Germany Coins Price List

Welcome to Germany coin catalog collection gallery and price list, organized by the standard notation of the World Coin Catalog (#KM). Here, you will find detailed information and values for each coin including old coins from Germany. To make your search even easier, you can filter by coin name in the top field. Discover the rich history and unique characteristics of 's coins and add to your collection today.

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1 1/2 euro (Europe Week 1997 in Berlin)

1 1/2 euro (Europe Week 1997 in Berlin) from Germany
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 1997
Coin value

5 mark (Beech Leaf)

5 mark (Beech Leaf) from Germany
Composition Silver
Years 2023
Coin value

5 mark

5 mark from Germany
Composition Silver
Years 2023
Coin value

25 euro (Advent wreath)

25 euro (Advent wreath) from Germany
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

2 euro (35 years of German unity)

2 euro (35 years of German unity) from Germany
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2025
Coin value

2 euro (Saarland - Saarschleife)

2 euro (Saarland - Saarschleife) from Germany
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2025, 2025, 2025, 2025, 2025
Coin value 1,98$ - 2,66$

20 euro (75 years of the Berlinale Film Festival)

20 euro (75 years of the Berlinale Film Festival) from Germany
Composition Silver
Years 2025
Coin value

1 pfennig

1 pfennig from Germany
KM# 101A
Composition Bronze plated steel
Years 1949G, 1948D, 1948F, 1948G, 1948J, 1949F, 1949D, 1949J
Coin value 0,10$ - 25.000,10$

5 pfennig

5 pfennig from Germany
KM# 102
Composition Brass plated steel
Years 1949D, 1949F, 1949G, 1949J
Coin value 0,20$ - 33,34$

10 pfennig

10 pfennig from Germany
KM# 103
Composition Brass plated steel
Years 1949D, 1949F, 1949G, 1949J2, 1949J1
Coin value 0,12$ - 28,68$

50 pfennig

50 pfennig from Germany
KM# 104
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1949, 1949, 1949, 1949, 1950
Coin value 0,41$ - 2,00$

1 pfennig

1 pfennig from Germany
KM# 105
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 1950D, 1950F, 1950G, 1966D, 1966F, 1966G, 1966J, 1968D, 1968F, 1969D, 1969F, 1969G, 1969J, 1970D, 1970F, 1971D, 1971F, 1971G, 1971J, 1972D, 1972F, 1972J, 1974D, 1974F, 1974J, 1975D, 1975F, 1975G, 1976G, 1976J, 1977D, 1977G, 1977J, 1978D, 1978F, 1978G, 1978J, 1979D, 1979G, 1979J, 1980D, 1980F, 1980G, 1980J, 1981F, 1981J, 1982D, 1982G, 1982J, 1983F, 1983G, 1984D, 1984F, 1984G, 1984J, 1985F, 1985J, 1986D, 1986J, 1987D, 1987F, 1987J, 1988G, 1988F, 1988D, 1988J, 1990D, 1990F, 1990G, 1990J, 1991D, 1991F, 1991G, 1991J, 1994F, 1994G, 1996A, 1993J, 1989J, 1994J, 1968G, 1979F, 1983D, 1987G, 1995D, 1994D, 1967F, 1991A, 1976D, 1985D, 1989D, 1976F, 1982F, 1986F, 1989F, 1996F, 1981G, 1970J1, 1973J, 1975J, 1983J, 1995J, 1967D, 1967G, 1967J, 1995G, 1970G, 1985G, 1992A, 1986G, 1974G, 1972G, 1968J, 1973D, 1973F, 1973G, 1981D, 1989G, 1992D, 1992F, 1992J, 1992G, 1993A, 1993D, 1993F, 1993G, 1994A, 1995A, 1995F, 1996D, 1996G, 1996J, 1977F, 1997A, 1997D, 1998A, 1950J, 1970J2, 1997J, 1998F, 1998G, 1999F, 1999J, 2000D, 2000F, 2000G, 2001D, 2001F, 1999D, 2001G, 2000A, 2000
Coin value 0,02$ - 53,58$

2 pfennig

2 pfennig from Germany
KM# 106
Composition Bronze
Years 1958F, 1959J, 1961J, 1962D, 1963D, 1964D, 1968, 1965F, 1968, 1950F, 1960F, 1963J, 1961F, 1966J, 1950J, 1960D, 1967D, 1962G, 1964F, 1965G, 1966G, 1959F, 1959D, 1965J, 1965, 1960G, 1966, 1967G, 1966D, 1967F, 1967J, 1968, 1950D, 1963F, 1961G, 1964J, 1958J, 1959G, 1961D, 1950G, 1958D, 1960J, 1962F, 1962J, 1963G, 1964G, 1958G
Coin value 0,02$ - 53,80$

2 pfennig

2 pfennig from Germany
KM# 106a
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 1989, 1974, 1979, 1986, 1988, 1992, 1996, 1971, 1975, 1982, 1991, 1986, 1982, 1995, 1968, 1990, 1969, 1970G, 1976, 1978, 1976, 1978, 1994, 1985, 1983, 1981, 1972, 1973, 1980, 1993, 1977, 1981, 1984, 1980, 1979, 1991, 1990, 1991, 1973, 1988, 1992, 1981, 1995, 1995, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1972, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1980, 1982, 1990, 1991, 1991, 1974, 1977, 1977, 1979, 1988, 1992, 1983, 1990, 1971, 1984, 1971, 1973, 1987, 1979, 1970, 1973, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1978, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1989, 1992, 1992, 1993, 1993, 1975, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1995, 1995, 1996, 1996, 1996, 2001, 1999, 1972, 1996, 1984, 1985, 1969, 1970, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1969, 1969, 1974, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1993, 1993, 1986, 1970, 2001, 1997, 1997, 1997, 1997, 1998, 1998, 1998, 1997, 1999, 1998, 1999, 1999, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2001, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2001
Coin value 0,02$ - 58,81$

5 pfennig

5 pfennig from Germany
KM# 107
Composition Brass plated steel
Years 1950, 1967G, 1950, 1950, 1971F, 1972J, 1973F, 1976F, 1977F, 1985J, 1977G, 1977J, 1978J, 1978D, 1978G, 1988F, 1979G, 1992G, 1980G, 1980D, 1996G, 1981D, 1982D, 1982F, 1983D, 1985D, 1987D, 1988D, 1989G, 1990F, 1991A, 1991F, 1991G, 1991J, 1992D, 1994F, 1995D, 1987F, 1986G, 1989D, 1990G, 1994J, 1981G, 1983J, 1991D, 1992A, 1994A, 1994D, 1993G, 1982G, 1975F, 1967D, 1974J, 1984J, 1986J, 1977D, 1986F, 1990J, 1979F, 1992F, 1966J, 1973D, 1972G, 1981F, 1984F, 1995A, 1976J, 1966D, 1967J, 1968J, 1969G, 1970D, 1971D, 1971G, 1971J, 1972F, 1974F, 1975D, 1983F, 1990D, 1993D, 1996F, 1972D, 1970F, 1950, 1980J, 1984D, 1976G, 1982J, 1969D, 1974D, 1974G, 1979J, 1981J, 1983G, 1986D, 1988G, 1988J, 1989J, 1990A, 1992J, 1993A, 1993J, 1994G, 1995G, 1995J, 1996A, 1996D, 1996J, 1973G, 1966F, 1970J, 1978F, 1985G, 1979D, 1987J, 1989F, 1995F, 1973J, 1968D, 1980F, 1987G, 1966G, 1985F, 1970G, 1984G, 1969F, 1968G, 1969J, 1967F, 1993F, 1975G, 1975J, 1976D, 1968F, 1950, 2000D, 1998, 2000
Coin value 0,03$ - 65,20$

10 pfennig

10 pfennig from Germany
KM# 108
Composition Brass plated steel
Years 1967G, 1950J, 1966F, 1966G, 1966J, 1967D, 1967J, 1968G, 1969D, 1969F, 1969G, 1969J, 1970D, 1970F, 1970G, 1970J, 1971D, 1971F, 1971G, 1971J1, 1972D, 1972G, 1972J, 1973D, 1973F, 1973G, 1974J, 1975G, 1976D, 1976F, 1976G, 1977D, 1977F, 1977G, 1978D, 1978F, 1978G, 1978J, 1979D, 1979F, 1979G, 1979J, 1980D, 1980F, 1980J, 1981D, 1981G, 1981J, 1982D, 1982F, 1982G, 1982J, 1983F, 1984D, 1984F, 1984G, 1984J, 1985F, 1985G, 1985J, 1986D, 1986F, 1987D, 1988D, 1989G, 1990A, 1990F, 1990G, 1990J, 1991A, 1991D, 1991F, 1991G, 1991J, 1992A, 1992D, 1992F, 1992J, 1993A, 1993D, 1993G, 1994A, 1994D, 1994F, 1995D, 1995F, 1995J, 1996A, 1995G, 1989D, 1993F, 1994J, 1995A, 1977J, 1994G, 1950F, 1972F, 1986J, 1987J, 1990D, 1996D, 1989J, 1976J, 1980G, 1983J, 1987G, 1988J, 1975F, 1966D, 1988G, 1993J, 1950D, 1985D, 1987F, 1988F, 1989F, 1992G, 1996F, 1974D, 1983D, 1950G, 1975D, 1968F, 1974F, 1967F, 1981F, 1986G, 1983G, 1996G, 1975J, 1996J, 1968D, 1968J, 1973J, 1974G, 1971J2, 2000
Coin value 0,02$ - 417,15$

