# 3326
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2024
Coin value

2 euro (XXXIII Summer Olympic Games - Paris 2024 - Wrestling)

2 euro  (XXXIII Summer Olympic Games - Paris 2024 - Wrestling) from France
KM# 3327
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Hercule and Notre-Dame, Paris)

10 euro (Hercule and Notre-Dame, Paris) from France
KM# 3328
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

20 euro (The Year of the Dragon)

20 euro (The Year of the Dragon) from France
KM# 3329
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Year of the Dragon)

50 euro (Year of the Dragon) from France
KM# 3330
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

200 euro (Year of the Dragon)

200 euro (Year of the Dragon) from France
KM# 3331
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

250 euro (Hercule and Notre-Dame, Paris)

250 euro (Hercule and Notre-Dame, Paris) from France
KM# 3332
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

500 euro (Year of the Dragon)

500 euro (Year of the Dragon) from France
KM# 3333
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

1/4 euro (Paavo Nurmi)

1/4 euro (Paavo Nurmi) from France
KM# 3334
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2024
Coin value

1/4 euro (Landing June 6, 1944-June 1944)

1/4 euro (Landing June 6, 1944-June 1944) from France
KM# 3335
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2024
Coin value

1/4 euro (Landing June 6, 1944-Omaha)

1/4 euro (Landing June 6, 1944-Omaha) from France
KM# 3336
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2024
Coin value

1/4 euro (Landing June 6, 1944-Pegasus)

1/4 euro (Landing June 6, 1944-Pegasus) from France
KM# 3337
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2024
Coin value

1/4 euro (Landing June 6, 1944-Sword)

1/4 euro (Landing June 6, 1944-Sword) from France
KM# 3338
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2024
Coin value

1/4 euro ( Olympic Torch Relay)

1/4 euro ( Olympic Torch Relay) from France
KM# 3339
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2024
Coin value

1/4 euro (Fencing)

1/4 euro (Fencing) from France
KM# 3340
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2024
Coin value

1/4 euro (Handball)

1/4 euro (Handball) from France
KM# 3341
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2024
Coin value

1/4 euro (Pole Vault)

1/4 euro (Pole Vault) from France
KM# 3342
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2024
Coin value

1/4 euro (Para-athletics)

1/4 euro (Para-athletics) from France
KM# 3343
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2024
Coin value

2 euro (XXXIII Summer Olympic Games -Olympic Torch)

2 euro (XXXIII Summer Olympic Games -Olympic Torch) from France
KM# 3344
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2024
Coin value

2 euro (Olympic Games, Paris 2024- color)

2 euro (Olympic Games, Paris 2024- color) from France
KM# 3344.1
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2024
Coin value 0,04$ - 29,77$

5 euro (Asterix at the Olympic Games)

5 euro (Asterix at the Olympic Games) from France
KM# 3345
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

5 euro (50th Anniversary of the Birth of Hello Kitty)

5 euro (50th Anniversary of the Birth of Hello Kitty) from France
KM# 3346
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (80 Years of Women's Suffrage in France)

10 euro (80 Years of Women's Suffrage in France) from France
KM# 3347
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Phryge : Montmartre)

10 euro (Phryge : Montmartre) from France
KM# 3348
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Phryge : Strasbourg Cathedral)

10 euro (Phryge : Strasbourg Cathedral) from France
KM# 3349
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Phryge : Tahiti)

10 euro (Phryge : Tahiti) from France
KM# 3350
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Phryge: Stones of Carnac)

10 euro (Phryge: Stones of Carnac) from France
KM# 3351
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Phryge : Massif des Calanques)

10 euro (Phryge : Massif des Calanques) from France
KM# 3352
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Phryge: Château de Chenonceau)

10 euro (Phryge: Château de Chenonceau) from France
KM# 3352
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Phryge : Bonifacio)

10 euro (Phryge : Bonifacio) from France
KM# 3353
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Phryge : Dune of Pilat)

10 euro (Phryge : Dune of Pilat) from France
KM# 3354
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Phryge : Eiffel Tower)

10 euro (Phryge : Eiffel Tower) from France
KM# 3355
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Eiffel Tower)

10 euro (Eiffel Tower) from France
KM# 3355
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Phryge: Grand Palais)

10 euro (Phryge: Grand Palais) from France
KM# 3356
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Phryge : GrandPlace of Lille)