50 pfennig

50 pfennig from Germany
KM# 109.1
Years 1967D, 1968G, 1971F, 1950G1, 1971D, 1969G, 1970D, 1971G, 1967G, 1966J, 1971J1, 1966D, 1969F, 1970F, 1950F, 1950D, 1966F, 1967J, 1968J, 1969D, 1970J, 1970G, 1967F, 1969J, 1968D, 1950J, 1966G, 1968F, 1950G2, 1971J2
Coin value 0,16$ - 7,00$

50 pfennig

50 pfennig from Germany
KM# 109.2
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1985F, 1975J, 1981J, 1982D, 1980F, 1979J, 1981D, 1992F, 1993D, 1972F, 1973J, 1975D, 1978F, 1978J, 1979D, 1979G, 1981G, 1984J, 1989D, 1990J, 1991F, 1976D, 1983D, 1982G, 1990G, 1990F, 1982F, 1989F, 1977G, 1980G, 1990D, 1980D, 1979F, 1991A, 1985J, 1976F, 1985G, 1972G, 1972J, 1972D, 1974J, 1993A, 1991J, 1976G, 1981F, 1983F, 1985D, 1989J, 1991G, 1980J, 1991D, 1992A, 1973D, 1973G, 1993J, 1984D, 1986G, 1990A, 1982J, 1974D, 1989G, 1988F, 1973F, 1974F1, 1974G, 1975G, 1975F, 1976J, 1977F, 1977J, 1977D, 1978D, 1978G, 1983J, 1983G, 1984F, 1984G, 1986F, 1986D, 1986J, 1987F, 1987G, 1987J, 1987D, 1988D, 1988G, 1988J, 1992J, 1992D, 1992G, 1994G, 1993F, 1993G, 1994A, 1994D, 1994F, 1994J, 1995A, 1995D, 1995F, 1995G, 1995J, 1996A, 1996D, 1996F, 1996G, 1996J, 1997A, 1997D, 1997F, 1997G, 1997J, 1998A, 1998D, 1998F, 1998G, 1998J, 1999A, 1999D, 1999F, 1999G, 1999J, 2000A, 2000D, 2000F, 2000G, 2000J, 2001A, 2001D, 2001F, 2001G, 2001J, 1974F2
Coin value 0,08$ - 100,07$

1 mark

1 mark from Germany
KM# 110
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1950G, 1963F, 1970D, 1988J, 1967D, 1988G, 1972J, 1974G, 1950F, 1960J, 1963J, 1974F, 1983G, 1983D, 1958D, 1994J, 1975J, 1977D, 1994F, 1968G, 1950D, 1956F, 1958G, 1961F, 1965G, 1966J, 1975G, 1977F, 1994D, 1992F, 1979F, 1979G, 1993A, 1970G, 1959D, 1962D, 1969J, 1973F, 1973D, 1976J, 1979D, 1980F, 1954G, 1950J, 1954D, 1954J, 1954F, 1955J, 1955D, 1955F, 1955G, 1964D, 1978F, 1980D, 1985J, 1986G, 1974J, 1982J, 1987F, 1963G, 1959G, 1969F, 1984J, 1956D, 1964F, 1977G, 1985F, 1968F, 1976D, 1979J, 1980J, 1990J, 1961G, 1965J, 1973G, 1975D, 1989J, 1989G, 1981D, 1982F, 1990G, 1991D, 1957F, 1971D, 1973J, 1980G, 1989D, 1990D, 1957G, 1958J, 1959F, 1962F, 1969D, 1969G, 1971F, 1971J, 1972F, 1976F, 1978J, 1983F, 1986F, 1988F, 1989F, 1990F, 1991A, 1991F, 1992A, 1992D, 1992J, 1994A, 1991G, 1983J, 1982D, 1961J, 1962J, 1972G, 1956G, 1963D, 1967F, 1972D, 1978G, 1990A, 1975F, 1991J, 1967J, 1956J, 1960D, 1986D, 1986J, 1974D, 1987J, 1970F, 1971G, 1992G, 1970J, 1978D, 1957D, 1958F, 1961D, 1957J, 1959J, 1960F, 1960G, 1962G, 1964G, 1964J, 1965D, 1965F, 1966D, 1966F, 1966G, 1967G, 1968D, 1968J, 1976G, 1977J, 1981F, 1981G, 1981J, 1982G, 1984D, 1984F, 1984G, 1985D, 1985G, 1987D, 1987G, 1988D, 1993D, 1993F, 1993G, 1993J, 1994G, 1997, 1997, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2001, 1997, 1997, 1997, 2001, 2001, 2001, 2001
Coin value 0,06$ - 2.300,00$

2 mark

2 mark from Germany
KM# 111
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1951, 1951, 1951, 1951
Coin value 0,76$ - 32,00$

5 mark

5 mark from Germany
KM# 112.1
Composition Silver
Years 1951J, 1951D, 1971F, 1964F, 1970D, 1969J, 1951F, 1951G, 1956D, 1956F, 1956J, 1957D, 1957F, 1957G, 1957J, 1958G, 1960J, 1964J, 1964D, 1965G, 1965D, 1966J, 1966F, 1966D, 1958J, 1958D, 1958F, 1959J, 1959D, 1959G, 1960D, 1960F, 1960G, 1961J, 1961D, 1961F, 1963D, 1963F, 1963G, 1963J, 1964G, 1965J, 1965F, 1966G, 1967D, 1967F, 1967G, 1967J, 1968J, 1968D, 1968F, 1968G, 1969D, 1969F, 1969G, 1970J, 1970F, 1970G, 1971D, 1971G, 1971J, 1972D, 1972F, 1972G, 1972J, 1973J, 1973D, 1973F, 1973G, 1974J, 1974D, 1974F, 1974G
Coin value 5,00$ - 300,00$

5 Mark (Centennial of the German National Museum in Nuremberg)

5 Mark (Centennial of the German National Museum in Nuremberg) from Germany
KM# 113
Composition Silver
Years 1953
Coin value

2 mark (Max Planck)

2 mark (Max Planck) from Germany
KM# 116
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1957D, 1968D, 1957F, 1965D, 1963G, 1961D, 1957J, 1960F, 1971J, 1958D, 1959F, 1960D, 1961F, 1962D, 1966G, 1970G, 1958F, 1958G, 1967F, 1957G, 1958J, 1959D, 1960G, 1960J, 1961G, 1961J, 1962F, 1962G, 1962J, 1963D, 1963F, 1963J, 1964D, 1964F, 1964G, 1964J, 1965F, 1965G, 1965J, 1966F, 1966D, 1966J, 1967D, 1967G, 1967J, 1968F, 1968G, 1968J, 1969D, 1969F, 1969G, 1969J, 1970D, 1970F, 1970J, 1971D, 1971F, 1971G
Coin value 0,10$ - 23,34$

5 mark (150th Anniversary of Johann Gottlieb Fichte's Death)

5 mark (150th Anniversary of Johann Gottlieb Fichte's Death) from Germany
KM# 118.1
Composition Silver
Years 1964
Coin value

5 mark (250th Anniversary of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz's Death)

5 mark (250th Anniversary of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz's Death) from Germany
KM# 119
Composition Silver
Years 1966D
Coin value 7,64$ - 10,74$

5 mark (Wilhelm and Alexander von Humboldt)

5 mark (Wilhelm and Alexander von Humboldt) from Germany
KM# 120.1
Composition Silver
Years 1967
Coin value 8,58$ - 15,32$

5 mark (150th Anniversary of the Birth of Friedrich Raiffeisen)

5 mark (150th Anniversary of the Birth of Friedrich Raiffeisen) from Germany
KM# 121
Composition Silver
Years 1968
Coin value

5 mark (500th Anniversary of the Death of Johannes Gutenberg)

5 mark (500th Anniversary of the Death of Johannes Gutenberg) from Germany
KM# 122
Composition Silver
Years 1968
Coin value

5 mark (150th Anniversary of the Birth of Max von Pettenkofer)

5 mark (150th Anniversary of the Birth of Max von Pettenkofer) from Germany
KM# 123.1
Composition Silver
Years 1968
Coin value

2 mark (Konrad Adenauer)

2 mark (Konrad Adenauer) from Germany
KM# 124
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1987F, 1973F, 1970J, 1985F, 1973D, 1974J, 1969G, 1970F, 1977F, 1976F, 1971F, 1970D, 1974D, 1972D, 1969J, 1986J, 1971J, 1976D, 1978F, 1980F, 1982D, 1987J, 1977D, 1975D, 1982G, 1973G, 1972J, 1972F, 1969D, 1969F, 1983G, 1973J, 1970G, 1971D, 1971G, 1972G, 1974F, 1974G, 1975G, 1975J, 1975F, 1976J, 1976G, 1977G, 1977J, 1978J, 1978D, 1978G, 1979D, 1979G, 1979F, 1979J, 1980J, 1980D, 1980G, 1981J, 1981F, 1981G, 1981D, 1982F, 1982J, 1983J, 1983D, 1983F, 1984G, 1984F, 1984D, 1984J, 1985J, 1985D, 1985G, 1986F, 1986D, 1986G, 1987G, 1987D
Coin value 0,10$ - 100,00$

5 mark (150th Anniversary of the Birth of Theodor Fontane)

5 mark (150th Anniversary of the Birth of Theodor Fontane) from Germany
KM# 125
Composition Silver
Years 1969G
Coin value

5 mark (375th Anniversary of Gerhard Mercator's Death)

5 mark (375th Anniversary of Gerhard Mercator's Death) from Germany
KM# 126.1
Composition Silver
Years 1969F, 1970F
Coin value 3,49$ - 11,12$

5 mark (200th Anniversary of the Birth of Ludwig van Beethoven)

5 mark (200th Anniversary of the Birth of Ludwig van Beethoven) from Germany
KM# 127
Composition Silver
Years 1970F
Coin value

2 mark (Theodor Heuss)

2 mark (Theodor Heuss) from Germany
KM# 127A
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1982D, 1986G, 1985G, 1973G, 1972J, 1970J, 1981D, 1970G, 1970F, 1976D, 1983J, 1985D, 1975J, 1974J, 1978J, 1971D, 1971F, 1971G, 1971J, 1977J, 1986F, 1974F, 1987D, 1972G, 1973D, 1973J, 1983G, 1973F, 1970D, 1987J, 1972D, 1974D, 1975D, 1977D, 1978D, 1979D, 1980D, 1983D, 1984D, 1986D, 1972F, 1975F, 1976F, 1977F, 1978F, 1979F, 1980F, 1981F, 1982F, 1983F, 1984F, 1985F, 1987F, 1984G, 1987G, 1974G, 1975G, 1976G, 1977G, 1978G, 1979G, 1980G, 1981G, 1982G, 1976J, 1979J, 1981J, 1982J, 1984J, 1985J, 1986J, 1980J
Coin value 0,47$ - 2.009,96$

5 mark (100th Anniversary of the Founding of the German Empire)

5 mark (100th Anniversary of the Founding of the German Empire) from Germany
KM# 128.1
Composition Silver
Years 1971G
Coin value

5 mark (500th Anniversary of the Birth of Albrecht Dürer)

5 mark (500th Anniversary of the Birth of Albrecht Dürer) from Germany
KM# 129
Composition Silver
Years 1971D
Coin value 5,81$ - 7,76$

10 mark (XX Olympic Games-Munich 72)

10 mark (XX Olympic Games-Munich 72) from Germany
KM# 130
Composition Silver
Years 1972D, 1972F, 1972J, 1972G
Coin value 2,28$ - 15,00$

10 mark (XX Olympic Games-Munich 72)

10 mark (XX Olympic Games-Munich 72) from Germany
KM# 131
Composition Silver
Years 1972J, 1972G, 1972F, 1972D
Coin value 7,67$ - 10,00$

10 mark (XX Olympic Games-Munich 72)

10 mark (XX Olympic Games-Munich 72) from Germany
KM# 132
Composition Silver
Years 1972J, 1972D, 1972G, 1972F
Coin value 7,67$ - 10,00$

10 mark (XX Olympic Games-Munich 72)

10 mark (XX Olympic Games-Munich 72) from Germany
KM# 133
Composition Silver
Years 1972D, 1972F, 1972G, 1972J
Coin value 3,61$ - 11,88$

10 mark (XX Olympic Games-Munich 72)

10 mark (XX Olympic Games-Munich 72) from Germany
KM# 134.1
Composition Silver
Years 1972F, 1972G, 1972D, 1972J
Coin value 0,01$ - 10,00$

10 mark (XX Olympic Games-Munich 72)

10 mark (XX Olympic Games-Munich 72) from Germany
KM# 135
Composition Silver
Years 1972J, 1972G, 1972F, 1972D
Coin value 7,67$ - 11,00$

5 mark (500th Anniversary of the Birth of Nicholas Copernicus)

5 mark (500th Anniversary of the Birth of Nicholas Copernicus) from Germany
KM# 136
Composition Silver
Years 1973J
Coin value

5 mark (125th Anniversary of the Frankfurt Parliament)

5 mark (125th Anniversary of the Frankfurt Parliament) from Germany
KM# 137
Composition Silver
Years 1973G
Coin value

5 mark (25th Anniversary of Constitutional Law)

5 mark (25th Anniversary of Constitutional Law) from Germany
KM# 138
Composition Silver
Years 1974F
Coin value 5,63$ - 7,52$

5 mark (250th Anniversary of the Birth of Immanuel Kant)

5 mark (250th Anniversary of the Birth of Immanuel Kant) from Germany
KM# 139
Composition Silver
Years 1974D
Coin value

5 mark

5 mark from Germany
KM# 140.1
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1990D, 1988G, 1994G, 1983J, 1992A, 1991A, 1975D, 1989F, 1980D, 1984G, 1976G, 1992J, 1982G, 1989J, 1980J, 1975J, 1989D, 1990J, 1991G, 1977D, 1991D, 1976D, 1975F, 1986G, 1982D, 1978D, 1976F, 1975G, 1980F, 1976J, 1982J, 1977F, 1977G, 1977J, 1978F, 1978G, 1978J, 1980G, 1979D, 1979F, 1979G, 1979J, 1981D, 1981F, 1981G, 1981J, 1982F, 1983D, 1983F, 1983G, 1984D, 1984F, 1984J, 1985D, 1985F, 1985G, 1985J, 1986D, 1986F, 1986J, 1987D, 1987F, 1987G, 1987J, 1988D, 1988F, 1988J, 1989G, 1990F, 1990G, 1991F, 1991J, 1992D, 1992F, 1992G, 1993A, 1993D, 1993F, 1993G, 1993J, 1994A, 1994D, 1994F, 1994J, 2001F
Coin value 0,10$ - 100,00$

5 mark (50th Anniversary of Friedrich Ebert's Death)

5 mark (50th Anniversary of Friedrich Ebert's Death) from Germany
KM# 141
Composition Silver
Years 1975J
Coin value 5,42$ - 7,25$

5 mark (Year for the Protection of European Monuments)

5 mark (Year for the Protection of European Monuments) from Germany
KM# 142.1
Composition Silver
Years 1975F
Coin value

5 mark (100th Anniversary of the Birth of Albert Schweitzer)

5 mark (100th Anniversary of the Birth of Albert Schweitzer) from Germany
KM# 143
Composition Silver
Years 1975G
Coin value

5 mark (300th Anniversary of the Death of J.C. von Grimmelshausen)

5 mark (300th Anniversary of the Death of J.C. von Grimmelshausen) from Germany
KM# 144
Composition Silver
Years 1976D
Coin value 27,06$ - 48,32$

5 mark (200th Anniversary of the Birth of Mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss)

5 mark (200th Anniversary of the Birth of Mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss) from Germany
KM# 145
Composition Silver
Years 1977J
Coin value 4,71$ - 6,29$

5 mark (200th Anniversary of the birth of the poet Heinrich von Kleist)

5 mark (200th Anniversary of the birth of the poet Heinrich von Kleist) from Germany
KM# 146
Composition Silver
Years 1977G
Coin value 3,06$ - 7,31$

5 mark (100th Anniversary of the birth of politician Gustav Stresemann)

5 mark (100th Anniversary of the birth of politician Gustav Stresemann) from Germany
KM# 147
Composition Silver
Years 1978D
Coin value 6,35$ - 8,49$

5 mark (225th Anniversary of Balthasar Neumann's Death)

5 mark (225th Anniversary of Balthasar Neumann's Death) from Germany
KM# 148
Composition Silver
Years 1978F
Coin value

2 mark (Kurt Schumacher)

2 mark (Kurt Schumacher) from Germany
KM# 149
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1992, 1979, 1989, 1991, 1985, 1992, 1992, 1990, 1992, 1979, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1979, 1992, 1988, 1979, 1980, 1991, 1981, 1985, 1990, 1990, 1982, 1980, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1993, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1991, 1993, 1991, 1993, 1980, 1981G, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1980, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1993
Coin value 0,28$ - 20,49$

5 mark (150th Anniversary of the German Archaeological Institute)

5 mark (150th Anniversary of the German Archaeological Institute) from Germany
KM# 150
Composition Silver
Years 1979
Coin value 6,16$ - 8,23$

5 mark (100th Anniversary of the Birth of Otto Hahn)

5 mark (100th Anniversary of the Birth of Otto Hahn) from Germany
KM# 151
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1979
Coin value

5 mark (750th Anniversary of the Death of W. Von Der Vogelweide)

5 mark (750th Anniversary of the Death of W. Von Der Vogelweide) from Germany
KM# 152
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1980
Coin value 3,58$ - 6,40$

5 mark (Cologne Cathedral Centennial)

5 mark (Cologne Cathedral Centennial) from Germany
KM# 153
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1980
Coin value 4,12$ - 7,36$

5 mark (200th Anniversary of the Death of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing)

5 mark (200th Anniversary of the Death of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing) from Germany
KM# 154
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1981
Coin value 3,74$ - 4,99$

5 mark (150th Anniversary of the Death of Carl vorn Stein)

5 mark (150th Anniversary of the Death of Carl vorn Stein) from Germany
KM# 155
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1981
Coin value

5 mark (150th Anniversary of the Death of Johann Volfgang)

5 mark (150th Anniversary of the Death of Johann Volfgang) from Germany
KM# 156
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1982
Coin value 1,55$ - 4,95$

5 mark (UN Environment Conference)

5 mark (UN Environment Conference) from Germany
KM# 157
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1982
Coin value 3,60$ - 6,43$

5 mark (100th Anniversary of the Death of Karl Marx)

5 mark (100th Anniversary of the Death of Karl Marx) from Germany
KM# 158
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1983
Coin value 3,23$ - 5,78$

5 mark (500th Anniversary of the Birth of Martin Luther)

5 mark (500th Anniversary of the Birth of Martin Luther) from Germany
KM# 159
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1983
Coin value

5 mark (150th anniversary of the German Customs Union)

5 mark (150th anniversary of the German Customs Union) from Germany
KM# 160
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1984
Coin value 1,35$ - 7,68$

5 mark (175th Anniversary of Felix Menndelssohn Bartholdy)

5 mark (175th Anniversary of Felix Menndelssohn Bartholdy) from Germany
KM# 161
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1984
Coin value 4,08$ - 7,29$

5 mark (European Year of Music)

5 mark (European Year of Music) from Germany
KM# 162
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1985
Coin value 1,21$ - 5,15$