10 euro (Phryge : GrandPlace of Lille) from France
KM# 3357
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Phryge : Hospices de Beaune)

10 euro (Phryge : Hospices de Beaune) from France
KM# 3358
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Phryge : Mont Blanc)

10 euro (Phryge : Mont Blanc) from France
KM# 3359
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Phryge : Mont-Saint-Michel)

10 euro (Phryge : Mont-Saint-Michel) from France
KM# 3360
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Phryge : Place Bellecour)

10 euro (Phryge : Place Bellecour) from France
KM# 3361
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Phryge : The Gard Bridge)

10 euro (Phryge : The Gard Bridge) from France
KM# 3362
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Phryge : Promenade des Anglais)

10 euro (Phryge : Promenade des Anglais) from France
KM# 3363
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Asterix at the Olympic Games)

10 euro (Asterix at the Olympic Games) from France
KM# 3364
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Asterix at the Olympic Games)

10 euro (Asterix at the Olympic Games) from France
KM# 3365
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Centenary of the 1924 Summer Olympic Games in Paris)

10 euro (Centenary of the 1924 Summer Olympic Games in Paris) from France
KM# 3366
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (80th anniversary of the Normandy landings-Juno)

10 euro (80th anniversary of the Normandy landings-Juno) from France
KM# 3367
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (80th anniversary of the Normandy-Omaha landings)

10 euro (80th anniversary of the Normandy-Omaha landings) from France
KM# 3368
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (80th anniversary of the Normandy-Pegasus landings)

10 euro (80th anniversary of the Normandy-Pegasus landings) from France
KM# 3369
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (80th anniversary of the Normandy landings-Sword)

10 euro (80th anniversary of the Normandy landings-Sword) from France
KM# 3370
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (50th Anniversary of the Birth of Hello Kitty)

10 euro (50th Anniversary of the Birth of Hello Kitty) from France
KM# 3371
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Hello Kitty, France)

10 euro (Hello Kitty, France) from France
KM# 3372
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Hello Kitty, Japan)

10 euro (Hello Kitty, Japan) from France
KM# 3373
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (25th anniversary of the anime series in Japan)

10 euro (25th anniversary of the anime series in Japan) from France
KM# 3374
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Olympic Torch Relay)

10 euro (Olympic Torch Relay) from France
KM# 3375
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Fencing)

10 euro (Fencing) from France
KM# 3376
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Handball)

10 euro (Handball) from France
KM# 3377
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Pole Vault)

10 euro (Pole Vault) from France
KM# 3378
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Para-athletics)

10 euro (Para-athletics) from France
KM# 3379
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Arc de Triomphe)

10 euro (Arc de Triomphe) from France
KM# 3380
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Notre-Dame de Paris)

10 euro (Notre-Dame de Paris) from France
KM# 3382
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Year of the Dragon)

10 euro (Year of the Dragon) from France
KM# 3383
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

20 euro (El Louis dor)

20 euro (El Louis dor) from France
KM# 3384
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

20 euro (U.S. Independence: Battle of Cowpens)

20 euro (U.S. Independence: Battle of Cowpens) from France
KM# 3385
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

25 euro (U.S. Independence: Battle of Cowpens)

25 euro (U.S. Independence: Battle of Cowpens) from France
KM# 3386
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Phryge: A walk along the Champs Elysées)

50 euro (Phryge: A walk along the Champs Elysées) from France
KM# 3387
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Phryge:Coffee on the terrace)

50 euro (Phryge:Coffee on the terrace) from France
KM# 3388
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Phryge:Go to the Olympic Games)

50 euro (Phryge:Go to the Olympic Games) from France
KM# 3389
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Phryge:Bridge of the Arts)

50 euro (Phryge:Bridge of the Arts) from France
KM# 3390
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Asterix at the Olympic Games)

50 euro (Asterix at the Olympic Games) from France
KM# 3391
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Olympic Torch Relay)

50 euro (Olympic Torch Relay) from France
KM# 3392
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Fencing)

50 euro (Fencing) from France
KM# 3393
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Handball)

50 euro (Handball) from France
KM# 3394
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Pole Vault)

50 euro (Pole Vault) from France
KM# 3395
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Para-athletics)

50 euro (Para-athletics) from France
KM# 3396
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Arc de Triomphe)