5 mark (150th Anniversary of the German Railways)

5 mark (150th Anniversary of the German Railways) from Germany
KM# 163
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1985
Coin value

5 mark (600th Anniversary of the University of Heidelberg)

5 mark (600th Anniversary of the University of Heidelberg) from Germany
KM# 164
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1986
Coin value 1,48$ - 6,32$

5 mark (200th Anniversary of the Death of Friedrich der Grosse)

5 mark (200th Anniversary of the Death of Friedrich der Grosse) from Germany
KM# 165
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1986
Coin value

10 mark (750th Anniversary of the City of Berlin)

10 mark (750th Anniversary of the City of Berlin) from Germany
KM# 166
Composition Silver
Years 1987
Coin value 3,86$ - 9,03$

10 mark (30th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome )

10 mark (30th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome ) from Germany
KM# 167
Composition Silver
Years 1987
Coin value 6,74$ - 16,09$

10 mark (200th Anniversary of the Birth of Arthur Schopenhauer)

10 mark (200th Anniversary of the Birth of Arthur Schopenhauer) from Germany
KM# 168
Composition Silver
Years 1988D
Coin value 3,61$ - 8,44$

10 mark (100th Anniversary of the Death of Carl Zeiss)

10 mark (100th Anniversary of the Death of Carl Zeiss) from Germany
KM# 169
Composition Silver
Years 1988F
Coin value

2 mark (Ludwig Erhard)

2 mark (Ludwig Erhard) from Germany
KM# 170
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1990G, 1989D, 1988D, 1988, 1992, 1989J, 1990, 1992D, 1989, 1990D, 1992A, 1992J, 1994A, 1990J, 1991D, 1988J, 1988G, 1989G, 1991A, 1991, 1991G, 1991J, 1992G, 1993A, 1993D, 1993, 1993G, 1993J, 1994D, 1994, 1994G, 1994J, 1995A, 1995G, 2001
Coin value 0,56$ - 50,00$

10 mark (800th Anniversary of the Port of Hamburg)

10 mark (800th Anniversary of the Port of Hamburg) from Germany
KM# 171
Composition Silver
Years 1989
Coin value 0,86$ - 20,88$

10 mark (2,000th Anniversary of the City of Bonn)

10 mark (2,000th Anniversary of the City of Bonn) from Germany
KM# 172
Composition Silver
Years 1989
Coin value

10 mark (40th Anniversary of the German Republic)

10 mark (40th Anniversary of the German Republic) from Germany
KM# 173
Composition Silver
Years 1989
Coin value

10 mark (800th Anniversary of Kaiser Friedrich Barbarossa's Death)

10 mark (800th Anniversary of Kaiser Friedrich Barbarossa's Death) from Germany
KM# 174
Composition Silver
Years 1990
Coin value

2 mark (Franz Joseph Strauss)

2 mark (Franz Joseph Strauss) from Germany
KM# 175
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1990, 1992, 1991, 1994, 1995, 1990, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1990, 1990, 1991, 1991, 1991, 1991, 1992, 1992, 1992, 1993, 1993, 1993, 1993, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1995, 2001, 2001, 2001, 2001, 2001
Coin value 0,09$ - 10,81$

10 mark (800th Anniversary of the Teutonic Order)

10 mark (800th Anniversary of the Teutonic Order) from Germany
KM# 176
Composition Silver
Years 1990
Coin value

10 mark (Unification of Germany-Brandenburg Gate)

10 mark (Unification of Germany-Brandenburg Gate) from Germany
KM# 177
Composition Silver
Years 1991
Coin value

10 mark (125th Anniversary of the Birth of Käthe Kollwitz)

10 mark (125th Anniversary of the Birth of Käthe Kollwitz) from Germany
KM# 178
Composition Silver
Years 1992
Coin value

10 mark (150th Anniversary of the Birth of Robert Koch)

10 mark (150th Anniversary of the Birth of Robert Koch) from Germany
KM# 181
Composition Silver
Years 1993
Coin value

2 mark (Willy Brandt)

2 mark (Willy Brandt) from Germany
KM# 183
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 1994, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1994, 1995, 1995, 2001, 2001, 2001, 2001, 2001, 1995, 1999
Coin value 1,05$ - 3,72$

10 mark (100th Anniversary of the Birth of Johann Gottfried Herder)

10 mark (100th Anniversary of the Birth of Johann Gottfried Herder) from Germany
KM# 184
Composition Silver
Years 1994
Coin value

10 mark (800th Anniversary of the Death of Heinrich the Lion)

10 mark (800th Anniversary of the Death of Heinrich the Lion) from Germany
KM# 186
Composition Silver
Years 1995
Coin value

10 mark (150th Anniversary of the Birth of Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen)

10 mark (150th Anniversary of the Birth of Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen) from Germany
KM# 187
Composition Silver
Years 1995
Coin value

10 mark (150th Anniversary of the Kolpingwerk Foundation)

10 mark (150th Anniversary of the Kolpingwerk Foundation) from Germany
KM# 188
Composition Silver
Years 1995
Coin value

10 mark (500th anniversary - Philipp Melanchthon)

10 mark (500th anniversary - Philipp Melanchthon) from Germany
KM# 189
Composition Silver
Years 1997, 1997, 1997, 1997, 1997
Coin value

10 mark (100th Anniversary of the Diesel engine)

10 mark (100th Anniversary of the Diesel engine) from Germany
KM# 192
Composition Silver
Years 1997
Coin value

10 mark (900th Anniversary of the Birth of Hildegard von Bingen)

10 mark (900th Anniversary of the Birth of Hildegard von Bingen) from Germany
KM# 193
Composition Silver
Years 1998
Coin value

10 mark (300th Anniversary of the Francke Foundations in Halle)

10 mark (300th Anniversary of the Francke Foundations in Halle) from Germany
KM# 194
Composition Silver
Years 1998
Coin value

10 mark (50 years of the German Mark)

10 mark (50 years of the German Mark) from Germany
KM# 195
Composition Silver
Years 1998, 1998, 1998, 1998, 1998, 1998
Coin value

10 mark (50th Anniversary SOS Children's Village)

10 mark (50th Anniversary SOS Children's Village) from Germany
KM# 198
Composition Silver
Years 1999
Coin value

10 mark (10th anniversary of German reunification)

10 mark (10th anniversary of German reunification) from Germany
KM# 201
Composition Silver
Years 2000, 2000
Coin value

1 mark (Withdrawal of the German Mark)

1 mark (Withdrawal of the German Mark) from Germany
KM# 203
Composition Gold
Years 2001, 2001, 2001, 2001, 2001
Coin value

10 mark (Federal Constitutional Court)

10 mark (Federal Constitutional Court) from Germany
KM# 206
Composition Silver
Years 2001, 2001
Coin value

1 euro cent

1 euro cent from Germany
KM# 207
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2002J, 2002G, 2002F, 2002D, 2002A, 2004A, 2004D, 2004F, 2004G, 2004J, 2003F, 2003D, 2003A, 2003J, 2003G, 2005A, 2005D, 2005F, 2005G, 2005J, 2006A, 2006F, 2006G, 2006J, 2007A, 2007D, 2007F, 2007G, 2007J, 2008A, 2008D, 2008F, 2008G, 2008J, 2009A, 2009D, 2009F, 2009G, 2009J, 2010A, 2010D, 2010F, 2010G, 2010J, 2011A, 2011D, 2011G, 2011J, 2011F, 2012A, 2012D, 2012F, 2012G, 2012J, 2006D, 2013A, 2013D, 2013F, 2013G, 2013J, 2014A, 2014F, 2014D, 2014G, 2014J, 2015D, 2016J, 2016D, 2015F, 2017F, 2016A, 2016G, 2017A, 2017G, 2017J, 2015A, 2017D, 2016F, 2015G, 2015J, 2018J, 2018G, 2018F, 2018D, 2018A, 2019A, 2019D, 2019F, 2019G, 2019J, 2020A, 2020D, 2020F, 2020G, 2020J, 2021A, 2021D, 2021F, 2021G, 2021J, 2023A, 2023D, 2023F, 2023G, 2023J, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2025
Coin value 0,01$ - 1,93$

2 euro cent

2 euro cent from Germany
KM# 208
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2002A, 2002D, 2002F, 2002G, 2002J, 2003A, 2003D, 2003F, 2003G, 2003J, 2004A, 2004D, 2004F, 2004G, 2004J, 2005A, 2005D, 2005F, 2005G, 2005J, 2006A, 2006D, 2006F, 2006G, 2006J, 2007A, 2007D, 2007F, 2007G, 2007J, 2008A, 2008D, 2008F, 2008G, 2008J, 2009A, 2009D, 2009F, 2009G, 2009J, 2010A, 2010D, 2010G, 2010J, 2011A, 2011D, 2011F, 2011G, 2011J, 2010F, 2012G, 2012J, 2012A, 2012D, 2012F, 2013A, 2013D, 2013F, 2013G, 2013J, 2014A, 2014D, 2014F, 2014G, 2014J, 2015A, 2015F, 2016D, 2016F, 2015D, 2015G, 2016J, 2017D, 2016G, 2015J, 2016A, 2017F, 2017A, 2017G, 2017J, 2018A, 2018D, 2018F, 2018G, 2018J, 2019A, 2019D, 2019F, 2019G, 2019J, 2020A, 2020J, 2021F, 2021G, 2021J, 2021A, 2021D, 2020D, 2020F, 2020G, 2022A, 2022D, 2022F, 2022G, 2022J, 2023A, 2023D, 2023F, 2023G, 2023J, 2023G, 2024, 2025
Coin value 0,01$ - 1,10$

5 euro cent

5 euro cent from Germany
KM# 209
Composition Copper plated steel
Years 2002A, 2002D, 2002F, 2002G, 2002J, 2004A, 2004D, 2004F, 2004G, 2004J, 2003A, 2003D, 2003F, 2003G, 2003J, 2005A, 2005D, 2005F, 2005G, 2005J, 2006A, 2006D, 2006F, 2006G, 2006J, 2007A, 2007D, 2007F, 2007G, 2007J, 2008A, 2008D, 2008F, 2008G, 2008J, 2009A, 2009D, 2009F, 2009G, 2009J, 2010A, 2010D, 2010F, 2010G, 2016G, 2010J, 2011A, 2011D, 2011F, 2011G, 2011J, 2013G, 2012A, 2012G, 2012D, 2012J, 2014F, 2012F, 2014D, 2013D, 2015G, 2014A, 2015D, 2016D, 2014G, 2015A, 2014J, 2013A, 2015F, 2017F, 2016A, 2015J, 2013F, 2016F, 2017A, 2013J, 2016J, 2017D, 2017G, 2017J, 2018A, 2018D, 2018F, 2018G, 2018J, 2019A, 2019D, 2019F, 2019G, 2019J, 2020F, 2020A, 2021J, 2021G, 2021F, 2021D, 2021A, 2020D, 2020G, 2020J, 2022A, 2022D, 2022F, 2022G, 2022J, 2023A, 2023D, 2023F, 2023J, 2023G, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2025
Coin value 0,01$ - 1,80$

10 euro cent

10 euro cent from Germany
KM# 210
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2002A, 2002D, 2002F, 2002G, 2002J, 2003A, 2003D, 2003F, 2003G, 2003J, 2004F, 2004G, 2004D, 2005A, 2005D, 2005F, 2005G, 2005J, 2006A, 2006D, 2006F, 2006G, 2006J, 2004A, 2004J
Coin value 0,08$ - 1,31$

20 euro cent

20 euro cent from Germany
KM# 211
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2002A, 2002D, 2002F, 2002G, 2002J, 2003A, 2003D, 2003F, 2003G, 2004D, 2004A, 2004F, 2004G, 2004J, 2005A, 2005D, 2005F, 2005G, 2005J, 2006A, 2006D, 2006F, 2006G, 2006J, 2003J
Coin value 0,16$ - 1,03$

50 euro cent

50 euro cent from Germany
KM# 212
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2002A, 2002D, 2002F, 2002G, 2002J, 2003J, 2004A, 2004D, 2004F, 2004G, 2003A, 2003D, 2003F, 2003G, 2004J, 2005A, 2005D, 2005F, 2005G, 2005J, 2006A, 2006D, 2006F, 2006G, 2006J
Coin value 0,40$ - 3,52$

1 euro

1 euro from Germany
KM# 213
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2002A, 2002D, 2002F, 2002G, 2002J, 2003A, 2003J, 2004A, 2004D, 2004F, 2004G, 2003D, 2003F, 2003G, 2004J, 2005A, 2005D, 2005F, 2005G, 2005J, 2006A, 2006D, 2006F, 2006G, 2006J
Coin value 0,75$ - 4,72$

2 euro

2 euro from Germany
KM# 214
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2002A, 2002D, 2002F, 2002G, 2002J, 2003A, 2003D, 2003F, 2003G, 2003J, 2004A, 2004D, 2004J, 2004F, 2004G, 2005A, 2005D, 2005F, 2005G, 2005J, 2006A, 2006D, 2006F, 2006G, 2006J
Coin value 1,31$ - 17,86$

10 euro (Introduction of the Euro)

10 euro (Introduction of the Euro) from Germany
KM# 215
Composition Silver
Years 2002F
Coin value

10 euro (100th Anniversary of the Metro)

10 euro (100th Anniversary of the Metro) from Germany
KM# 216
Composition Silver
Years 2002D
Coin value

10 euro (Kassel Art Exhibition)

10 euro (Kassel Art Exhibition) from Germany
KM# 217
Composition Silver
Years 2002J
Coin value

10 euro (Berlin Island Museum)

10 euro (Berlin Island Museum) from Germany
KM# 218
Composition Silver
Years 2002A
Coin value

10 euro (50th Anniversary of German Television)

10 euro (50th Anniversary of German Television) from Germany
KM# 219
Composition Silver
Years 2002G
Coin value

100 euro (Introduction of the Euro)

100 euro (Introduction of the Euro) from Germany
KM# 220
Composition Gold
Years 2002A, 2002D, 2002F, 2002G, 2002J
Coin value

200 euro (Introduction of the Euro)

200 euro (Introduction of the Euro) from Germany
KM# 221
Composition Gold
Years 2002A, 2002D, 2002F, 2002G, 2002J
Coin value

10 euro (Justus von Liebig)

10 euro (Justus von Liebig) from Germany
KM# 222
Composition Silver
Years 2003J
Coin value

10 euro (FIFA World Cup 2006)

10 euro (FIFA World Cup 2006) from Germany
KM# 223
Composition Silver
Years 2003A, 2003D, 2003F, 2003G, 2003J
Coin value

10 euro (Ruhrgebiet Industrielandschaft)

10 euro (Ruhrgebiet Industrielandschaft) from Germany
KM# 224
Composition Silver
Years 2003F
Coin value

10 euro (100th Anniversary of the Germanic Museum in Munich)

10 euro (100th Anniversary of the Germanic Museum in Munich) from Germany
KM# 225
Composition Silver
Years 2003D
Coin value

10 euro ( 50 JAHRE 17. JUNI 1953 )

10 euro ( 50 JAHRE 17. JUNI 1953 ) from Germany
KM# 226
Composition Silver
Years 2003A
Coin value

10 euro (Gottfried Semper)

10 euro (Gottfried Semper) from Germany
KM# 227
Composition Silver
Years 2003G
Coin value

100 euro (Centennial Quedlinburg - UNESCO World Heritage Site)

100 euro (Centennial Quedlinburg - UNESCO World Heritage Site) from Germany
KM# 228
Composition Gold
Years 2003, 2003, 2003, 2003, 2003
Coin value

10 euro (FIFA World Cup 2006)

10 euro (FIFA World Cup 2006) from Germany
KM# 229
Years 2004A, 2004D, 2004F, 2004G, 2004J
Coin value

10 euro (Bauhaus Dessau)

10 euro (Bauhaus Dessau) from Germany
KM# 230
Composition Silver
Years 2004A
Coin value

10 euro (Extension of the European Union)

10 euro (Extension of the European Union) from Germany
KM# 231
Composition Silver
Years 2004G
Coin value

10 euro (Nationalpark Wattenmeer)

10 euro (Nationalpark Wattenmeer) from Germany
KM# 232
Composition Silver
Years 2004J
Coin value

10 euro (Eduard Mörike)

10 euro (Eduard Mörike) from Germany
KM# 233
Composition Silver
Years 2004F
Coin value

10 euro (Columbbus-Europe Labor)

10 euro (Columbbus-Europe Labor) from Germany
KM# 234
Composition Silver
Years 2004D
Coin value

100 euro (City of Bamberg - UNESCO World Heritage Site)

100 euro (City of Bamberg - UNESCO World Heritage Site) from Germany
KM# 235
Composition Gold
Years 2004, 2004, 2004, 2004, 2004
Coin value

100 euro (City of Weimar - UNESCO World Heritage Site)

100 euro (City of Weimar - UNESCO World Heritage Site) from Germany
KM# 236
Composition Gold
Years 2006, 2006, 2006, 2006, 2006
Coin value

100 euro (Soccer World Cup - Germany 2006)

100 euro (Soccer World Cup - Germany 2006) from Germany
KM# 237
Composition Gold
Years 2005, 2005, 2005, 2005, 2005
Coin value

10 euro (Albert Einstein)

10 euro (Albert Einstein) from Germany
KM# 238
Composition Silver
Years 2005J
Coin value

10 euro (Friedrich von Schiller)

10 euro (Friedrich von Schiller) from Germany
KM# 239
Composition Silver
Years 2005G
Coin value

10 euro (1,200th Anniversary of Magdeburg)

10 euro (1,200th Anniversary of Magdeburg) from Germany
KM# 240
Composition Silver
Years 2005A
Coin value

10 euro (Bavarian National Park)

10 euro (Bavarian National Park) from Germany
KM# 241
Composition Silver
Years 2005D
Coin value

10 euro (Bertha von Suttner)

10 euro (Bertha von Suttner) from Germany
KM# 242
Composition Silver
Years 2005F
Coin value

10 euro (FiFA 2006 World Cup)

10 euro (FiFA 2006 World Cup) from Germany
KM# 243
Years 2005A, 2005D, 2005F, 2005G, 2005J
Coin value

10 euro (Karl Friedrich Schinkel)

10 euro (Karl Friedrich Schinkel) from Germany
KM# 245
Composition Silver
Years 2006F
Coin value

10 euro (800th Anniversary of Dresden )

10 euro (800th Anniversary of Dresden ) from Germany
KM# 246
Composition Silver
Years 2006A
Coin value

10 euro (Hanseatic League)

10 euro (Hanseatic League) from Germany
KM# 247
Composition Silver
Years 2006J
Coin value

10 euro (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)

10 euro (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) from Germany
KM# 248
Composition Silver
Years 2006D
Coin value

10 euro (FiFA 2006 World Cup)

10 euro (FiFA 2006 World Cup) from Germany
KM# 249
Years 2006A, 2006D, 2006F, 2006G, 2006J
Coin value 8,61$ - 10,00$

2 euro (Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein)

2 euro (Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein) from Germany
KM# 253
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2006A, 2006D, 2006F, 2006G, 2006J
Coin value 1,83$ - 4,89$