50 euro (Arc de Triomphe) from France
KM# 3397
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Eiffel Tower)

50 euro (Eiffel Tower) from France
KM# 3398
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Notre-Dame de Paris)

50 euro (Notre-Dame de Paris) from France
KM# 3399
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Juno Beach)

50 euro (Juno Beach) from France
KM# 3400
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Omaha Beach)

50 euro (Omaha Beach) from France
KM# 3401
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro ( Pegasus Bridge )

50 euro ( Pegasus Bridge ) from France
KM# 3402
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Sword Beach)

50 euro (Sword Beach) from France
KM# 3403
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Asterix at the Olympic Games)

50 euro (Asterix at the Olympic Games) from France
KM# 3404
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Paavo Nurmi)

50 euro (Paavo Nurmi) from France
KM# 3405
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Centenary of the 1924 Summer Olympics in Paris)

50 euro (Centenary of the 1924 Summer Olympics in Paris) from France
KM# 3406
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (50th anniversary of Hello Kitty's birth)

50 euro (50th anniversary of Hello Kitty's birth) from France
KM# 3407
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Hello Kitty France)

50 euro (Hello Kitty France) from France
KM# 3408
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (25th anniversary of the anime series in Japan)

50 euro (25th anniversary of the anime series in Japan) from France
KM# 3410
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

100 euro (El Louis dor)

100 euro (El Louis dor) from France
KM# 3411
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

100 euro (80 years of women's suffrage in France)

100 euro (80 years of women's suffrage in France) from France
KM# 3412
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

200 euro (Paavo Nurmi)

200 euro (Paavo Nurmi) from France
KM# 3413
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

200 euro (Asterix at the Olympic Games)

200 euro (Asterix at the Olympic Games) from France
KM# 3414
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

200 euro (50th Anniversary of Hello Kitty's Birth)

200 euro (50th Anniversary of Hello Kitty's Birth) from France
KM# 3415
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

200 euro (Eiffel Tower)

200 euro (Eiffel Tower) from France
KM# 3416
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

200 euro (U.S. Independence: Battle of Cowpens)

200 euro (U.S. Independence: Battle of Cowpens) from France
KM# 3417
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

250 euro (U.S. Independence: Battle of Cowpens)

250 euro (U.S. Independence: Battle of Cowpens) from France
KM# 3418
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

250 euro (Phryge: Arch of Triumph)

250 euro (Phryge: Arch of Triumph) from France
KM# 3419
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

250 euro (Phryge : Eiffel Tower)

250 euro (Phryge : Eiffel Tower) from France
KM# 3420
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

250 euro (Louis dor)

250 euro (Louis dor) from France
KM# 3421
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

500 euro (Phryge : The roofs of Paris)

500 euro (Phryge : The roofs of Paris) from France
KM# 3422
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

500 euro (Olympic Torch Relay)

500 euro (Olympic Torch Relay) from France
KM# 3423
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

1000 euro (The Louis dor)

1000 euro (The Louis dor) from France
KM# 3424
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

1000 euro (Olympic Games, Paris 2024)

1000 euro (Olympic Games, Paris 2024) from France
KM# 3425
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

1/4 euro (Delivery Paris - Los Angeles)

1/4 euro (Delivery Paris - Los Angeles) from France
KM# 3426
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2024
Coin value

7.5 euro (Olympic Torch Relay)

7.5 euro (Olympic Torch Relay) from France
KM# 3427
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Aramis)

10 euro (Aramis) from France
KM# 3428
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Athos)

10 euro (Athos) from France
KM# 3429
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (DArtagnan)

10 euro (DArtagnan) from France
KM# 3430
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Porthos)

10 euro (Porthos) from France
KM# 3431
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Phryge: Notre-Dame de Paris)

10 euro (Phryge: Notre-Dame de Paris) from France
KM# 3432
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Alexandre Dumas)

10 euro (Alexandre Dumas) from France
KM# 3433
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Golden Fleece)

10 euro (Golden Fleece) from France
KM# 3434
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Delivery Paris - Los Angeles)

10 euro (Delivery Paris - Los Angeles) from France
KM# 3435
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Paavo Nurmi)

10 euro (Paavo Nurmi) from France
KM# 3436
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

20 euro (Alexandre Dumas)

20 euro (Alexandre Dumas) from France
KM# 3437
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

20 euro (500 years since the birth of Luís Vaz de Camões).