10 euro cent

10 euro cent from Germany
KM# 254
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2007A, 2007D, 2007F, 2007G, 2007J, 2008A, 2008D, 2008F, 2008G, 2008J, 2017J, 2017A, 2017D, 2017G, 2017F, 2018A, 2018D, 2018F, 2018G, 2018J, 2009A, 2009D, 2009F, 2009G, 2009J, 2010A, 2010D, 2010F, 2010G, 2010J, 2011A, 2011D, 2011F, 2011G, 2011J, 2012A, 2012D, 2012F, 2012G, 2012J, 2013A, 2013D, 2013F, 2013G, 2013J, 2014A, 2014D, 2014F, 2014G, 2014J, 2015A, 2015D, 2015F, 2015G, 2015J, 2016A, 2016D, 2016F, 2016G, 2016J, 2019A, 2019D, 2019F, 2019G, 2019J, 2020G, 2020F, 2020A, 2020D, 2021A, 2021D, 2021F, 2021G, 2021J, 2022A, 2022D, 2022F, 2022G, 2022J, 2020J, 2023J, 2023F, 2023D, 2023A, 2023G, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2025
Coin value 0,03$ - 4,86$

20 euro cent

20 euro cent from Germany
KM# 255
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2007A, 2007D, 2007F, 2007G, 2007J, 2008A, 2008D, 2008F, 2008G, 2008J, 2012G, 2011F, 2009D, 2010A, 2011D, 2014A, 2012J, 2012D, 2013F, 2013J, 2011G, 2013D, 2016J, 2009G, 2009J, 2009A, 2012F, 2010F, 2014F, 2015D, 2013A, 2013G, 2012A, 2011A, 2011J, 2010D, 2010J, 2009F, 2010G, 2014D, 2014G, 2014J, 2015A, 2015F, 2015G, 2016D, 2016G, 2015J, 2017A, 2017D, 2017F, 2017G, 2017J, 2016A, 2016F, 2018A, 2018D, 2018F, 2018G, 2018J, 2019A, 2019D, 2019F, 2019G, 2019J, 2020D, 2020A, 2020F, 2020G, 2020J, 2021A, 2021G, 2021J, 2021D, 2021F, 2022F, 2022G, 2022A, 2023J, 2023G, 2023F, 2023D, 2023A, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2025
Coin value 0,03$ - 22,38$

50 euro cent

50 euro cent from Germany
KM# 256
Composition Copper-aluminium-zinc-stannous (Nordic gold)
Years 2007A, 2007D, 2007F, 2007G, 2007J, 2008A, 2008D, 2008F, 2008G, 2008J, 2009A, 2009D, 2009F, 2009G, 2009J, 2010A, 2010D, 2010F, 2010G, 2010J, 2011A, 2011D, 2011F, 2011G, 2011J, 2012A, 2012D, 2012F, 2012G, 2012J, 2013A, 2013D, 2013F, 2013G, 2013J, 2014A, 2014D, 2014F, 2014G, 2014J, 2015A, 2015D, 2015F, 2015G, 2015J, 2016A, 2016D, 2016F, 2016G, 2016J, 2017A, 2017D, 2017F, 2017G, 2017J, 2018A, 2018D, 2018F, 2018G, 2018J, 2019A, 2019D, 2019F, 2019G, 2019J, 2022G, 2023D, 2023F, 2023J, 2023G, 2023A, 2022A, 2022D, 2022F, 2022J, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2020, 2020, 2020, 2020, 2020, 2025
Coin value 0,20$ - 1.000,00$

1 euro

1 euro from Germany
KM# 257
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2007A, 2007D, 2007F, 2007G, 2007J, 2008A, 2008D, 2008F, 2008G, 2008J, 2009A, 2010D, 2009F, 2009G, 2009J, 2010A, 2009D, 2010F, 2010G, 2010J, 2011A, 2011D, 2011F, 2011G, 2011J, 2012A, 2012D, 2012F, 2012G, 2012J, 2013A, 2013D, 2013F, 2013G, 2013J, 2014A, 2014D, 2014F, 2014G, 2014J, 2015A, 2015D, 2015F, 2015G, 2015J, 2016A, 2016D, 2016F, 2016G, 2016J, 2017A, 2017D, 2017F, 2017G, 2017J, 2018A, 2018D, 2018F, 2018G, 2018J, 2019A, 2019D, 2019F, 2019G, 2019J, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2023, 2023, 2023, 2023, 2023, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2021, 2020, 2020, 2020, 2020, 2020, 2025
Coin value 1,68$ - 15,18$

2 euro

2 euro from Germany
KM# 258
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2008A, 2008D, 2008F, 2008G, 2008J, 2010A, 2010J, 2011D, 2010D, 2010F, 2011J, 2010G, 2011A, 2011F, 2014J, 2014D, 2014G, 2014F, 2016J, 2011G, 2016F, 2017G, 2017A, 2017D, 2017F, 2020F, 2016A, 2016D, 2016G, 2014A, 2019A, 2019D, 2019F, 2019G, 2019J, 2021A, 2020A, 2021J, 2020D, 2021D, 2021F, 2021G, 2020J, 2020G, 2017J, 2023J, 2023G, 2023F, 2023D, 2023A, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2025
Coin value 0,92$ - 12,58$

2 euro (50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome)

2 euro (50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome) from Germany
KM# 259
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2007A, 2007D, 2007F, 2007G, 2007J
Coin value 1,92$ - 4,87$

2 euro (Federal State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)

2 euro (Federal State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) from Germany
KM# 260
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2007A, 2007D, 2007F, 2007G, 2007J
Coin value 1,82$ - 5,91$

2 euro (Federal State of Hamburg)

2 euro (Federal State of Hamburg) from Germany
KM# 261
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2008A, 2008D, 2008F, 2008J, 2008G
Coin value 1,82$ - 6,14$

10 euro (50th Anniversary of the State of Saarland)

10 euro (50th Anniversary of the State of Saarland) from Germany
KM# 263
Composition Silver
Years 2007G
Coin value

10 euro (50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome)

10 euro (50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome) from Germany
KM# 264
Composition Silver
Years 2007F
Coin value

10 euro (Wilhelm Busch)

10 euro (Wilhelm Busch) from Germany
KM# 265
Composition Silver
Years 2007D
Coin value

10 euro (Federal Bank)

10 euro (Federal Bank) from Germany
KM# 266
Composition Silver
Years 2007J
Coin value

100 euro (Lubeck - UNESCO World Heritage Site)

100 euro (Lubeck - UNESCO World Heritage Site) from Germany
KM# 267
Composition Gold
Years 2007, 2007, 2007, 2007, 2007
Coin value

10 euro (Elisabeth von Thüringen)

10 euro (Elisabeth von Thüringen) from Germany
KM# 268
Composition Silver
Years 2007A
Coin value

100 euro (Goslar - UNESCO World Heritage Site)

100 euro (Goslar - UNESCO World Heritage Site) from Germany
KM# 270
Composition Gold
Years 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008
Coin value

10 euro (Franz Kafka)

10 euro (Franz Kafka) from Germany
KM# 271
Composition Silver
Years 2008G
Coin value

10 euro (Max Planck)

10 euro (Max Planck) from Germany
KM# 272
Composition Silver
Years 2008F
Coin value

10 euro (Carl Spitzweg)

10 euro (Carl Spitzweg) from Germany
KM# 273
Composition Silver
Years 2008D
Coin value

10 euro (Gorch Fock)

10 euro (Gorch Fock) from Germany
KM# 274
Composition Silver
Years 2008J
Coin value

2 euro (Saarland)

2 euro (Saarland) from Germany
KM# 276
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2009A, 2009D, 2009F, 2009G, 2009J
Coin value 1,92$ - 3,53$

2 euro (10th Anniversary of Economic and Monetary Union / EMU / WWU)

2 euro (10th Anniversary of Economic and Monetary Union / EMU / WWU) from Germany
KM# 277
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2009A, 2009D, 2009F, 2009G, 2009J
Coin value 1,87$ - 4,85$

100 euro (Trier - UNESCO World Heritage Site)

100 euro (Trier - UNESCO World Heritage Site) from Germany
KM# 278
Composition Gold
Years 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009, 2009
Coin value

10 euro (IAAF Leichtathletik WM Berlin 2009)

10 euro (IAAF Leichtathletik WM Berlin 2009) from Germany
KM# 279
Composition Silver
Years 2009A, 2009D, 2009F, 2009G, 2009J
Coin value

10 euro (Kepler's Laws)

10 euro (Kepler's Laws) from Germany
KM# 280
Composition Silver
Years 2009F
Coin value

10 euro (Aerospace Exhibition)

10 euro (Aerospace Exhibition) from Germany
KM# 281
Composition Silver
Years 2009D
Coin value

10 euro (University of Liepzig)

10 euro (University of Liepzig) from Germany
KM# 282
Composition Silver
Years 2009A
Coin value

10 euro (100th Anniversary of Youth Hostels)

10 euro (100th Anniversary of Youth Hostels) from Germany
KM# 283
Composition Silver
Years 2009G
Coin value

10 euro (Marion Countess Dönhoff)

10 euro (Marion Countess Dönhoff) from Germany
KM# 284
Composition Silver
Years 2009J
Coin value

2 euro (Federal State of Bremen)

2 euro (Federal State of Bremen) from Germany
KM# 285
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2010A, 2010D, 2010F, 2010G, 2010J
Coin value 1,84$ - 4,40$

100 euro (Würzburg Residence - UNESCO World Heritage Site)

100 euro (Würzburg Residence - UNESCO World Heritage Site) from Germany
KM# 286
Composition Gold
Years 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010
Coin value

10 euro (Porcelain Manufacturing)