20 euro (500 years since the birth of Luís Vaz de Camões). from France
KM# 3438
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Alexandre Dumas)

50 euro (Alexandre Dumas) from France
KM# 3439
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (500 years since the birth of Luís Vaz de Camões)

50 euro (500 years since the birth of Luís Vaz de Camões) from France
KM# 3440
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Delivery Paris - Los Angeles)

50 euro (Delivery Paris - Los Angeles) from France
KM# 3441
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Golden Fleece)

50 euro (Golden Fleece) from France
KM# 3442
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

100 euro (The Three Musketeers)

100 euro (The Three Musketeers) from France
KM# 3443
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

100 euro (Golden Fleece)

100 euro (Golden Fleece) from France
KM# 3444
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

200 euro (Delivery Paris - Los Angeles)

200 euro (Delivery Paris - Los Angeles) from France
KM# 3445
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

200 euro (500th anniversary of the birth of Luís Vaz de Camões)

200 euro (500th anniversary of the birth of Luís Vaz de Camões) from France
KM# 3446
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

1/4 euro (Year of the Dragon)

1/4 euro (Year of the Dragon) from France
KM# 3448
Composition Copper-nickel-aluminium
Years 2025
Coin value

10 euro (Year of the Snake)

10 euro (Year of the Snake) from France
KM# 3449
Composition Silver
Years 2025
Coin value

20 euro (Year of the Snake)

20 euro (Year of the Snake) from France
KM# 3450
Composition Silver
Years 2025
Coin value

50 euro (Year of the Snake)

50 euro (Year of the Snake) from France
KM# 3451
Composition Gold
Years 2025
Coin value

5 euro (30th anniversary of The Lion King)

5 euro (30th anniversary of The Lion King) from France
KM# 3452
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Notre-Dame de Paris)

10 euro (Notre-Dame de Paris) from France
KM# 3453
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (30th anniversary of The Lion King)

10 euro (30th anniversary of The Lion King) from France
KM# 3454
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (30 years of The Lion King-Hakuna Matata)

10 euro (30 years of The Lion King-Hakuna Matata) from France
KM# 3455
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (30 years of The Lion King)

10 euro (30 years of The Lion King) from France
KM# 3456
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral reopens to the public).

10 euro (Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral reopens to the public). from France
KM# 3458
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (30th anniversary of The Lion King)

50 euro (30th anniversary of The Lion King) from France
KM# 3464
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (30th anniversary of The Lion King)

50 euro (30th anniversary of The Lion King) from France
KM# 3466
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

50 euro (Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral reopens to the public).

50 euro (Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral reopens to the public). from France
KM# 3467
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

200 euro (30th anniversary of The Lion King)

200 euro (30th anniversary of The Lion King) from France
KM# 3468
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

200 euro (Notre-Dame de Paris)

200 euro (Notre-Dame de Paris) from France
KM# 3470
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

5000 euro (Notre-Dame de Paris)

5000 euro (Notre-Dame de Paris) from France
KM# 3472
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

2 euro (Louvre Museum)

2 euro (Louvre Museum) from France
KM# 3475
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2025
Coin value

10 euro (50th anniversary of Josephine Baker's death)

10 euro (50th anniversary of Josephine Baker's death) from France
KM# 3490
Composition Silver
Years 2025
Coin value

10 euro (50th anniversary of Josephine Baker's death)

10 euro (50th anniversary of Josephine Baker's death) from France
KM# 3491
Composition Silver
Years 2025
Coin value

100 euro (50th anniversary of Josephine Baker's death)

100 euro (50th anniversary of Josephine Baker's death) from France
KM# 3512
Composition Silver
Years 2025
Coin value

Investing in France coins can be a great opportunity for coin collectors and investors alike. The rich cultural and historical heritage of France is reflected in its coins, making them unique and valuable collectibles.

One reason why France coins are attractive to investors is their rarity. Many France coins were produced in limited quantities, making them difficult to find and increasing their value. Additionally, the historical events and political changes that have taken place in France over the years have had a significant impact on its coin production, further adding to their rarity and collectibility.

Finally, the price of France old coins is also influenced by their age and condition. Coins that are in excellent condition and date back to ancient times are often worth more than newer coins or those in poor condition.