10 euro (Porcelain Manufacturing) from Germany
KM# 287
Composition Silver
Years 2010F
Coin value

10 euro (Robert Schumann)

10 euro (Robert Schumann) from Germany
KM# 288
Composition Silver
Years 2010J
Coin value

10 euro (Konrad Zuse)

10 euro (Konrad Zuse) from Germany
KM# 289
Composition Silver
Years 2010G
Coin value

10 euro (20th Anniversary of German Reunification)

10 euro (20th Anniversary of German Reunification) from Germany
KM# 290
Composition Silver
Years 2010A
Coin value

10 euro (175th Anniversary of the Train in Germany)

10 euro (175th Anniversary of the Train in Germany) from Germany
KM# 291
Composition Silver
Years 2010D
Coin value

2 euro (Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia)

2 euro (Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia) from Germany
KM# 293
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2011A, 2011D, 2011F, 2011G, 2011J
Coin value 1,95$ - 3,75$

10 euro (Nebra's Celestial Disk)

10 euro (Nebra's Celestial Disk) from Germany
KM# 294
Composition Silver
Years 2008A
Coin value

10 euro (Franz Liszt)

10 euro (Franz Liszt) from Germany
KM# 295
Composition Silver
Years 2011G
Coin value

10 euro (125th Anniversary of the Automobile)

10 euro (125th Anniversary of the Automobile) from Germany
KM# 296
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2011F
Coin value

10 euro (125th Anniversary of the Automobile)

10 euro (125th Anniversary of the Automobile) from Germany
KM# 296a
Composition Silver
Years 2011F
Coin value

10 euro (FIS Alpine World Ski Championships 2011)

10 euro (FIS Alpine World Ski Championships 2011) from Germany
KM# 298
Composition Silver
Years 2010A, 2010D, 2010F, 2010G, 2010J
Coin value

10 euro (Women's World Championship)

10 euro (Women's World Championship) from Germany
KM# 299
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2011A, 2011D, 2011F, 2011G, 2011J
Coin value

10 euro (Women's World Championship)

10 euro (Women's World Championship) from Germany
KM# 299a
Composition Silver
Years 2011A, 2011D, 2011F, 2011G, 2011J
Coin value

10 euro (500th Anniversary of the character Till Eulenspiegel)

10 euro (500th Anniversary of the character Till Eulenspiegel) from Germany
KM# 300
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2011D
Coin value

10 euro (500th Anniversary of the character Till Eulenspiegel)

10 euro (500th Anniversary of the character Till Eulenspiegel) from Germany
KM# 300a
Composition Silver
Years 2011D
Coin value

10 euro (150th Anniversary of the discovery of Archaeopteryx)

10 euro (150th Anniversary of the discovery of Archaeopteryx) from Germany
KM# 301
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2011A
Coin value

10 euro (150th Anniversary of the discovery of Archaeopteryx)

10 euro (150th Anniversary of the discovery of Archaeopteryx) from Germany
KM# 301a
Composition Silver
Years 2011A
Coin value

10 euro (100th Anniversary of the Elbe Tunnel)

10 euro (100th Anniversary of the Elbe Tunnel) from Germany
KM# 302
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2011J
Coin value

100 euro (Wartburg - UNESCO World Heritage Site)

100 euro (Wartburg - UNESCO World Heritage Site) from Germany
KM# 304
Composition Gold
Years 2011, 2011, 2011, 2011, 2011
Coin value

2 euro (Federal State of Bayern)

2 euro (Federal State of Bayern) from Germany
KM# 305
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2012A, 2012D, 2012F, 2012G, 2012J
Coin value 1,96$ - 3,66$

2 euro (10th Anniversary of the Circulation of the Euro)

2 euro (10th Anniversary of the Circulation of the Euro) from Germany
KM# 306
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2012F, 2012A, 2012D, 2012G, 2012J
Coin value 1,90$ - 3,68$

10 euro (Friedrich II)

10 euro (Friedrich II) from Germany
KM# 308
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2012A
Coin value

10 euro (Friedrich II)

10 euro (Friedrich II) from Germany
KM# 308a
Composition Silver
Years 2012A
Coin value

10 euro (Welthungerhilfe)

10 euro (Welthungerhilfe) from Germany
KM# 309
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2012G
Coin value

10 euro (Welthungerhilfe)

10 euro (Welthungerhilfe) from Germany
KM# 309a
Composition Silver
Years 2012G
Coin value

10 euro (Brothers Grimm)

10 euro (Brothers Grimm) from Germany
KM# 310
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2012F
Coin value

10 euro (Brothers Grimm)

10 euro (Brothers Grimm) from Germany
KM# 310a
Composition Silver
Years 2012F
Coin value

10 euro (Centennial of the National Library)

10 euro (Centennial of the National Library) from Germany
KM# 311
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2012D
Coin value

10 euro (Centennial of the National Library)

10 euro (Centennial of the National Library) from Germany
KM# 311a
Composition Silver
Years 2012D
Coin value

10 euro (Gerhart Hauptmann)

10 euro (Gerhart Hauptmann) from Germany
KM# 312
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2012J
Coin value

10 euro (Gerhart Hauptmann)

10 euro (Gerhart Hauptmann) from Germany
KM# 312a
Composition Silver
Years 2012J
Coin value

100 euro (Aachen Cathedral - UNESCO World Heritage Site)

100 euro (Aachen Cathedral - UNESCO World Heritage Site) from Germany
KM# 313
Composition Gold
Years 2012, 2012, 2012, 2012, 2012
Coin value

2 euro (Land Baden-Württemberg)

2 euro (Land Baden-Württemberg) from Germany
KM# 314
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2013J, 2013F, 2013G, 2013D, 2013A
Coin value 1,86$ - 3,61$

2 euro (50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Elysium)

2 euro (50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Elysium) from Germany
KM# 315
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2013J, 2013D, 2013G, 2013A, 2013F
Coin value 1,94$ - 4,77$

10 euro (200th Anniversary of the Birth of Richard Wagner)

10 euro (200th Anniversary of the Birth of Richard Wagner) from Germany
KM# 316
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2013D
Coin value 0,42$ - 5,65$

10 euro (200th Anniversary of the Birth of Richard Wagner)

10 euro (200th Anniversary of the Birth of Richard Wagner) from Germany
KM# 316a
Composition Silver
Years 2013D
Coin value

10 euro (200th Anniversary of the Birth of Georg Büchner)

10 euro (200th Anniversary of the Birth of Georg Büchner) from Germany
KM# 318
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2013F
Coin value

10 euro (Heinrich Hertz - 125 Years Electric Rays)

10 euro (Heinrich Hertz - 125 Years Electric Rays) from Germany
KM# 319
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2013G
Coin value

10 euro (Heinrich Hertz - 125 Years Electric Rays)

10 euro (Heinrich Hertz - 125 Years Electric Rays) from Germany
KM# 319a
Composition Silver
Years 2013G
Coin value

10 euro (150th Anniversary of the Red Cross)

10 euro (150th Anniversary of the Red Cross) from Germany
KM# 320
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2013A
Coin value

10 euro (150th Anniversary of the Red Cross)

10 euro (150th Anniversary of the Red Cross) from Germany
KM# 320a
Composition Silver
Years 2013A
Coin value

10 euro (Tales from the Brothers Grimm: Snow White)

10 euro (Tales from the Brothers Grimm: Snow White) from Germany
KM# 321
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2013J
Coin value

10 euro (Tales from the Brothers Grimm: Snow White)

10 euro (Tales from the Brothers Grimm: Snow White) from Germany
KM# 321a
Composition Silver
Years 2013J
Coin value

100 euro (Dessau-Wörlitz Gardens - UNESCO World Heritage Site)

100 euro (Dessau-Wörlitz Gardens - UNESCO World Heritage Site) from Germany
KM# 322
Composition Gold
Years 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013, 2013
Coin value

10 euro (Tales from the Brothers Grimm: Hansel and Gretel)

10 euro (Tales from the Brothers Grimm: Hansel and Gretel) from Germany
KM# 328
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2014G
Coin value

10 euro (Tales from the Brothers Grimm: Hansel and Gretel)

10 euro (Tales from the Brothers Grimm: Hansel and Gretel) from Germany
KM# 328a
Composition Silver
Years 2014G
Coin value

10 euro (250th Birthday Anniversary Johann Gottfried Schadow)

10 euro (250th Birthday Anniversary Johann Gottfried Schadow) from Germany
KM# 329
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2014A
Coin value

10 euro (250th Birthday Anniversary Johann Gottfried Schadow)

10 euro (250th Birthday Anniversary Johann Gottfried Schadow) from Germany
KM# 329a
Composition Silver
Years 2014A
Coin value

10 euro (600 Years Council of Constance)

10 euro (600 Years Council of Constance) from Germany
KM# 331
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2014F
Coin value

10 euro (600 Years Council of Constance)

10 euro (600 Years Council of Constance) from Germany
KM# 331a
Composition Silver
Years 2014F
Coin value

10 euro (300 Years of the Fahrenheit Scale)

10 euro (300 Years of the Fahrenheit Scale) from Germany
KM# 332
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2014J
Coin value

10 euro (300 Years of the Fahrenheit Scale)

10 euro (300 Years of the Fahrenheit Scale) from Germany
KM# 332a
Composition Silver
Years 2014J
Coin value

2 euro (Federal State of Niedersachsen)

2 euro (Federal State of Niedersachsen) from Germany
KM# 334
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2014A, 2014D, 2014F, 2014G, 2014J
Coin value 1,80$ - 3,83$

2 euro (Federal State of Hessen)

2 euro (Federal State of Hessen) from Germany
KM# 336
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2015D, 2015G, 2015A, 2015F, 2015J
Coin value 1,90$ - 3,72$

2 euro (25th Anniversary of German Reunification)

2 euro (25th Anniversary of German Reunification) from Germany
KM# 337
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2015D, 2015A, 2015G, 2015F, 2015J
Coin value 1,97$ - 3,84$

2 euro (30th Anniversary of the European Flag)

2 euro (30th Anniversary of the European Flag) from Germany
KM# 339
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2015G, 2015A, 2015F, 2015D, 2015J
Coin value 1,86$ - 3,63$

10 euro (Tales from the Brothers Grimm: Sleeping Beauty)

10 euro (Tales from the Brothers Grimm: Sleeping Beauty) from Germany
KM# 340
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2015D
Coin value

10 euro (Tales from the Brothers Grimm: Sleeping Beauty)

10 euro (Tales from the Brothers Grimm: Sleeping Beauty) from Germany
KM# 340a
Composition Silver
Years 2015D
Coin value

10 euro (150th Anniversary of the German Sea Rescue "DGzRS".)

10 euro (150th Anniversary of the German Sea Rescue
KM# 342
Composition Bronze-nickel
Years 2015J
Coin value

10 euro (150th Anniversary of the German Sea Rescue "DGzRS".)

10 euro (150th Anniversary of the German Sea Rescue
KM# 342a
Composition Silver
Years 2015J
Coin value

10 euro (500th Anniversary Birth of Lucas Cranach)

10 euro (500th Anniversary Birth of Lucas Cranach) from Germany
KM# 344
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2015G
Coin value

10 euro (500th Anniversary Birth of Lucas Cranach)

10 euro (500th Anniversary Birth of Lucas Cranach) from Germany
KM# 344a
Composition Silver
Years 2015G
Coin value

2 euro (Federal State of Saxony-Sachsen)

2 euro (Federal State of Saxony-Sachsen) from Germany
KM# 347
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2016D, 2016A, 2016F, 2016G, 2016J
Coin value 1,97$ - 3,77$

5 euro (Planet Earth)

5 euro (Planet Earth) from Germany
KM# 348
Years 2016A, 2016D, 2016F, 2016G, 2016J
Coin value

20 euro (Tales from the Brothers Grimm: Little Red Riding Hood)

20 euro (Tales from the Brothers Grimm: Little Red Riding Hood) from Germany
KM# 349
Composition Silver
Years 2016A
Coin value

20 euro (125th Anniversary Birth of Nelly Sachs)

20 euro (125th Anniversary Birth of Nelly Sachs) from Germany
KM# 350
Composition Silver
Years 2016F
Coin value

20 euro (200th anniversary of the birth of Ernst Litfaß)

20 euro (200th anniversary of the birth of Ernst Litfaß) from Germany
KM# 351
Composition Silver
Years 2016D
Coin value

2 euro (Federal State of Rheinland-Pfalz)

2 euro (Federal State of Rheinland-Pfalz) from Germany
KM# 356
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2017A, 2017F, 2017G, 2017J, 2017D
Coin value 1,55$ - 7,04$

5 euro (Tropical Zone)

5 euro (Tropical Zone) from Germany
KM# 357
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2017A, 2017D, 2017F, 2017G, 2017J
Coin value

20 euro (Tales from the Brothers Grimm: The Bremen Musicians)

20 euro (Tales from the Brothers Grimm: The Bremen Musicians) from Germany
KM# 358
Composition Silver
Years 2017J
Coin value

20 euro (500 Years of the Protestant Reformation)

20 euro (500 Years of the Protestant Reformation) from Germany
KM# 359
Composition Silver
Years 2017A
Coin value

20 euro (300th Anniversary Birthday Johann Joachim Winckelmann)

20 euro (300th Anniversary Birthday Johann Joachim Winckelmann) from Germany
KM# 363
Composition Silver
Years 2017F
Coin value

2 euro (100th Anniversary of the Birth of Helmut Schmidt)

2 euro (100th Anniversary of the Birth of Helmut Schmidt) from Germany
KM# 366
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2018A, 2018D, 2018F, 2018G, 2018J
Coin value 2,07$ - 2,96$

2 euro (Federal State of Berlin)

2 euro (Federal State of Berlin) from Germany
KM# 367
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2018A, 2018D, 2018F, 2018G, 2018J
Coin value 1,99$ - 2,90$

20 euro (275 Years Gewandhaus Orchestra)

20 euro (275 Years Gewandhaus Orchestra) from Germany
KM# 369
Composition Silver
Years 2018G
Coin value

2 euro (70th Anniversary of the Bundesrat)

2 euro (70th Anniversary of the Bundesrat) from Germany
KM# 377
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2019D, 2019F, 2019G, 2019J, 2019A
Coin value 1,89$ - 2,94$

20 euro (100th Anniversary of Bauhaus)

20 euro (100th Anniversary of Bauhaus) from Germany
KM# 379
Composition Silver
Years 2019J
Coin value

2 euro (50th Anniversary of the Warsaw Genuflection)

2 euro (50th Anniversary of the Warsaw Genuflection) from Germany
KM# 388
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2020A, 2020D, 2020F, 2020G, 2020J
Coin value 1,90$ - 3,77$

2 euro (Federal State of Brandenburg)

2 euro (Federal State of Brandenburg) from Germany
KM# 389
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2020A, 2020D, 2020F, 2020G, 2020J
Coin value 1,80$ - 4,70$

2 euro (Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt)

2 euro (Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt) from Germany
KM# 400
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2021A, 2021D, 2021F, 2021G, 2021J
Coin value 1,59$ - 3,28$

5 euro ( Polar Zone)

5 euro ( Polar Zone) from Germany
KM# 401
Composition Trimetalic
Years 2021G, 2021A
Coin value

2 euro (Federal State of Türingen-Eisenach)

2 euro (Federal State of Türingen-Eisenach) from Germany
KM# 411
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2022G, 2022J, 2022A, 2022D, 2022F
Coin value 1,86$ - 4,12$

2 euro (35th Anniversary of the Erasmus Program)

2 euro (35th Anniversary of the Erasmus Program) from Germany
KM# 412
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2022G, 2022A, 2022D, 2022F, 2022J
Coin value 1,83$ - 3,57$

5 euro (Insect Kingdom)

5 euro (Insect Kingdom) from Germany
KM# 413
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2022F
Coin value

2 euro (1275th Anniversary of the Birth of Charlemagne)

2 euro (1275th Anniversary of the Birth of Charlemagne) from Germany
KM# 423
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2023D, 2023A, 2023F, 2023G, 2023J
Coin value 1,81$ - 3,53$

2 euro (Elbe Philharmonic - Hamburg)

2 euro (Elbe Philharmonic - Hamburg) from Germany
KM# 424
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2023A, 2023D, 2023G, 2023F, 2023J
Coin value 1,92$ - 2,83$

2 euro (30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall)

2 euro (30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall) from Germany
KM# 429
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2019A, 2019D, 2019F, 2019G, 2019J
Coin value 1,93$ - 3,32$

2 euro (Bundesländer - "Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania".)

2 euro (Bundesländer -
KM# 439
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2024D, 2024A, 2024F, 2024G, 2024J
Coin value 1,91$ - 2,81$

2 euro (175th Anniversary of the Constitution of the Paulskirche)

2 euro (175th Anniversary of the Constitution of the Paulskirche) from Germany
KM# 440
Composition Bimetalica
Years 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024
Coin value 1,27$ - 4,99$

5 euro (Tree syrphid)

5 euro (Tree syrphid) from Germany
KM# 441
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2024
Coin value

5 euro (Green grasshopper)

5 euro (Green grasshopper) from Germany
KM# 442
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2024
Coin value

5 euro (European stag beetle)

5 euro (European stag beetle) from Germany
KM# 443
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2024
Coin value

5 euro (Red-tailed Bumblebee)

5 euro (Red-tailed Bumblebee) from Germany
KM# 444
Composition Copper-nickel
Years 2024
Coin value

10 euro (Police)

10 euro (Police) from Germany
KM# 445
Composition Trimetalic
Years 2024, 2024
Coin value

11 euro (UEFA European Championship 2024)

11 euro (UEFA European Championship 2024) from Germany
KM# 446
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

20 euro (300th Anniversary of Immanuel Kant's birth)

20 euro (300th Anniversary of Immanuel Kant's birth) from Germany
KM# 447
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

20 euro (75 years of the Constitution)

20 euro (75 years of the Constitution) from Germany
KM# 448
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

20 euro (125th anniversary of Erich Kästner's birth)

20 euro (125th anniversary of Erich Kästner's birth) from Germany
KM# 449
Composition Silver
Years 2024
Coin value

20 euro (Castor)

20 euro (Castor) from Germany
KM# 450
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

25 euro (Christmas: Epiphany)

25 euro (Christmas: Epiphany) from Germany
KM# 451
Composition Silver
Years 2025
Coin value

50 euro (Mobility)

50 euro (Mobility) from Germany
KM# 452
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

100 euro (Kleist The Broken Jar)

100 euro (Kleist The Broken Jar) from Germany
KM# 453
Composition Gold
Years 2024
Coin value

Investing in Germany coins can be a great opportunity for coin collectors and investors alike. The rich cultural and historical heritage of Germany is reflected in its coins, making them unique and valuable collectibles.

One reason why Germany coins are attractive to investors is their rarity. Many Germany coins were produced in limited quantities, making them difficult to find and increasing their value. Additionally, the historical events and political changes that have taken place in Germany over the years have had a significant impact on its coin production, further adding to their rarity and collectibility.

Finally, the price of Germany old coins is also influenced by their age and condition. Coins that are in excellent condition and date back to ancient times are often worth more than newer coins or those in poor condition.